LincsConnect Hour

LincsConnect Hour

The LincsConnect Hour

The LincsConnect Hour is on Twitter (X) every Monday evening from 8.00pm.

The #LincsConnect Hour is on Twitter (X) every Monday from 8.00pm by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

The #LincsConnect Hour is on Twitter (X) on Monday evenings from 8.00pm

How To Join The LincsConnect Hour

Hop across to Twitter (X) on Monday evenings from 8.00pm. It’s simple to join in, all you need to do is go to the Twitter search bar, type in #LincsConnect then tap on the ‘search’ button if you’re using the App or hit ‘return’ if you’re logged in from a computer search engine. The tap or click ‘Latest’.

That’s it! Once you’re there, simply follow the instructions from whoever is hosting the Hour. The #LincsConnect Hour often starts off with introductions and adverts along with an invitation for embers to post any adverts they may have.  General chat between members follows as part of the introductions then sometime around 8.10pm the host will post a question.  There are often 3 or 4 questions during the Hour but the format is flexible and dependant on the host on the night.

This Monday

#LincsConnect Hour


Please do join us on Twitter at 8.00pm on 22 Jul 24 to discuss how a trending #LincsConnect can benefit you

Who Can Host?

Hosting is open to all local followers so if you would like to have a go just get in touch to organise a date.

Why Host?

Hosting is a great way to get yourself known and is ideal for promoting what you do. It’s FREE networking across the whole County and more often than not, the #LincsConnect hashtag can be found ‘trending’ across the world. That’s great free advertising for you!

#LincsConnect Hour on Monday evenings is a great way to advertise locally, nationally and globally. By LincsConnect, the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Use this template for your advertising when you host the #LincsConnect Hour


That’s it! I told you it was simple!!


This blog is sponsored by Mandarin Therapies

Contact Mandarin Therapies for your mobile complementary therapies, injury prevention and rehabilitation sessions. Tel 07966 174878

LincsConnect Hour Host Advertising

Hosts can now have their details and advert added to this blog so let me know if you would like to host and advertise. You can use this blog to advertise the fact that you are hosting and encourage more people to join you. The more people who join, the more exposure your advert gets!

We look forward to seeing you (virtually) on Monday evening.




LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour

LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour

Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour

Join us each Monday on twitter from 12.00pm for the LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour.

LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour images

Paint On Canvas…

Have you heard about the LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour (#LincsArtCraftHour) yet? It’s twitter based and includes artists and crafters from Lincolnshire, Newark, Retford and Hull. A great place for the experts to meet to show what they do.  As a result, it’s a fantastic place to shop too!

What image does ‘art’ bring to mind?  If you’ve ever been to The National Gallery you’ll have seen paintings from small to extremely large. However, if you’ve been to Tate Modern you’ll have seen something completely different.  Art is about paint on canvas but it’s also much more than that.  We can debate good and bad art but what it all boils down to is ‘do I like it’?  You can introduce someone new to the LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft hour today.

Who’s The Artist?

It isn’t me! We all have our own talents though (art isn’t mine) so we must be grateful for that.  I know what I like as soon as I see it, as a result I set up this hour to showcase the many and varied art forms from our area. We all like different things of course and that’s what makes the hour so appealing.  Who is the ‘artist’ then?  Well, I believe that it’s the photographer, the jewellery maker, the crafter, the potter…  Art isn’t just paint on canvas but without the paint on canvas the art world would’t be complete!

How Do You Find Your Art?

There are many places to find art and in Lincolnshire we are blessed with some fantastic galleries and shops.  Social media provides a good platform for art shopping too of course so it’s time to make the most of it.  I’ve found some stunning pieces of art on social media so I’ve been able to chat to the artists in real time while shopping.  Not every conversation ends in a sale but that doesn’t matter.  The conversations help to build a following, the followers have friends, the friends have friends and family… If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, someone somewhere is going to like what the artist is doing. That leads to sales and commissions.

Get Involved with the LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour

If you’re a Twitter user you’ll be familiar with ‘hashtag hours’ which involves every interested person on the planet (or so it seems) interacting about one subject.  It usually feels like a frenzy of tweets and conversations.  Choose a subject and there will probably be a dedicated hour to it!  They are fantastic platforms for networking and getting messages seen but they can be difficult to follow.  By the time you’ve seen a post, reacted to it and asked a question you’ll have missed 30 or 40 other posts.

Frenzy Free Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour

I want to remove that ‘frenzy’.  A dedicated hour using the #LincsConnect hashtag on Twitter with Lincolnshire artists of all genres posting art, messages, links and special offers.  The beauty of the hashtag is that anyone can search it at any time.  The #LincsConnect  #LincsArtCraftHour is on Monday from 12.00pm – 1.00pm but you can still search through it at any time of the week. In fact, you can search back weeks, months or years!  Once the tweet is there, it stays there until the author deletes it.  By duplicating the idea onto Facebook I want to include others who don’t use Twitter.

Get Involved

If you’re interested please do get in touch by email so that I can get everything coordinated.  You can email me at


Every Monday:

From Monday 7 September 2020 between 12.00pm – 1.00pm.

How Will the LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour Work?

Here’s the deal:

It’s FREE!

It will rely on the artists and crafters to post their messages, links, pictures and special offers which MUST include the hashtags #LincsArtCraftHour and  #LincsConnect

The hashtag #LincsConnect will automatically post your message to the database for everyone to see.  Assume no one is looking for you on the hashtag until YOU tell them to have a look!

Post your messages with the hashtags and tag in your friends.  Ask them to help spread the message by telling their friends.  This cascade of conversation can quickly get the hashtag seen and used  locally.  As a result your posts will be seen by more and more people.

Here’s the crucial bit:  You ‘must’ search the hashtag during the week to look at the posts and do your free networking.  Get into conversations, say something positive, share other peoples posts. The more you share for others, the more likely they are to share for you.

Scheduled Posts

Don’t worry that you aren’t available during the #LincsArtCraftHour because you can schedule your messages in advance to make sure that they hit the hashtag at the right time.

LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour logo

   Click the logo above to see how the #LincsConnect hashtag works


LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour – What’s In It For You?

The posts will be on twitter but I will also do follow up arts blogs.  I’ll search the hashtag to see who has been interacting with others and as a ‘thank you’ I’ll highlight  the posts in future blogs.  I’ll also include links to your websites and social media pages.

What’s In It For Me?

I’ll create paid advertising slots, paid blog links and paid features.  The whole process will be time consuming for me so I will need to have some form of recompense for my work.  Will it make me a fortune? No! Will it pay my bills? Probably not!  I always enjoy helping others though and if I can manage to produce a small income from my efforts, all the better.

LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour Dave Spherical Kingfisher image

Click on the picture to go straight to Daves Facebook page or click on this link @DaveSpherical to find him on Twitter

Dave recently joined me on Twitter and ‘Oh Boy’ he has some stunning pictures for sale. In this day and age where photos are easy to take with our digital mobile phones and editing platforms it’s such a joy to see some truly stunning pictures of nature at its best.  This is just one picture of many that Dave has taken and is offering for sale so if you like what you see you should definitely get in touch.

LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour Mel Langton Art

Mel is widely known around the County and beyond and when you see her artwork you’ll understand why. Click on the picture to go straight to her website or click on this link @MelLangtonArt to follow her on Twitter

Mel creates some truly remarkable artwork including bespoke commissions like the one you can see above.  I’ve been quietly following Mel on Twitter and can honestly say that her artwork really needs to be seen (and purchased of course).

LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour Ellies treasures needlework

Click on the picture to go to Ellies Etsy shop or click on this link @ElliesTreasures to follow her on Twitter

Arts and crafts go hand in hand and I’m sure you’ll agree that this hand made key ring really is delightful.  You’ll find much more on Ellies Etsy shop page so why not pop over (click on the picture above) to discover more.  I certainly don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour Twibell Arts painting and craft work

Click on this picture to go straight to the Etsy Shop page of Twibell Arts or click on this link @TwibellArts to follow Serena on Twitter. I’ve been following Serena for several years and am always amazed at her talent and versatility. Not only did she paint the picture of this gorgeous cat (commissions welcome) but she also made the decorations in the picture too.


LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour Lincoln time shift picture

Manipulating an image (in this case ‘two’ images) to make an interesting piece of art is really special. This image of Lincoln High Street was taken by John and blended with an old image to create a piece of art that goes beyond the normal photograph. Click on this picture to go to Johns website or click on this link @jpbphoography to follow him on twitter.


If you would like to place an advert on the Lincs Connect blogs please do get in touch.  Bloggers can also have links to their blogs here too.  Get in touch today if you would like to feature here by contacting me at


LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour Mandarin Therapies mobile massage

Mandarin Therapies and Mandarin Mothers provide bespoke mobile complementary therapies (Covid-19 safe) including Aromatherapy massage, Antenatal, postnatal massage and injury rehabilitation. Click on the picture to go to the website or click on the links above to go to the social media pages


PCC Marc Jones is looking for young people to join the Lincolnshire Commission.  It’s an opportunity for young people to help the police better understand their concerns and thoughts.

Click on the picture above to go to the website

See You Soon – At the LincsConnect Lincolnshire Art Craft Hour

That’s it for now but there will be lots more blogs here so please keep the link handy and log in for a quick catchup when you get the chance.

In Case You Missed It

Stay Safe

The rules have’t changed – keep washing our hands as it’s the best way to help control Covid-19





The Lincs Connect website will soon be undergoing a significant update and this is your chance to say what you would like to see included.

LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogerPerhaps it would be best if I explained what the site will be for before you start sending ideas though!  The main aim of this site is for it to be a ‘landing site’ for all things Lincolnshire and local.  With 10,000 local twitter followers it’s time to create a central hub for us all to get together to show off our businesses and network together.


To do this there will be a series of new pages, each with their own category.  Some good examples include ‘The Authors Page’ where there will be space for authors to provide links to their blogs, short descriptions of their latest books, poetry features, printing advice, publishers advice, workshops, book signings….. Hopefully you get the picture now?  Talking of which, there could be a ‘Art Gallery’ page where artists can showcase their work.  There will be a nice link from the artists page to the authors page as some books will need illustrations.

This is my latest book purchase by local author Lisa Marie Gabriel.  It promises to be a good read with lots of local references in it.  If you want to find out more about Lisa you can follow her on Twitter @persimew where she tweets under the name ‘Lisa the Bard’

Can you imagine how useful the Lincs Connect website can be for new and aspiring authors who would like help and advice about writing and getting published?  Sharing information between established authors and publishers with the authors of tomorrow can be very helpful.  After all, Lincs Connect was set up to help and support all local businesses and charities so this is the obvious step forward.

Please leave your positive comments, ideas and messages so that I can take the site forward.  Lincs Connect is here ‘for’ you and ‘by’ you.  Together we are stronger.
