Putting the ‘social’ back into social media

About Lincs Connect by Martin Thomas

About LincsConnect


The brain child of Martin Thomas @MANDARINLEISURE LincsConnect was originally set up in 2010 as an anonymous community twitter account to help local businesses to connect with each other. The account rapidly gained popularity around Lincolnshire so in 2012 with over 3000 local users the decision was made that Martin should declare ownership and set up a local monthly networking meeting at the Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa. The first meeting was in February 2014 and wouldn’t have happened without the support of the Petwood Hotel and a hand full of loyal followers.


‘February’ is significant as my business anniversary is on 14 February – Valentines Day.


The account was designed to connect businesses, charities, organisations and potential customers and has been extremely successful in making connections and helping people to publicise their work to a wide audience.


More About LincsConnect


The following has grown and is still growing steadily so with that popularity it makes sense to expand the brand with a website which will include further features and promotions from photographers, authors, musicians and much more besides.  You can see how this is beginning by visiting the Blogs page.


LincsConnect is destined to evolve and grow which means this site will grow and evolve too. LincsConnect is here for ‘you’ so if there is a feature that you would like to see here please let us know. We can’t guarantee that every feature will be included but we shall certainly research each idea and if there is a viable benefit to the Lincolnshire community we shall try our best to add it in.


Advertising space is available on the Blog page at present but that is expected to increase as the new site is built and the website becomes more popular.  Please get in touch if you are local and would like to advertise. The reach is now global thanks to the WhatsOnLincs page.


Mandarin Therapies

Mobile complementary therapies covering Lincolnshire and beyond

J&S Plumbing & Heating

J&S Plumbing & Heating by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

J&S Plumbing & Heating – Quality as standard

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