Celebrating Our Park Run Volunteers

Celebrating Our Park Run Volunteers

Celebrating our Park Run Volunteers

Having been injured and unable to run much through 2023 I took to running one lap and then volunteering.  Today I had volunteered to write the run report about ‘my journey’. I had it all prepared. However listening to Jim, our run director I was reminded that today I was celebrating my 25th volunteer role. I’ve therefore changed tack and will write about celebrating our park run volunteers.

Each week a request for volunteers is made. This week Jim, along with Pooh and Piglet pleaded for help to fill the roster. I didn’t realise until I arrived at our beautiful Boutham Park how many of the Maternity Wing Park Run Group were volunteering today. They all responded to the last minute pleas.

Without volunteers there would be no park run! Each week Lincoln needs a minimum of 18 volunteers for the event to go ahead.  A more realistic number of volunteers would  be about 28.

As the school holidays start the number of runners and volunteers has taken a dip and filling future rosters is challenging.

The Core VolunteeringTeam

There are regular volunteers at Lincoln, the core team (you know who they are) who often cover several roles each week, but even they need time out from time to time.  If you fancy taking over Junes Bridge or Sandras Corner one morning please email lincoln@parkrun.com

Catherine bravely took on marshalling Mozzy Corner. This may not be its official name but it’s on the corner in the wooded section. Plenty of shade makes it perfect conditions for a hot day like today.

Family Friendly

Perhaps you attend our Park Run with your family who spectate and cheer you on?  Could you persuade them to Marshall? They still have the opportunity to cheer you on but at the same time help keep park run going for you.

Park Run is a vey family friendly community. The Lincoln Junior Park Run team are taking over the park run on the 10th August and are looking for volunteers for both this event and for the Junior Park Run which will eventually take place on Sundays.  Could this be the opportunity for you and your children/grandchildren to volunteer and learn all about Junior Park run? If you are interested in supporting this event please check out the roster on this link:  https://www.parkrun.org.uk/lincoln/futureroster/

Celebrating Our Park Run Volunteers – Combining Running And Volunteering

Ella, another one  of our Maternity Wing Park Run Group was also celebrating her 25th volunteer role today choosing to bar code scan.   I love to bar code scan as you get to speak to 100’s of runners. The first past the post, who to be honest, can’t usually speak as they have just run supper fast. Those who achieved a PB, Park Run tourists, those training for ultra marathons, runners from  different running groups, cancer my way participants, the children and walkers.

Jamie,  today’s  first runner home took on scanning duties as he has on many occasions.  Fiona, ran her 200th park run today in a respectable 29m 36s and then took up scanning duties.

Dawns running journey on WhatsOnLincs by LincsConnect. Celebrating our Lincoln Park Run Volunteers

Fiona celebrating her 200th run at Lincoln Park Run

Perhaps  you finish in the top 52. If so have you ever considered volunteering?  I’m sure many of you have, but if not please consider running and bar code scanning just once a year. That’s 52 weeks covered already!!

I’ve  dragged my son’s girlfriend to park run on more than one occasion. Charlie has now volunteered more than she has run. Her favourite role is funnel manager.

Today Shirley took control of the funnel and really enjoyed the experience. Again, it’s a great way to meet, greet and congratulate your fellow runners.

Celebrating Our Park Run Volunteers – Familiar Faces

A regular at park run is Keith Mackenzie. Today Keith celebrated his 50th volunteer role by park walking.  Along with the tail walker this is a great way to give support and encouragement to those runners and  walkers at the back of the pack. It’s an ideal role if you have an injury and need to slow your pace whilst still getting your park run fix and your steps in.

Dawns running journey on WhatsOnLincs by LincsConnect. Celebrating our Lincoln Park Run Volunteers.

Keith celebrating his 50th Volunteering Role at Lincoln Park Run

Perhaps you have a big event on Sunday and need to rest.  Rather than sitting park run out how about being the number checker, finish token manager or time keeper?

There are roles to suite everyone. Try stepping  out of your comfort zone and try something different. The first timers welcome is another role you can combine comfortably with your run.  This would also suit someone who needs to get away in a hurry after their run.

If you know of any youngster who are participating in the Duke of Edinburgh award then volunteering can count as their service.

Pledge To Volunteer

Park Run UK suggests every runner should attempt to volunteer three times a year. Some will be able to do this easily plus more, whilst others may be able to manage just one.  If every regular Lincoln park runner stepped forward just once a year it would make a huge difference to the roster.

Volunteering isn’t difficult and the park run community is really friendly and supportive. Please take a look at roster for the next six weeks and beyond.

Let’s all pledge to volunteer at least once a year.


Remember, if you are a T shirt collector then volunteer 50, 100 or 150 times and you can send for a volunteer shirt. This is another great way to support park runs future.

Follow: @DawnThomas2311 and  @parkrunUK on X (formally Twitter) and Facebook: LincolnParkrun  and parkrun UK

LincsConnectJobs Hour

LincsConnectJobs Hour

LincsConnectJobs Hour

LincsConnectJobs hour for jobs and courses is here for you every day whether you’re posting vacancies or looking for work.

LincsConnectJobs Hour for jobs and courses by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

                              #LincsConnectJobs Hour for jobs and courses is on Mondays from 10.00am


LincsConnectJobs Hour For Jobs And Courses

LincsConnectJobs hour – to be more precise, it’s a hashtag so you need to add #LincsConnectJobs to your posts to help people find you. When you’re posting vacancies or searching for jobs and courses #LincsConnectJobs is the place to be.  The hour starts at 10.00am every Monday and is open to all agencies and businesses or charities who wish to get their vacancies and courses noticed in the local Lincolnshire area.  In addition, it’s the place for everyone to go to when searching for a job or course.  It’s a local hub to help you find good connections as well as jobs and courses.

LincsConnectJobs Hour – It’s Here For ‘You’

#LincsConnect is the established hub (database) so when posting vacancies or courses I recommend the following format:

#LincsConnectJobs #Jobs


#Location (Where is the vacancy/course)? Use a hashtag for the location to make sure you reach out to people searching for news in their area. Include brief details about the vacancy.

#YourHahstag Include your own hashtag (if you have one) to let everyone know that they can search for your specific uploads.

Include a link to either yourself or directly to the vacancy information

Include a picture or video wherever possible as an attention grabber.

LincsConnectJobs Hour example tweet by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBloger

An example of a tried and tested format. Note the use of both #LincsConnectJobs ‘and’ #LincsConnect to get as much exposure as possible

Tried And Tested

The format in the picture above is tried and tested over 12 years so I know it works.

#LincsConnectJobs Is The Hub

#LincsConnectJobs isn’t trying to replace the work of others or steal their hard earned followers.  Quite the opposite in fact.  The #LincsConnectJobs and #LincsConnect hashtags are designed to be the hub or the ‘go to’ place for people to look to find you.  Adding the two hashtags to your tweets on a daily basis will undoubtedly increase your readership and following.

Team Work Works

It may sound obvious but being precious about your own account and not sharing posts from others will only lead to your own posts stagnating.  When we work as a team we can increase followers and readership for each other.  It shows that you’re an ‘all inclusive’ site and improves your standing and respect on twitter.  If you’ve been posting but only getting one or two retweets or interactions increasing your readership can only be a good thing!


LincsConnectJobs by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

It’s good to work together

Get Noticed To Get Results

Making sure you tell your followers about the #LincsConnectJobs hour will improve readership for everyone. That brings us back to ‘Team Work Works’.  Using the #LincsConnectJobs hashtag is excellent but it needs a little time (and your input) to make it into ‘the’ place to look across the whole county.  With that in mind you need to include the #LincsConnect hashtag too (not the @LincsConnect address) as it has been established for more that 12 years and is already recognisable across the county.  Using both hashtags will help drive people to the #LincsConnectJobs hashtag so it’s a win, win situation.

LincsConnectJobs Hour – Courses

If you know of any colleges, schools or universities that are offering courses please point them to #LincsConnectJobs.  After all, the courses are designed to lead to self improvement and self improvement may lead to fresh job searches.

#LincsConnectJobs Hour For Jobs And Courses – The Format

LincsConnectJobs hour for jobs and courses – Start each hour with a quick introduction.  Let everyone know who you are, what you do and what you have to offer.  Some of you may be on a fixed wage while others may be an agency working on fixed fees or commission.  We all have to live and pay bills so don’t be afraid to be ‘up front’ with your charges.

Can’t Make It In Person?

Life is often hectic and committing to a dedicated hour each week can be difficult at best!  Scheduling tweets is perfectly acceptable but do consider what you put in your posts if you are away from your desk.  Here are some examples that I’ve found work well:

Introductory post:  Good morning everyone, apologies for not being able to make it in person today.  I’ve scheduled a few tweets for the hour but will visit the hashtag later to retweet for you and show my support.

Subsequent posts: My advice is to stick with the theme that you are not participating in person.  I recommend that you use the hour to post informative messages about yourself.  Tell people what you do.  Let them know if you have a particular reputation in engineering or any other speciality recruitment.  The hashtag is live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Anyone can visit to read the posts at any time so make your posts relevant.  Letting people know who you are and what you do is important if you want people to follow you.  It’s really not ‘just’ about the job vacancies!

That introductory post is perfectly acceptable as you have pledged to support others.  With that in mind, the others should feel comfortable retweeting your posts and offering you their support.

Be Part Of The Team

Would you like to host the hour?  Hosting the hour will help to show your personality and will let people get to know the person behind the tweets.  My diary is open so please do let me know if you would like to be a host.


#MandarinTherapies is a fully mobile complementary therapies service operating throughout Lincolnshire and beyond.  Fully Covid-19 secure of course with treatments ranging from 1 to 2 hours.  Call 07966 174878 to book

LincsConnectJobs Hour – Getting It Right

Perfection is a good goal but getting it right every single time is a difficult task.  We are all human so be prepared to make a few errors (I still make lots of mistakes but try to learn from them). LincsConnectJobs hour for jobs and courses will only work if we are all consistent.  By working together we will have the hashtag trending on Twitter, Google and other platforms (I’ve made that happen several times before).

Good luck

I hope you find this post useful.  Please do feel free to email me at martin@lincsconnect.co.uk if you have any questions or suggestions.

Additional Blogs By LincsConnect:

LincsConnectValentines by LincsConnect Lincs Connect Lincolnshire Blogger LincsBlogger

Click/tap on the picture to go to the #LincsConnectValentines blog

Best wishes


LincsConnect Lincs Connect Lincolnshire Blogger LincsBlogger

           LincsConnect is your Lincolnshire Blogger – often copied but never bettered. “Putting the social back into social media” #LincsConnect is always here for you.