Celebrating Our Park Run Volunteers

Celebrating Our Park Run Volunteers

Celebrating our Park Run Volunteers

Having been injured and unable to run much through 2023 I took to running one lap and then volunteering.  Today I had volunteered to write the run report about ‘my journey’. I had it all prepared. However listening to Jim, our run director I was reminded that today I was celebrating my 25th volunteer role. I’ve therefore changed tack and will write about celebrating our park run volunteers.

Each week a request for volunteers is made. This week Jim, along with Pooh and Piglet pleaded for help to fill the roster. I didn’t realise until I arrived at our beautiful Boutham Park how many of the Maternity Wing Park Run Group were volunteering today. They all responded to the last minute pleas.

Without volunteers there would be no park run! Each week Lincoln needs a minimum of 18 volunteers for the event to go ahead.  A more realistic number of volunteers would  be about 28.

As the school holidays start the number of runners and volunteers has taken a dip and filling future rosters is challenging.

The Core VolunteeringTeam

There are regular volunteers at Lincoln, the core team (you know who they are) who often cover several roles each week, but even they need time out from time to time.  If you fancy taking over Junes Bridge or Sandras Corner one morning please email lincoln@parkrun.com

Catherine bravely took on marshalling Mozzy Corner. This may not be its official name but it’s on the corner in the wooded section. Plenty of shade makes it perfect conditions for a hot day like today.

Family Friendly

Perhaps you attend our Park Run with your family who spectate and cheer you on?  Could you persuade them to Marshall? They still have the opportunity to cheer you on but at the same time help keep park run going for you.

Park Run is a vey family friendly community. The Lincoln Junior Park Run team are taking over the park run on the 10th August and are looking for volunteers for both this event and for the Junior Park Run which will eventually take place on Sundays.  Could this be the opportunity for you and your children/grandchildren to volunteer and learn all about Junior Park run? If you are interested in supporting this event please check out the roster on this link:  https://www.parkrun.org.uk/lincoln/futureroster/

Celebrating Our Park Run Volunteers – Combining Running And Volunteering

Ella, another one  of our Maternity Wing Park Run Group was also celebrating her 25th volunteer role today choosing to bar code scan.   I love to bar code scan as you get to speak to 100’s of runners. The first past the post, who to be honest, can’t usually speak as they have just run supper fast. Those who achieved a PB, Park Run tourists, those training for ultra marathons, runners from  different running groups, cancer my way participants, the children and walkers.

Jamie,  today’s  first runner home took on scanning duties as he has on many occasions.  Fiona, ran her 200th park run today in a respectable 29m 36s and then took up scanning duties.

Dawns running journey on WhatsOnLincs by LincsConnect. Celebrating our Lincoln Park Run Volunteers

Fiona celebrating her 200th run at Lincoln Park Run

Perhaps  you finish in the top 52. If so have you ever considered volunteering?  I’m sure many of you have, but if not please consider running and bar code scanning just once a year. That’s 52 weeks covered already!!

I’ve  dragged my son’s girlfriend to park run on more than one occasion. Charlie has now volunteered more than she has run. Her favourite role is funnel manager.

Today Shirley took control of the funnel and really enjoyed the experience. Again, it’s a great way to meet, greet and congratulate your fellow runners.

Celebrating Our Park Run Volunteers – Familiar Faces

A regular at park run is Keith Mackenzie. Today Keith celebrated his 50th volunteer role by park walking.  Along with the tail walker this is a great way to give support and encouragement to those runners and  walkers at the back of the pack. It’s an ideal role if you have an injury and need to slow your pace whilst still getting your park run fix and your steps in.

Dawns running journey on WhatsOnLincs by LincsConnect. Celebrating our Lincoln Park Run Volunteers.

Keith celebrating his 50th Volunteering Role at Lincoln Park Run

Perhaps you have a big event on Sunday and need to rest.  Rather than sitting park run out how about being the number checker, finish token manager or time keeper?

There are roles to suite everyone. Try stepping  out of your comfort zone and try something different. The first timers welcome is another role you can combine comfortably with your run.  This would also suit someone who needs to get away in a hurry after their run.

If you know of any youngster who are participating in the Duke of Edinburgh award then volunteering can count as their service.

Pledge To Volunteer

Park Run UK suggests every runner should attempt to volunteer three times a year. Some will be able to do this easily plus more, whilst others may be able to manage just one.  If every regular Lincoln park runner stepped forward just once a year it would make a huge difference to the roster.

Volunteering isn’t difficult and the park run community is really friendly and supportive. Please take a look at roster for the next six weeks and beyond.

Let’s all pledge to volunteer at least once a year.


Remember, if you are a T shirt collector then volunteer 50, 100 or 150 times and you can send for a volunteer shirt. This is another great way to support park runs future.

Follow: @DawnThomas2311 and  @parkrunUK on X (formally Twitter) and Facebook: LincolnParkrun  and parkrun UK



Park Run Tourism – Belton House

Park Run Tourism – Belton House on 29 June 2024. There are some serious park run tourists out there, visiting A-Z of park runs around the Globe. I don’t consider myself to be one of them. However, I do confess that if invited to a Wedding, on a weekend away or holiday, the first thing I do is look up the nearest park run. Surely I’m not the only one?
Today I’m with some of the ‘Just Run Lincoln’ crew who are on our monthly tourist tour, visiting different park runs.  I already have experience of the course, having been twice before.  It’s a two lap course taking you down the long drive, around parkland and past the front of the magnificent Belton House.  I would say the course is 80% trail. That’s very different from what our crew is use to.
Park Run Tourism at Belton House by Dawn Thomas of Just Run Community, Lincoln on WhatsOnLincs, what's on Lincs, what's on in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

Park Run Tourism at Belton House

Park Run Tourism – Belton House The Start

After a short  first timer/ tourist brief we took our places at the start. The start covers an exceptionally wide area with runners on both the grass and the drive. This made for an easier start with no bottle necks.  The number of dogs was particularly noticeable and audible. However, both owners and dogs were all very well behaved during the run.
By the time we had reached the turning point (about midway down the drive) the pack had thinned out making it easy to move onto the trail section. A family of swans could be seen sat at the corner watching everyone with interest. With eyes back on the trail it was time to focus on the rabbit holes. I needn’t have worried though as they were marked with little white flags.

Sheep On The Run!

A glance to the right and I could see the park deer in the far field then I noticed the sheep. OMG the sheep were running on mass directly towards the next corner. Watching the runners and sheep ahead I could see that all were being very courteous.  Both the runners and sheep seemed to dodge each other without effecting pace.  What a relief!
The course isn’t entirely flat as you will find as you run up towards the house to the start of the second lap and eventually the finish funnel.  The good news is that final section is flat, wide and on a path. There was plenty of scope to pick up the pace for a fast finish.

Post Run Coffee

Having cheered each other in we piled into the stables cafe to refuel and dissect our run.  The others hadn’t run Belton before and were all surprised it was a trail run. The takeaway point here is read the write up www.parkrun.org.uk to avoid surprises. (@parkrunUK)
We will be voting on our next park run tour in the coming weeks but in the meantime it’s back to the training. If you fancy a bit of tourism yourselves head to the friendliest park run I know (of course I am biased !) in Boutham Park, Lincoln  Happy running everyone.

Happy Running


LincsConnect Hour

LincsConnect Hour

The LincsConnect Hour

The LincsConnect Hour is on Twitter (X) every Monday evening from 8.00pm.

The #LincsConnect Hour is on Twitter (X) every Monday from 8.00pm by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

The #LincsConnect Hour is on Twitter (X) on Monday evenings from 8.00pm

How To Join The LincsConnect Hour

Hop across to Twitter (X) on Monday evenings from 8.00pm. It’s simple to join in, all you need to do is go to the Twitter search bar, type in #LincsConnect then tap on the ‘search’ button if you’re using the App or hit ‘return’ if you’re logged in from a computer search engine. The tap or click ‘Latest’.

That’s it! Once you’re there, simply follow the instructions from whoever is hosting the Hour. The #LincsConnect Hour often starts off with introductions and adverts along with an invitation for embers to post any adverts they may have.  General chat between members follows as part of the introductions then sometime around 8.10pm the host will post a question.  There are often 3 or 4 questions during the Hour but the format is flexible and dependant on the host on the night.

This Monday

#LincsConnect Hour


Please do join us on Twitter at 8.00pm on 22 Jul 24 to discuss how a trending #LincsConnect can benefit you

Who Can Host?

Hosting is open to all local followers so if you would like to have a go just get in touch to organise a date.

Why Host?

Hosting is a great way to get yourself known and is ideal for promoting what you do. It’s FREE networking across the whole County and more often than not, the #LincsConnect hashtag can be found ‘trending’ across the world. That’s great free advertising for you!

#LincsConnect Hour on Monday evenings is a great way to advertise locally, nationally and globally. By LincsConnect, the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Use this template for your advertising when you host the #LincsConnect Hour


That’s it! I told you it was simple!!


This blog is sponsored by Mandarin Therapies

Contact Mandarin Therapies for your mobile complementary therapies, injury prevention and rehabilitation sessions. Tel 07966 174878

LincsConnect Hour Host Advertising

Hosts can now have their details and advert added to this blog so let me know if you would like to host and advertise. You can use this blog to advertise the fact that you are hosting and encourage more people to join you. The more people who join, the more exposure your advert gets!

We look forward to seeing you (virtually) on Monday evening.




Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss

Happy New Year With Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss

Here is a new series of blogs for you, starting with ‘Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss’ tips for the New Year.

With 33 years experience as a Personal Trainer I’m here to help you on your journey to health and happiness.

Over Indulged?

Christmas has been and gone already!  Did you buy enough chocolates, alcohol, savoury snacks and treats to last the day…..week?

I’ve heard it said that many people consume around 4000 ‘extra’ Calories per day over the Christmas holidays.  To put this into perspective; in order to burn off 1Lb of body fat you’ll need to burn an ‘extra’ 3500 Calories.  Those ‘extra’ Calories means an awful lot of exercise! Read on for useful tips.

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss – Don’t Despair

Mandarin Fitness weight loss by LincsConnect the :Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Don’t despair…

Gaining 5Lb (2-3kg) over the Christmas period isn’t really such a big deal so don’t despair. Body weight naturally fluctuates on a daily basis so resist the temptation to succumb to the advertising hype from the big companies. You ‘will’ be bombarded with the latest eating craze, special diets and prepared meals from all of the media and social media channels. ‘Don’t Despair – Do Resist’ the temptation to follow the crowd. Hold onto your money (at least until you’ve finished reading this blog) because you may find some simple and cheaper alternatives.

The Six Pack

Mandarin Fitness weight loss by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Your 6 pack is always there but sometimes it needs a bit of work to tone it up. You’ll need to be very lean (very little body fat) to be able to see it, but it is there

For those of you who know me, you’ll know that I don’t particularly subscribe to the ‘six pack’ club. My preferred mantra is ‘healthy’ rather than obsessive.  Don’t get me wrong though, the ‘six pack’ is good – but it’s just not a realistic goal for everyone.  So, what can the answer be for those of us who don’t aspire to that type of figure or realistically understand that the ‘lean, mean, fighting machine’ body is never going to be achievable?

Here are some simple rules:

  1. Don’t feel guilty if you think you over indulged over the Christmas period.
  2. Love yourself as you are.
  3. Aspire to be healthy, pain free and able to move freely.
  4. Be prepared to make small changes on a regular basis to make sure you reach your goals.
  5. Be active and stay active.

I can think of many more rules but these five will hold you in good stead for the foreseeable future.

We all know that the consequences of over indulgence and not enough exercise can be fatal. Don’t obsess with your fitness and weight loss programme though. There are some simple changes that you can implement to help make lasting changes.

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss – Small Changes

If you’re asking yourself “what should I do to help myself?” try starting with these simple tips:

  1. Make small, healthy changes to your diet.
  2. Don’t rush to make big changes all at once. The smaller changes are more likely to become habits that will be long lasting.
  3. Don’t run a marathon! Over exercising is the biggest cause of injury and it happens ‘every’ New Year! Becoming a statistic isn’t part of the game plan.
  4. Invest in appropriate clothing and footwear.
  5. Join a structured club or class that you are likely to enjoy. If you don’t enjoy the exercise you probably won’t stick at it.

Walking Is Free

Our digital age provides technology to help motivate us. In addition we have nice cameras on our phones so we can use them to help give us a reason for walking.

There are many free Apps available to help track our walks and activity. As an iPhone user I utilise the built in fitness App to track my activity and walks for myself and my client sessions. Other Apps available including ‘Map My Walk’ and ‘Strava’. A photo taken during the walk is a lovely way to record your activity too.

If you normally drink a late or cappuccino coffee try swapping it for an Americano coffee. Likewise, if you always eat ready meals, challenge yourself to cook a healthy meal instead. If you have a takeaway meal every week change it to once a month.

If you don’t normally go for a walk try starting off with 1 mile (1.5km) at a time on a daily basis. Your fitness levels ‘will’ improve and your weight ‘will’ reduce. These very simple change ideas can make a world of difference to your life.  Adapting the idea to suite yourself is a perfect way to make permanent changes.

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss – Superfoods

There is no such thing as a ‘superfood’.  I’ll say that again in case you aren’t sure what you just read: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SUPERFOOD!

Don’t be fooled by the adverts on TV.

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss – Exercises

Here are a few ideas for exercises that you might find useful. Don’t forget to start off gently to avoid injury.  It’s better to stop while you’re feeling good than to push to fatigue then suffer the consequences later.

Mandarin Fitness exercises by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss Challenge

Small changes make all the difference. Challenge yourself to make a few small changes this month.


Mandarin Fitness weight loss by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

If you would like more help or information you can contact Martin on 07966 174878






For Christmas In Lincolnshire Use #LincsConnectChristmas

For Christmas In Lincolnshire Use #LincsConnectChristmas

For Christmas In Lincolnshire Use #LincsConnectChristmas

#LincsConnectChristmas and #ShopLincs for your Christmas posts in Lin colnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

For Christmas in Lincolnshire use #LincsConnectChristmas and #ShopLincs on your social media posts to reach more local people. Use the hashtags to post our gift ideas and bargains then encourage your followers to search the hashtags to discover more.


#LincsConnectChristmas is a seasonal hashtag which ‘trends’ globally each year so use it to reach out to your new customers. The #LincsConnect hashtag along with #ShopLincs are here for you every single day of the year so I recommend using them all.

The #LincsConnect hashtag trends most weeks during the #LincsConnect Hour so make sure you use it to your advantage. You’ll find more information later in this blog.

For Christmas In Lincolnshire Use #LincsConnectChristmas – It’s Free Advertising 

Competition at this time of year is fierce so ‘NOW’ is the time to advertise websites and online shops.

Social media may not be the place to sell at Christmas but it is an ideal platform to guide readers to shops and websites. Include links on your posts to make life easier for readers to find your shop. Use social media to highlight offers and promote what you have to offer and make time to follow up any enquiries.

You can’t expect everyone to find you and buy your products so make sure you use your social media platforms to guide customers to your shop. I am repeating myself but I’m happy to do that if it helps you to understand the usefulness of social media as a tool to reach out to new customers.

#LincsConnect Hour

LincsConnect Hour on twitter every Monday at 8.00pm by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

The #LincsConnect Hour takes place on Twitter every Monday evening from 8.00pm. You can use it to reach out to local people with your adverts, chat and general support.  The hashtag trends most weeks too which makes it the perfect platform for advertising yourself or organisation.

Hosting the #LincsConnect Hour on Twitter is FREE and an ideal way to reach out to locals. Get in touch today to arrange a date to host your Hour. I’ll say it again “For Christmas In Lincolnshire Use #LincsConnectChristmas“.

WhatsOnLincs is the new web page for sharing What's on in Lincolnshire posts by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

For Christmas In Lincolnshire Use #LincsConnectChristmas & Advertise On WhatsOnLincs

WhatsOnLincs is the new community web page on the LincsConnect website. You can use it to post free adverts from markets and car boot sales to charity events and entertainment, jobs, volunteering plus much more. You can even include pictures as well as links to websites.  It’s all FREE so be sure to use it to find out What’s on in Lincolnshire.

New categories are being added as demand increases. As a result, there are new categories including ‘ShopLincs’ and ‘Christmas Events’.  You can use this categories to advertise yourself, your Ofers and Christmas events.  Advertising is FREE on the site too so please to make the most of it.

Once you have posted your advert you can copy the link to post on any social media platform. This will save you from having to type new adverts each time.

Here To Help

LincsConnect has been working hard to help local traders, organisations and charities but we do need to help each other.  By posting links from the website to your social media platforms you will be helping to promote the free website. That’s all I ask of you!

 Be A Sponsor

You can pay to advertise on the website of course.  Each sponsor will have their logo and website/socials link on each page of the website.  Anyone who views the site or posts a free advert will see you.  If you would like to become a sponsor and would like more information please get in touch.


Mandarin Therapies & Mandarin Mothers provide bespoke complementary therapies from the comfort of your own home. Treatments include Antenatal & Postnatal therapies and Aromatherapy massage as well as injury prevention and injury rehabilitation. Ask about the bespoke Biomechanics assessments too.  Call 07966 174878 to book your session or to order a personalised gift voucher in time for Christmas.

Merry Christmas Everyone

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and I look forward to chatting to you all sometime soon.


How To Use LincsConnect In Lincolnshire

How To Use LincsConnect In Lincolnshire

LincsConnect In Lincolnshire

How to use LincsConnect in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

The LincsConnect account is here for you to use. Here’s how to make the most of the hashtag in Lincolnshire:

Many people choose to add the hashtag #LincsConnect to their tweets and rely on the @LincsConnect Twitter account to retweet for them. However, it’s possible to get much more from the hashtag and this video will show you how:

Leaving your tweet for @LincsConnect to retweet for you has its limitations. Many people (wrongly) assume that @LincsConnect is run by a marketing company with dedicated time to manage the account. The reality is that the account is managed by one volunteer with limited time to spend on the account during the day and evening.

By following the tips on the YouTube clip above you’ll be able to create your own network from the #LincsConnect users. When you support each other, your network will grow and by using the hashtag, others will see your conversations too. As a result, while you are busy growing your own network, you’ll find it’ll also improve organically as more people join you. With almost 13,000 ‘local’ Lincolnshire followers, joining the @LincsConnect family will make perfect sense for you, your organisation, business or charity.

Why You Don’t Need To Include The @LincsConnect Address

While using the #LincsConnect ‘hashtag’ it’s worth noting that you don’t need to include the @LincsConnect ‘address’ in the same tweet!  When you use the # hashtag you’re sending your tweet to the database for all to see and interact with.  However, if you use the ‘@’ account name you’re sending your tweet to just one person!  It’s all in the video so hopefully it makes sense now.

‘Quote’ Sparingly

When retweeting posts you’ll be given the option to ‘Repost’ or ‘Quote’ (Repost with a comment). The retweet (or repost as it’s now called) is by far the most effective way of helping to increase the visibility of tweets by others.  Retweeting shows you support others by moving the retweeted post onto your timeline. It’s a very helpful way of supporting others, especially if they have very few followers.

The ‘quote’ option is only helpful if you own a powerful account that enjoys lots of engagement. The quoted tweet is shown as your own tweet for your followers to see. However, if your account isn’t powerful with a large engagement rate you won’t be doing anyone any favours by quoting! When quoting someone else’s tweet instead of retweeting it you’re effectively stopping the tweet from being seen by others.  Think carefully before quoting a tweet and use the option sparingly.

LincsConnect In Lincolnshire Is Non-Political

The aim of the #LincsConnect hashtag is to support each other.  However, please be aware that the hashtag is strictly non-political and non-religious.  As a result, any political, religious, hateful or offensive (including bad language) messages will be dealt with swiftly.

LincsConnect Hour In Lincolnshire

Join us on Monday evening at 8.00pm for the #LincsConnect Hour where you’ll find lots of locals chatting. We often have guest hosts too so it’s always interesting.  Follow the instructions in the video above to join in with the Hour. If you would like to host the Hour please do get in touch.

#LincsConnect Hour by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Join the Twitter based #LincsConnect Hour on Mondays at 8.00pm

WhatsOnLincs By LincsConnect

During a #LincsConnect Hour one Monday evening I asked where people were advertising for their events etc. The overwhelming response was that there is nowhere to advertise that covers the whole County!

After suggesting a dedicated page on the website for everyone to advertise for free the response by 100% of the people was ‘yes please’. You can use it now to discover what’s on in Lincolnshire and our surrounding area as well as post your events and much more.

I asked, you responded so I organised it.  The WhatsOnLincs website page has been developed especially for you. You can use it to post your events, special offers, vacancies etc by completing the simple ‘Event Submission’ form on the LincsConnect website. It is hoped to cover the whole of the What’s On Lincolnshire categories. However, if you try to post something and can’t find a suitable category, just ask me to add it for you. If you want to find out what’s going on in the County just go to the ‘WhatsOnLincs’ page and type in the date that you are searching for. This is quickly becoming a very popular site to find out what’s on in Lincolnshire and surrounding areas.

It ‘is’ that simple!

WhatsOnLincs, What's On Lincolnshire, What's on Lincoln, WhatsOnLincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

Click or tap on the link to go straight to the WhatsOnLincs (WhatsOnLincolnshire) page

Paid Adverts

If you would like to advertise on the LincsConnect website please get in touch. Paid adverts are visible on every page and will be seen by anyone placing a free advert or searching for information on the WhatsOnLincs page. You can contact me through the ‘Contact‘ page on the website of click on this link to email me directly: martin@lincsConnect.co.uk

Additional Blogs By LincsConnect:

Be a #LincsConnect Star by visiting the hashtag to support others

LincsConnect Stars


Free Advertising In Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Free Advertising In Lincolnshire

Sponsored Blog

Mobile Massage in Lincolnshire with Mandarin Therapies by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

Mobile Massage In Lincolnshire With Mandarin Therapies

That’s It For Now

I look forward to tweeting with you soon.