WhatsOnLincs Easton Walled Gardens

WhatsOnLincs Easton Walled Gardens

WhatsOnLincs – Easton Walled Gardens

WhatsOnLincs Easton Walled Gardens. Read on to discover the delights of these lovely gardens and the Grantham canal.

WhatsOnLincs Easton Walled Gardens by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

Click on the link to discover the Easton Walled Gardens (EWG) ‘Whats On’ page and don’t forget to add the Sweet Pea Season which starts 21 Jun 23 Sunday into your calendar plus the Autumn Country Market. You’ll be pleasantly surprised I’m sure and you can even sign up to the EWG newsletter too.

Easton Walled Gardens (Grantham) Directions

Drive from Ancaster towards the A1. Before reaching the A1 you’ll see a brown sign directing you to Easton Walled Gardens.  It’s one of those hidden gems that you need to make the effort to see.

From the A1 take the turning onto the B6403 (High Dyke() towards RAF Cranwell and look out for the brown sign.  You could be forgiven for thinking it’s a small garden hidden away next to a busy road.  If that’s what you’ve been thinking, you really need to read on.

WhatsOnLincs Easton Walled Gardens directions by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

The gardens are open Wednesdays to Fridays and Sundays from 15 February until 22 December 2023.  Make plenty of time to wander as the grounds cover a full 12 acres of gardens.  You’ll be able to discover new plantings and the latest additions while exploring the 80m long borders.  I’m reliably informed that the plantings have been designed to peak in August for your delight.

WhatsOnLincs Easton Walled Gardens (South Kesteven) – Opening Times

The Courtyard Shop, The Coffee Room and The Gardens are open 5 days a week until 22nd December (Wednesdays to Sundays) plus Bank Holiday Mondays, 11am-4pm.

Easton Walled Gardens (Grantham) – 400 Years And Counting

It’s been 400 years in the making (and growing) and has the River Witham flowing through its grounds.  The cafe and courtyard are open for refreshments to keep you sustained during your adventures. The shop (both physical and online) is the place to be for your seeds and lovely gifts. There are even holiday cottages for those of you who want to stay for your next local break.  I’m sure there is quite a bit that I’ve missed off here so as a result I recommend a visit to the Easton Walled Gardens website to make your own discoveries. There is no need to book as the grounds are extensive. The gardens are posting on social media of course so for a quick update follow @EWGardens on Twitter.

Well worth a visit even if it’s raining. After all, a set of waterproofs or an umbrella along with some waterproof footwear will be all you need to experience the fresh garden smells that await you.

From Easton Walled Gardens To Grantham Canal

WhatsOnLincs Easton Walled Gardens to Grantham Canal by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

Woolsthorpe Lock is just West of Grantham and is a great area to visit to see the current engineering work that’s going on to restore the Grantham Canal.

From Easton Walled Gardens To Grantham Canal

For boat trips, walks and beautiful scenery visit the @GranthamCanal for your next Lincolnshire visit.  I thoroughly recommend you take your camera with you and be prepared to be amazed!  The lottery funded work is really impressive and, all things considered, the volunteers deserve all the praise they can get.  You’ll be able to see what they’ve been doing if you search for them on Facebook too.  For that reason I’ve included a link here: Grantham Canal Society  If you like what you see you can join the team as a volunteer and/or make financial donations to help the project along. Obviously you’ll find much more information about this project and more canal walks and adventures on the www.canalrivertrust.org.uk website.  Additionally you’ll find lots of free guides for days out, maps, walking and cycling routes plus much more.

In case you are wondering, you’ll also find some lovely pubs on route for food and drinks.

National Garden Scheme

While you’re in the Belvoir/Rutland area you might like to take a visit to some of the lovely gardens in the Rutland area.  There are lots of gardens available for us to view throughout the year so please do take a look at the websites to discover what and when gardens are open in your area: Redhill Lodge

Easton Walled Gardens - National Open Garden Scheme by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire Blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

Find them on Twitter

I was going to write about the National Garden Scheme to explain what it is and how it works but, to be honest, I can’t put it any better than the words on the official website. As a result I’ve copied an excerpt from the website for you:

“Thanks to the generosity of garden owners, volunteers and visitors we have donated a total of £55 million to nursing and health charities, and made a record annual donation of £3.1 million in 2018. Our beneficiaries include Macmillan Cancer Support, Marie Curie, Hospice UK and The Queen’s Nursing Institute.

By opening your garden, you’re not only giving people a great day out – you’re also raising money to help those in need. What’s more, you are joining a community of thousands of other like minded garden owners, all passionate about great gardens and raising money for great causes.”

WhatsOnLincs National Open Gardens Scheme in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln Easton Walled Garden

Why not organise a visit to a garden in Louth? The Secret Garden of Louth is taking bookings and visits cost £2.50. Click here for more details

WhatsOnLincs National Open Garden Scheme in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln Easton Walled Garden

Mere House, Sturton by Stow is another garden to visit. Admission is £6.00 (children free). Click here to go to the website where you can book your visit.

Previous Blogs

Here are a few links to earlier blogs which I hope you find interesting.  There’s lots going on at #LincsConnect and there is even more planned so please keep an eye to for new features and events.

Love Lincolnshire Culture


Mandarin Therapies & Mandarin Mothers provides bespoke mobile complementary therapies from the comfort of your own home or hotel. Areas covered include Lincolnshire and beyond. Follow @MandarinMothers on Twitter or click on the picture to go to the Mandarin Therapies Facebook page 

Christmas Is Coming…

Don’t forget that the #LincsConnectChristmas hashtag along with the #LincsArtCraftHour hashtag goes live on Monday 7 September.  ‘Now’ is the time to start your preparations so look out for the hashtags and shop early & safely for Christmas.



Bank Holiday Pharmacy services in Lincolnshire. Click here for details of pharmacies that will be open near you and follow @ULHT_News for your health updates. 


NE Lincs virtual mental health support – just a Zoom away… If you’re in need of mental health support in the evening get in touch with @NAVIGOCARE by click here to go straight to their website.

You may also like to take a look at the “Aviation Trail’ by Visit Lincoln

Aviation Trail by Visit Lincoln

Aviation Trail by Visit Lincoln

Stay Safe

Stay safe everyone.  Hand washing and social distancing is still the key to our continued success so keep up the good work.  Have a lovely Bank Holiday and don’t forget to put your rubbish in the bin or take your litter home with you.

Easton Walled Garden Keep Britain tidy by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger


Help Me Help You In Lincolnshire

Help Me Help You In Lincolnshire

Help Me Help You In Lincolnshire With #LincsConnect


Help me help you in Lincolnshire with #LincsConnect by interacting with the many local users.


Help me help you in Lincolnshire

LincsConnect has been busy on your behalf and things are set to get even busier. Click on the picture to see what’s been happening… Help me help you in Lincolnshire and beyond


It can’t have escaped your attention that I’ve been busy on your behalf. #LincsConnect help and support is a given of course with retweets on twitter and posts on Facebook, threads and Bluesky to help promote your business and events. Blogs too of course! I know you appreciate what I do and I appreciate the fact that you share what I’m doing too. I still need you to help me, help you in Lincolnshire though.

#LincsConnect – is here to support all things Lincolnshire and surrounding areas but it only works when we work as a team. With around 13,000 Twitter followers (steadily growing) I know that your help is working for me too.  However, at the risk of sounding cheeky, I still need more help please.

Working together as a team is even more important than it ever has been.  You’re still posting your work using LincsConnect and I’m very grateful.  LincsConnect is trying hard to share your work around Lincolnshire, Newark, Retford and Hull but I really need to ask more people to search the hashtag #LincsConnect (on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) to help share the messages and support each other.

Just imagine, if all 13,000 local followers each searched the #LincsConnect hashtag and shared just one message….!

How Can LincsConnect Help You More?

What else can LincsConnect do for you?  Please let me know as I have plans for the account and need to know that it isn’t missing something important.


If you read my last blog you will recall that we had a dedicated weekly hour set aside on Monday lunchtimes to help promote artists, crafters, jewellery designers and sculptors.  Please take a look at the link below to refresh your memory:


Help me help you in Lincolnshire

Keep your eyes open for the #LincsArtCraftHour.  Click on the picture to go to the blog

I had a question for the Artists who join us and those of you who will be looking to see what masterpieces and bargains are on offer:  Which hashtag would you prefer?  Are you happy with #LincsArtCraftHour or do you think it would be better as #LincsArtCraft hour?  The latter is shorter and more general as it can be used at any time while the original idea is very specific to the Monday lunchtime hour.  Jointly you chose #LincsArtCraftHour so that is what we used.

Use It Or Lose It


We all know the saying ‘use it or lose it’ I’m sure.  alas, despite the initial enthusiasm, The LincsArtCraftHour was disbanded through lack of attendance and use.

Guest Blogs

Do you have something to say that you would like to have included in the regular #LincsConnect blogs?  Please do get in touch if you would like to have your work included as it’s always nice to see you here.

Help me, help you in Lincolnshire

Help me, help you in Lincolnshire and beyond. If you would like to collaborate with your blog here please email me at martin@lincsconnect.co.uk 


Help Me, Help You In Lincolnshire With Featured Twitter Hours…

Do you have any featured hours that you would like to see on twitter? How about #LincsAuthors, #LincsMarkets, #LincsConnectJobs #LincsIT, #LincsHousing, #LincsGardening#LincsCharities #LincsFoodDrink …..?  Who do you think should have their own featured hour?  The hashtag is here to help you so whether you’re a trader, a charity or a potential customer, I wan’t to make sure that #LincsConnect has something for you.  Please do email your suggestions to me at martin@lincsconnect.co.uk  Perhaps you would like to host your own #LincsConnect hour?  I’m always open to suggestions so please do get in touch. After all, help in Lincolnshire with #LincsConnect is a two way process.

Here To Help

If there is something you need would you like to do a skills swap?  Would anyone be interested in a #LincsSwaps hour?  An our each week where you can offer your skills to swap for something of equal value?  Some of us may be finding finances a little tight at the moment but are willing to trade to get what we need.

Here’s an example:  A local restaurant may be in need of leaflets for a local leaflet drop and be willing to swap a meal to the value of £xxx in return for 200 hundred leaflet.  That’s just an example of course.  The exact figures would have to be agreed privately by the restaurant and the designer/printer but you get the idea I’m sure.  Again, if this interests enough people I’ll happily organise it.  You’ll need to get in touch though so that I know whether to go ahead with the idea or not. Help in Lincolnshire with #LincsConnect only happens when we work together.

Advertising/Local Discounts

Advertising space is always available on the blog so if you would like a spot here please let me know.  I could also arrange a feature with your advert to help highlight your business/organisation.  Again, just get in touch to make arrangements.  You can email me at martin@lincsconnect.co.uk

Help me, help you in Lincolnshire

Perhaps you have a special offer or would like to offer readers a discount?  You could have a voucher on here to share across the County.


Help me, help you in Lincolnshire

20% discount on Mandarin Leisure services for all NHS, 999 and military members across the County.

Featured Song Of The Week By A Local Artist

Each week I include a local artist, band or choir on twitter to highlight their work and show off the great talents that we have in our county.  If you have a favourite band with music on YouTube that you think should be featured please let me know.

All last week I featured Alex Cavan from Grantham with his song ‘Waterfall’.  If you would like to hear him just click on the picture below to go straight to his YouTube upload.

To hear Alex singing ‘Waterfall’ just click on the picture and if you would like to follow him on Twitter you’ll find him at @AlexCavanMusic

It’s For You…

The blog is here for you to support everything from the North to South, East and West of the County and bordering towns and villages too.  It’s for you and the rest of our community so please, please, please do share this blog and lets see if we can get more people reading it and interacting.

Stay Safe 

Stay safe everyone and keep looking out for your neighbours.

Sponsored by Mandarin Therapies and Mandarin Mothers. Bespoke complementary Therapies throughout Lincolnshire



Food And Drink – Collect And Deliver In Lincolnshire

Food And Drink – Collect And Deliver In Lincolnshire

Food And Drink – Collect And Deliver In Lincolnshire – When The Sun Goes Down…

Food and drink – collect and deliver in Lincolnshire.  Are you a lunchtime or evening meal sort of person?  Whether you prefer to call it dinner or tea it makes no difference but I’m guessing the majority of people reading this will have their main meal in the evening.  Perhaps the ‘lockdown’ has helped to change your eating habits?  I do know that initially (way back in March) we were all suddenly thinking about food and toilet rolls.  However, the initial rush and panic seems to be over now and our shopping habits are starting to return to something close to normal.  Have you been missing your normal foods though?  Many of them have been in short supply and we have been discouraged from nipping out to our favourite restaurants to eat with friends.  However, some Lincolnshire companies have come up with some ingenious ways of surviving the lockdown so I thought I would share with you some of the establishments that I know of who are still trading and supplying take-away food and drink for us all to enjoy.

We don’t have to wait for the sun to go down to enjoy our dinner (or is it tea)? but it does pay to plan ahead.  If you’re looking for something for lunch, dinner or an evening feast let’s see if we can share some ideas.  I’ll list some of the Lincolnshire establishments that I know of but it certainly won’t be exhaustive so if you know someone that I’ve missed out please let me know in the comments below:


Caythorpe Water Mill are providing takeaway pizzas and burgers so if you’re in the area why not pre-book yours today? Just click on the picture to place your order or telephone 01507 451366   

Lincolnshire Poacher Cheese provide delivery throughout the UK as well as pre-arranged sales direct from the farm. Click on the logo to go straight to their website www.lincolnshirepoachercheese.com or follow them on twitter @Poachercheese

Mail order Poacher Cheese delivered straight to your door. Click on the picture to go to the Lincolnshire Poacher Cheese Twitter page



Apley Lamb (Near Wragby) offers a free local delivery of freshly boxed lamb cut to order. Click on the logo to go straight to their facebook page or follow on Twitter @ApleyLamb


Post Covid-19 – Are We Ready?

Without doubt things have changed.  The way we have lived our lives, the way we have thought, the way we have communicated, the way we have shopped….. A huge proportion of what we’ve done over the last few months has changed compared to what we were doing in February.  I never would have thought that I would have managed without my car but since the Covid-19 outbreak my car has been on the drive and hasn’t moved other than to roll it forwards or backwards a few inches to prevent flat spots on the tyres.  There will be a time in the not too distant future when I’ll be using it again of course.  Being a mobile masseur and Personal Trainer I’ll need to be thinking of ways to see my clients again while keeping them (and myself) safe.  We do of course, have the threat of re-infection looming over us so now is the time to make adjustments to help prevent that from happening.

Social media has been a lifeline for many of us as it’s allowed us to maintain contact with friends and followers throughout the lockdown.  I’ve used it to collate lots of information and keep in touch with all sorts of people.  It’s reminded me just how resilient we are and how well we can adapt.  However, we are entering a new era at the moment where some of our old rules and precautions need to be revised.  Shops are starting to open again which really is positive news but I wonder how many shop owners and local businesses have really thought through the precautions required for safely re-opening or increasing the staff levels in the immediate aftermath of Covid-19?  Social (or should that be ‘physical’) distancing is at the top of our agenda at the moment of course.  Those of us who have used the supermarkets recently have become used to it very quickly and the small businesses (butchers, bakers, local food stores) have become adept at restricting the numbers of people allowed in the shop at once.

Recent conversations on social media with Alex of The Specialist Safety Group have made me realise that many of us may not be as ready as we thought we were for the ‘grand re-opening’ of our businesses.  Yes, we all know about distancing and restricted entry to our businesses but have we considered other Health & Safety at Work issues too?  We don’t want, or anticipate having a fire at work but we have to plan for it.  How would fire evacuation change with the new distancing precautions?  Perhaps we have a dedicated first responder at work should someone be taken ill.  Have rules change with the distancing precautions?  Perhaps insurance companies may require us to have new documentation/risk assessments post lockdown?  What about cleaning?  Will our ‘normal’ cleaning practices need to change?  I know my cleaning practices will have to change.  My massage couch and exercise equipment will need to be cleaned with different solutions from now on.

If you have any concerns about starting up again and returning to ‘business as normal’ you might like to chat to Alex at the Specialist Safety Group Ltd.  He has a dedicated ‘Return To Work Safely’ package that normally costs around £339.00 but by quoting this LincsConnect blog you’ll be able to receive a 10% discount.  I’m sure this offer won’t last forever though so contact Alex on 07870 760 145 to confirm your discount.  You can also email him at specialistsafetyoffice@gmail.com or click on the logo above to go straight to the website



Stourton Estates is delivering Venison around the County and orders over £25.00 can enjoy FREE delivery within 20 miles of LN9 5PB



Mountain Abbey Parks Farm Shop selling fresh and cooked meats, chutneys, plumb bread….. You’ll need to click on the picture to follow the link to their Facebook page for a full list!

Follow @MountainsFarm1 on twitter for more info



Fully online and sold locally around the County you can easily get your hands on some of these award winning botanical chocolates. simply click on the logo to go straight to Fionas’ website to learn more or click this link Sciolti Chocks to follow on Facebook



Sandhams Wine Merchant in Caistor offer both in store (social distance rules apply) and mail order options with a huge range of wines and easy to navigate price list. Click on this link to go to their Facebook page or click on their logo to go straight to the website




Docks Beers is more than just ‘beer’ but you’ll need to visit their shop to discover their full range – and it’s all delivered too! If you fancy a gin, they’ve got that covered too. click on the logo to go straight to their website/shop.

For more information about Docks Beers click on the photo to go to their facebook page or follow them on twitter @DocksBeers


Message In A Bottle deliver a huge range of drinks across Cleethorpes & Grimsby. From local to international beers, gins, rums…. You need to check their website for a full list. You can find them on Facebook by clicking on their logo or or on Twitter @miabcleethorpes

This picture says it all so just click on it to go straight to the order page. Enjoy


Let’s Get Back to Doing What We Do Best

I don’t know about you but I’m really ‘chomping at the bit’ to get cracking again.  I love helping people and making them feel better whether that’s through exercise, massage, injury rehabilitation or injury prevention.  Many people will have been suffering with stress related problems since the lockdown and my diary is already starting to fill with new clients who are suffering with neck, shoulder, back and sleep issues as a result of the lockdown.  If you are in need of help please feel free to contact me at martin@mandarinleisure.com or pay a visit to my website www.mandarintherapies.com or www.mandarinfitness.com where you’ll get a better idea of what I have to offer.  I’m also on facebook of course Mandarin Therapies & Mandarin Fitness so feel free to follow me there too.


When I say I have a website; if you visit it you’ll quickly notice that it’s a very old site.  I do have a new one but I would much rather be doing my fitness and therapies than ‘wasting time’ on the website stuff!  Am I alone?  Does anyone else put off doing admin ‘stuff’ in favour of getting on with the real work?

As a sole trader I really value my time with clients and would much rather be doing what I do best than shuffling paper and files!  Needless to say, much of my admin work gets put off to the last minute before getting actioned.  I know I shouldn’t but…!

Perhaps I should consider the services of a Virtual Assistant (VA)?  I’ve been chatting to Nikki from www.Time4U-VA.co.uk who certainly seems to have the admin sorted!  My muddled, dyslexic brain is reflected on my muddled and (seemingly) disorganised desk.  Unlike Nikki who is adept at multi tasking with a clear desk.  Is there such a thing as desk envy?

Perhaps it’s time to re-think my working practices?  I know that I’m going to have to work very long hours (and probably 7 days a week) to catch up with the backlog of work over the months between now and Christmas.  I’m guessing that my experience will be mirrored across many industries and not least by the food & drink industries.  Let’s face it, Lincolnshire has some fine artisan food and drink producers as well as some fantastic restaurants and bars.  Preparing and serving or delivering these fantastic products is a passion for most but I wonder how many really have the time for updating menus and completing the admin?  Don’t get me started on book keeping! Thankfully I don’t have payroll issues being a sole trader but I can imagine they will be a necessary evil for many businesses. Perhaps ‘now’ is the time to consider how we are going to tackle the admin while staying on top of our game with our work.  Perhaps Nikki can help you?

Click on the logo to go straight to the website



Fully Online – You can order your No 12 Chocolatier handmade chocolates online now and receive them in the post. That’s an offer you can hardly refuse! Follow @No12Chocolatier on Twitter and just click on the picture to go straight to the online shop.


Uncle Henrys Farm Shop is providing a home delivery service within a range of 10 miles but don’t let the Gainsborough address fool you as it’s situated on the A15 and the delivery range is quite extensive. Click on the picture to follow them on Facebook or follow them on twitter from here: @unclehenryslinc



Brakes Food Hub in Grantham provides the full call & collection service for all of your food shopping from fresh to frozen to cake to…. you’ll need to click on the picture to go to their website to see more. Offering a call and collect service 7 days a week. Tel 0344 800 4900 (option 4) place your order. Follow @John_Nicky on twitter too for more updates.


Gelston Lamb deliver in the Grantham/Sleaford areas. Click on the picture to go to their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter for more updates @GelstonLamb


Teaspoon Tea Company have a free local delivery service and a full mail order selection including tea, coffee, gift packs, gift vouchers, birthday cards, chocolate by @No12Chocolatier honey by @ArtisanHoneyCo and quite a bit more. Click on the picture to go to their website. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised



Anderson’s Family Butchers are providing a ‘text and collect’ system in Heighington. Simply text our order then collect when it’s ready. 07983003435 or 07880745083 – click on the picture to follow on Facebook



The Inn On The Green, Ingham (on the outskirts of Lincoln) are providing a local takeaway service of food and drinks. Click on the photo to go straight to the order form and you can follow them on Facebook The Inn On The Green Ingham  



The Bowl Full Tapas restaurant will be providing pre-paid take away meals from 15 May. Click on the picture to go to their Facebook page or follow them on twitter @BowlFullTapas


Browns Pie Shop – Orders are cooked and delivered cold for re-heating at home. Orders can be delivered or collected. Click on this picture for more info or call 07809 477126 to pace an order


Cafe Portico are now providing take away pizza for your delight. Orders taken from your car (or on foot if you’re walking there), cooked to order and delivered fresh to you when it’s ready. All made possible with mobile contactless payments. Click on the logo to visit their Facebook page or go to their website for the latest menu www.cafeportico.co.uk You can also follow them on twitter @CaffePortico


Grow Your Own

Isn’t it fantastic that we have all of these lovely local Lincolnshire restaurants, cafes and takeaways who’re working hard to serve us during the lockdown and beyond.  They really have been up against it and are a testament to the resilience that has been so evident during the lockdown.  Being in Lincolnshire we’re lucky to have such wide open spaces with lots of farmers producing some superb crops for us and for the local restaurants.  Wouldn’t it be nice though if we could produce some of the fruit and vegetables for ourselves?  Not all of us are able to enjoy a large garden so perhaps a vegetable patch isn’t a high priority when we need to consider making our space into a multi purpose area for children to play and for us to relax.  However,  having chatted to Simon (you may remember him from previous blogs) I think he’s found the perfect solution.  If you have space for a straw bale in your garden or yard it appears that you have space for a vegetable patch!

Having looked around Simon’s website I’m at a loss as to what to include here.  Not only does he run StrawbaleVeg growing courses from your own home (corporate events too) but he sells own brand seeds at realistic prices.  I was very impressed to learn that while some others had increased prices significantly during the lockdown Simon kept his prices static.  Well done Sir, I’m very impressed.  It’s little things like this that catch my attention and impress me the most. I digress – who would have thought that you could grow your vegetables in a concrete yard or in such a small space?  Obviously Simon did and I think it’s a fantastic idea.  I was going to include pictures of the vegetable seeds that he supplies but there are far to many to list here.  If you click on the picture above you’ll be taken straight to the www.strawbaleveg.co.uk website where you’ll be able to make your won selection and have them delivered.

Click on this picture to purchase The Strawbale Gardeners Handbook Vol 1

Would you believe that Simon has also produced an eBook which can be downloaded by clicking on the picture above ‘and’ a DVD that can be purchased from the website www.strawbaleveg.co.uk – you have been busy Simon!

Curry Jacks provides a mobile service around the Lincoln area on a Pre-Order basis. Take a look at their Facebook page for regular updates by clicking on the logo or follow on Twitter @CurryJackscaf 


Damons, Doddington Road, Lincoln will be offering a drive through service from Thursday 21 May 20. Call ahead with your order (01522) 887722 or click on the menu to visit their website


Doddington Hall Farm Shop are still open for your shopping but please obey the social distancing rules. Follow them on Twitter @DoddingtonHall or click on the logo to find them on facebook.


FAB Craft Beer from Fiskerton are busy delivering boxed beer as well as bottled beers around the Lincoln area so why not click on the picture to follow them on Facebook or perhaps follow them on Twitter too @FABcraftbeer


The Garden Tea Room in North Hykeham is providing a Lincoln and surrounding area home delivery service for a modest £2.00 and they also have cakes, cheesecakes and lots more goodies to choose from. Click on this picture to follow them on Facebook and take a look at their menu below:


Burton Waters is the home to The Greek House who are now providing takeaway meals. Have a look at their menu and pre-order on 01522 542758. Click on the menu to follow them on Facebook


Imperial Teas of Lincoln are providing FREE DELIVERY on their mail order teas and coffees right now. That’s a great offer that can’t last forever so be sure to get your order in quickly. You can follow Imperial Teas Lincoln on facebook or on Twitter @Imperial_Teas Click on the logo to go straight to website to make your order – If you like your coffee strong I can personally recommend the Voodoo Comet.


Lincolnshire Brewing Company – delivering a selection of beers to suite every taste or collect directly from Langworth. Click on the picture to find them on facebook or follow them on Twitter @LincsBrewCo


MaCH Indian Restaurant (Wragby Road) are now offering a takeaway service. Click on the logo to find them on Facebook or go straight to their website to place your order www.machrestaurant.co.uk


Ole Ole Tapas Bar offer a delivery and (social distancing) collection service for their meals. Click on the logo to go to their Facebook page and click on the link here to go straight to their menu/order form www.oleolelincoln.co.uk or call them on  01522 534222


Lincoln & Gainsborough – Redhill Farm Shop offer a delivery and contactless collection service with safe in-store shopping too. Click on the picture to go straight to their website or follow them on Twitter @RedhillFarmPork


Sammys Chinese takeaway is set to open again on 20 May with social distancing rules in place (of course). Click on the picture to go to the ‘Lincoln food To Go’ Facebook group page. You can find Sammy’s Kitchen at Unit 11 Lambeth House, Woodhall Drive and you can call to make your order on 01522 567333

Cafe Shanti Vegan restaurant are now doing take away hot and frozen food (including breakfasts and curries) so why not order yours today? you can call them on 07735161481 or find them on twitter @Cafe_Shanti and Facebook by clicking on the picture


Veg Out Lincoln provides a delivery service in the Lincoln area including a vegan inspired recipe box and plant powered food plan. Gemma will have her new online booking site and new website ready very soon but in the mean time you can contact her through twitter @vegoutincoln or click on the picture for a link to her book



Beaumon’t Deli on Bridge Street in Louth are open to take your orders. You can follow them on Facebook Beaumont’s Deli or call 01507 355927


Market Deeping

Takeaway Weekends. Call 01778346952 to order or click on this picture to go to the website



Market Rasen

Cote Hill Cheese delivers cheese and milk locally. Click on the picture to go to their Facebook page



Minting (near Wragby) Farm Shop has a collection service with your safety in mind. Give them a call today to place your order. Click on the logo to go straight to their website



Lymn Bank Farm handmade cheese. FREE delivery on orders over £20.00. You can follow them on Twitter @lymnbankfarm or click on this logo to go straight to their Facebook page

FREE DELIVERY. Go too www.postacheese.com for details and your order form or click on this picture to take you straight there.



A Little Luxury Distillery is still taking orders for Gin & Rum which will be delivered direct to your home. Click on the picture to go to the shop or follow on Facebook A Little Luxury and Twitter @ALittleLuxuryLt



A real pub providing real beer. Buy a bottle and bring it back to get a refill – what an excellent idea. Click on the picture to find them on Facebook for an up-to-date- list of times and ales



Takeaway Afternoon Tea from @TheElm_Tree just outside Spilsby. Click on the picture to find them on Facebook and don’t forget, you can buy gift vouchers too!


Woodhall Spa

Woodhall Spa Bakery & Delicatessen provides fresh bread, cakes meats and much more. A gem in the Woodhall Spa crown offering Safe Distancing shopping. Click the picture to go to their Facebook page


The India Village restaurant and takeaway are providing takeaway meals during the lockdown. If you would like to order your meal click on the logo to go to the website or follow them on Facebook India Village. Alternatively you can give them a call on 01526 354657 or 01526 352223


The Tea House In The Woods is providing a range of foods from Afternoon Tea to Roast Meals and they’re all Take Away too with strict social distancing rules. click on the picture to go to their website or give them a ring on 01526 354455. You can also find them on Facebook at Tea House In The Woods


All this talk of food has made me quite hungry!  This list is going to be added to but I’m going to get myself something to eat now.  Bon appetite everyone and please don’t forget to let me know if there are any takeaway/safe shopping food outlets that need to be on here as I can add them later.


Stay Safe


Mandarin Therapies provides a bespoke mobile complementary therapies service from the comfort of your own home. Gift vouchers are available now then book your massage for later in the year. Mandarin Therapies “Feel the difference”

Coronavirus Support

Coronavirus Support

Support And Help From Around The County

The aim of this blog is to highlight some of the fantastic support that is being offered by local businesses, charities and individuals.  To access more information including contact information please click/tap on the logo/pictures below:

Lincoln Area

Washingborough Academy are providing hot meals for the elderly in isolation in the Washingborough area during the coronavirus pandemic. Please let your elderly neighbours know about this project. Click on the picture for contact details.


Bracebridge Heath, Lincoln. Your community needs volunteers NOW. Can you help your local community? Contact Andy by clicking on the picture to find the contact form


Lincoln. Browns Pie Shop are delivering to your home or work 7 days a week from 12.00pm-8.30pm within 10 miles of the shop

Lincoln. The Salted Orange are offering a ‘not for profit’ meal delivery service for the over 65s. £20.00 weekly for three meals a day delivered to your door twice weekly


Lincoln Veg Out Lincoln provide a delivery service for their frozen vegan meals. Click the picture to go to their website or follow them on twitter @vegoutlincoln


Lincolnshire Grow Your Own Veg – skip the supermarket queue by growing your own veg from seed. Not sure how? Click on the picture to go to the website for more info or follow @strawbaleukman on Twitter. There is even a book to download too. No Soil Needed….


ONLINE. Dance classes for all age groups online. Why not join your children and have some fun? It’ll keep you fit too!


Lincoln, Norton Hub are providing a volunteer led local help scheme to those in isolation


Lincoln Small Beer is open to the public for beer, cider, wine, soft drinks, spirits, cask ale & kegs. Call them on 01522 540431 or click the picture to visit the website.


Lincoln The Golden Eagle is providing home deliveries too


Lincoln. School closure interim provision. To book call 01522 283027


Lincoln – BetterWeb Space is offering FREE basic websites during the Coronavirus pandemic.


Lincoln & Lincolnshire – Octagon Technology has produced a blog for remote workers. A useful blog about VoIP and how you can use it while working from home. Click on the picture to visit the blog post



Lincolnshire. “Self-isolation can be difficult for even the most resilient of us. If you’re experiencing loneliness or feeling low, call the emotional support helpline 0800 001 4331. Open 24/7 for confidential support”


Lincolnshire & Beyond. Call Connect Bus are still working to help our community stay mobile and now providing FREE transport too. Call 03452343344 for info


Lincolnshire. Lincs Libraries may have the answer to self-isolation boredom with their ‘download and listen’ service. It’s FREE with your library card


Lincolnshire Co-Op have announced at 12.00pm 22 Mar that they have reviewed their opening times and are advertising jobs for Customer Service Assistants and Delivery Drivers. The new store opening times will be 7.00am – 8.00pm with restrictions of two units on all products. Click the logo to go to their web page.


East Lindsey Lincs Digital partnered with TED East Lindsey are here to help with digital connections. If you know someone who needs help connecting with Skype or FaceTime visit their website for more info. Simply click the image to go to the website.


Lincolnshire This is a useful blog by @CCDigitalUK which explains how to market your Hand Made Products for sale on Etsy. An ideal opportunity to use some time at home to brush up on some marketing skills. Click on the picture to go to the blog post



Lincolnshire Live are promoting Lincolnshire businesses for free on 2 April 20. Click on the picture to follow the link


Gelston FREE delivery on packs of lamb meat. For more info click on the picture to follow @GelstonLamb on twitter

Gelston Lamb – Free delivery (for orders over £35.00) within 10 miles or 15 miles for orders over £70.00. Fresh lamb delivered to the Grantham, Sleaford, Ruskington, Heckington and surrounding villages. Order yours no by calling 01400 251501



Charity/Community Help


Lincoln – Bracebridge Heath, Can YOU volunteer to help your local community in Bracebridge Heath? Please contact Andy ASAP by clicking the picture to go to the website. THE COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU


West Lindsey Business Rate Application Form. West Lindsey still have money available and believe there are still businesses that have not claimed


South Holland, Spalding. South Holland are providing additional support for those in the area who are struggling financially as a result of the Coronavirus. Click on the picture to find the Linc. Also contactable on Twitter @SHollandDC


Lincolnshire Rural Support Network (LRSN) @lincsruralhelp provides help and support to Lincolnshire farmers and their families. Cal 0800 138 1710 or click on the picture to open the link


Lincoln Washingborough Academy are providing hot meals for the elderly in isolation in the Washingborough area during the coronavirus pandemic. Please let your elderly neighbours know about this project. Click on the picture for contact details.


Louth. Are you struggling to feed yourself or your family? Two hearty meals delivered to your door each day could help you. Call 01507 602930


Spalding Covid Kindness Team. Contact the team for help with delivery of food, essentials & medications


North East Lincolnshire Single Point of Access (open 24/7) for your health, wellbeing, social care and mental health needs. Call 01472 256256 or click on the image to visit the website.



Lincoln. If you’re looking for volunteers please contact VCS Lincoln who will help promote your opportunities. Click on the picture to visit their website


Lincoln Community Larder (food bank) are in constant need of food and supplies. Can you donate something please? Click on the picture to visit their website and locate a drop off point near you


Lincolnshire Age UK East are continuing to provide telephone advice and support to older people in the East and West Lindsey areas as well as in North Lincolnshire. Click on the picture to visit the website


Lincoln/south Lincolnshire Can YOU help please? Age UK need extra volunteers NOW. You can find them on Twitter @ageuklsl or alternatively click on this picture to go to their website


Lincolnshire Community Health Services NEED YOUR HELP. @LincsNHS are offering paid work and flexible hours in return for your help NOW. email grace.gourley@nhs.net or call 07824 550 846


Boston, Grantham & Lincoln are looking for temporary staff to support catering and domestic work. Go to Twitter @ULHT_News or click on this picture to go to the website for more info


Lincolnshire County Council have regular video updates so please click this link for service updates and click on the picture for the regular live updates.


Lincoln If you need help with food, food deliveries or can lend a hand visit Lincoln Food Partnership


Rutland To find out what help is available in the Rutland and South Lincolnshire area visit the Rutland council website by clicking on the picture

Uffington For assistance in Uffington and the local area please contact Rev’d Fr Aran P Beesley by phone 07590 055905 or email aran.beesley@gmail.com

UK. If you haven’t visited this .Gov website yet, DO IT NOW. Click on the picture to go to the website

UK. If you haven’t visited this .NHS website yet, DO IT NOW. You can go to the website by clicking on the picture

Lincolnshire. Can you volunteer? Click on the picture to go to the website


Lincolnshire Police request that you click on this picture to take you to the link for help and advice both nationally and locally for Coronavirus issues

Lincolnshire Police request that you do NOT contact them for Coronavirus related advice. There are other, more well equipped agencies available with information for you. Only call 101 for police related matters. Click on the picture to go to the website for info


East Lindsey Fortnightly activity packs for the over 50s. If you know anyone over 50 in the area who is isolated or alone please let them know about the services on offer. Click on the picture to reach the link

#NHS From 1 Aril @NHSLincsWest @NHSLincsEast @NHS_SouthLincs @SWLincs_NHS will all come under the umbrella account of @NHSLincsCCG

Lincolnshire FionaDuncan @OrigArtPrints is offering 20 (first come, first served) FREE cards for those of you who would like to send a message to friends/family/colleagues in the NHS. Just quote #Free2NHS to take advantage of these printed cards. All you will be asked to pay is the postage.  You can also find Fiona on facebook

Click on the picture to find the link to Fiona on Facebook


Ease Lindsey DC now have £62m to support small business grants. Click on the picture to open the link


NHS Coronavirus checker. Please complete this short survey for the NHS by clicking on this picture.



Lincolnshire Food industry Jobs. Many jobs are available within the food industry sector NOW. Click on the picture to follow the link or follow @GreaterLincsLEP on twitter


Martin Lewis Money Matters

Martin Lewis the Money Saving Expert explains what’s available


Martin Lewis – Update for the Self Employed 24/3/20


Martin Lewis update for the Self Employed 27 Mar 20



Aby (Near Alford) Saturday evening wood fired oven pizza to take away (5.00pm-7.30pm). Call 01507 451366 before 4.00pm. ZERO CONTACT collection system of course.  Days/times may change according to government regulations



Boston Market will continue as planned but will sell food only. Please respect Social Distancing when you visit and give a friendly smile to the stall holders


Cleethorpes & Grimsby


Cleethorpes. Toven’s Cafe offering food deliveries. Call 01472 488590 or click on the picture to visit the website.


Cleethorpes. Spill The Beans are offering a FREE delivery service to Cleethorpes & Grimsby areas. Call 01472 601392 or click the picture to go to their website


Cleethorpes. Veronica’s Larder is offering a takeaway service. Call 01472 823875 or click on the picture to visit the website


Grimsby Age UK North East Lincs are offering a meal delivery service. Call 01472 344976 or click on the picture to go to the website



Gainsborough The Gainsborough market will continue until further notice supplying food items. Please obey the social distancing rules.




Grantham. The Lunchbox delivers food around Grantham to keep your hunger at bay. Give them a call today


Grantham Gelston Lamb provide mail order fresh lamb direct from the farm. To place your order visit them on Twitter @GelstonLamb or on Facebook Gelston Lamb. You can order by phone too on 01400 251 501


Grantham The Grantham market will continue until further notice supplying food items. Please obey the social distancing rules.



Louth Award winning Meridian Meats don’t just supply top quality meat! Currently baking extra bread too in order to help feed the town. Pop in but keep a social distance for the safety of everyone


Louth. Are you struggling to feed yourself or your family? Two hearty meals delivered to your door each day could help you. Call 01507 602930


Louth Market is still open for food sales during the Coronavirus crisis. Please respect the Safe Distance rule



Market Rasen


Market Rasen Cote Hill Cheese are now providing a MAIL ORDER service for their cheese so now is the time to replenish your stock. You can give them a call on 01673 828 481, find them on Twitter @CoteHillCheese and on Facebook Cote Hill Cheese. Click on the picture to go straight to their website




Spalding. Is your computer in need of repair? TCS are offering FREE pickup while we go through the process of self-isolation


Spalding Covid Kindness Team. Contact the team for help with delivery of food, essentials & medications




Hundleby (Spilsby) The Elm Tree are now providing take away afternoon tea for just £10.00. Call them to book your treat on 01790 753534 or click on this image to go to their website



Gelston Lamb – Free delivery (for orders over £35.00) within 10 miles or 15 miles for orders over £70.00. Fresh lamb delivered to the Grantham, Sleaford, Ruskington, Heckington and surrounding villages. Order yours no by calling 01400 251501


Stamford & Rutland

Stamford. Central Cafe Stamford are providing a delivery service for those who can’t get out due to self isolation. Minimum spend £10.00



Stamford. Contact the growing network of coordinated volunteers who are ready to help wherever possible. Find them on Twitter @OurStamford or click on the picture to go straight to their website.


Stamford The Stamford Cheese and Wine Cellar is open for business and is also providing mail order deliveries. Click on the picture to go to their website.


Stamford The Copper Room is providing a home delivery service for your bar until 11.00pm. Click on the picture to go their website and follow them on twitter @CopperStamford


Rutland For updates on what’s available in the Rutland area please click on the picture to go to the Rutland council website


There’s More…

This list is by no means complete so rather than producing more and more blogs with contacts lists this one will be updated regularly.  Please save this URL to your favourites on whatever device you are using.  More headings will be added to make searching the blog easier. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell your friends about this blog.  It’s here for us all and it’s not for profit.  Spread the word and stay safe
