by Martin Thomas | May 13, 2023 | Lincolnshire, Lincs Connect, LincsConnect, What's On Lincolnshire, WhatsOnLincoln, WhatsOnLincolnshire, WhatsOnLincs
LincsConnect In Lincolnshire

The LincsConnect account is here for you to use. Here’s how to make the most of the hashtag in Lincolnshire:
Many people choose to add the hashtag #LincsConnect to their posts and rely on the @LincsConnect Twitter accounts to repost for them. However, it’s possible to get much more from the hashtag and this video will show you how:
Leaving your post for @LincsConnect on Twitter, @LincsConnect on Facebook, @LincsConnect on @Bluesky or @LincsConnect on Threads to repost for you has its limitations. Many people (wrongly) assume that @LincsConnect is run by a marketing company with dedicated time to manage the account. The reality is that the accounts are managed by one volunteer with limited time to spend on the account during the day and evening.
By following the tips on the YouTube clip above you’ll be able to create your own network from the #LincsConnect users. When you support each other, your network will grow and by using the hashtag, others will see your conversations too. As a result, while you are busy growing your own network, you’ll find it’ll also improve organically as more people join you. With almost 13,000 ‘local’ Lincolnshire followers on Twitter and a growing following on Bluesky, joining the @LincsConnect family will make perfect sense for you, your organisation, business or charity.
Why You Don’t Need To Include The @LincsConnect Address
While using the #LincsConnect ‘hashtag’ it’s worth noting that you don’t need to include the @LincsConnect ‘address’ in the same tweet! When you use the # hashtag you’re sending your tweet to the database for all to see and interact with. However, if you use the ‘@’ account name you’re sending your tweet to just one person! It’s all in the video so hopefully it makes sense now.
‘Quote’ Sparingly
When retweeting posts you’ll be given the option to ‘Repost’ or ‘Quote’ (Repost with a comment). The retweet (or repost as it’s now called) is by far the most effective way of helping to increase the visibility of tweets by others. Retweeting shows you support others by moving the retweeted post onto your timeline. It’s a very helpful way of supporting others, especially if they have very few followers.
The ‘quote’ option is only helpful if you own a powerful account that enjoys lots of engagement. The quoted tweet is shown as your own tweet for your followers to see. However, if your account isn’t powerful with a large engagement rate you won’t be doing anyone any favours by quoting! When quoting someone else’s tweet instead of retweeting it you’re effectively stopping the tweet from being seen by others. Think carefully before quoting a tweet and use the option sparingly.
LincsConnect In Lincolnshire Is Non-Political
The aim of the #LincsConnect hashtag is to support each other. However, please be aware that the hashtag is strictly non-political and non-religious. As a result, any political, religious, hateful or offensive (including bad language) messages will be dealt with swiftly.
LincsConnect Hour In Lincolnshire
Join us on Monday evening at 8.00pm for the #LincsConnect Hour where you’ll find lots of locals chatting. We often have guest hosts too so it’s always interesting. Follow the instructions in the video above to join in with the Hour. If you would like to host the Hour please do get in touch.

Join the Twitter based #LincsConnect Hour on Mondays at 8.00pm
WhatsOnLincs By LincsConnect
During a #LincsConnect Hour one Monday evening I asked where people were advertising for their events etc. The overwhelming response was that there is nowhere to advertise that covers the whole County!
After suggesting a dedicated page on the website for everyone to advertise for free the response by 100% of the people was ‘yes please’. You can use it now to discover what’s on in Lincolnshire and our surrounding area as well as post your events and much more.
I asked, you responded so I organised it. The WhatsOnLincs website page has been developed especially for you. You can use it to post your events, special offers, vacancies etc by completing the simple ‘Event Submission’ form on the LincsConnect website. It is hoped to cover the whole of the What’s On Lincolnshire categories. However, if you try to post something and can’t find a suitable category, just ask me to add it for you. If you want to find out what’s going on in the County just go to the ‘WhatsOnLincs’ page and type in the date that you are searching for. This is quickly becoming a very popular site to find out what’s on in Lincolnshire and surrounding areas.
It ‘is’ that simple!

Click or tap on the link to go straight to the WhatsOnLincs (WhatsOnLincolnshire) page
Paid Adverts
If you would like to advertise on the LincsConnect website please get in touch. Paid adverts are visible on every page and will be seen by anyone placing a free advert or searching for information on the WhatsOnLincs page. You can contact me through the ‘Contact‘ page on the website of click on this link to email me directly:
Additional Blogs By LincsConnect:

Social Media Trends

LincsConnect Stars

Free Advertising In Lincolnshire

LincsConnect Hour
Sponsored Blog

Mobile Massage In Lincolnshire With Mandarin Therapies
That’s It For Now
I look forward to tweeting with you soon.

by Martin Thomas | Feb 28, 2023 | Crime Prevention, Lincolnshire, Lincs Connect
Crime Prevention In Lincolnshire
In this Crime prevention in Lincolnshire blog you’ll find information and tips on how to prevent and/or identify scams, abuse, fraud, slavery and much more. Together we can report it and help stamp it out.
Useful Numbers
In an emergency dial 999 to get through to the Lincolnshire Police control room. If it’s an emergency but you’re unable to talk, add 5 5. For non-emergency calls to Lincolnshire Police use the 101 number.

Have you ‘really’ won?
You’ve Won…
If it seems too good to be true, it probably is! We all love a bargain and the majority of us would welcome some extra money but be cautious because there are a lot of fraudsters around. If you didn’t enter a competition, you didn’t win it! Never give your bank details, password or PIN away. Fraudsters will do their best to trick you into giving them up so be on your guard because it’s you’re private information. Don’t share it.
Crime Prevention in Lincolnshire
The title speaks for itself of course but ‘Identifying’ crime in the first place is key to understanding how to prevent it. Let’s start with a list of crimes:
- Theft (that’s a big subject)
- Burglary
- Assault (sexual/racial/physical/verbal)
- Bullying & Hate Crime (physical/verbal/cyber)
Too many subjects to cover in detail here so let’s focus on ‘prevention’ for now.

For non-emergencies call Lincolnshire Police on 101
Crime Prevention In Lincolnshire – Property Security
Think like a criminal too that we can help prevent crime! If you’ve gone out and forgotten your keys would you be able to get into your home to unlock the door from the inside? It sounds obvious but by properly securing your property or vehicle you’re already helping to prevent crime. Therefore, before leaving your property make sure the doors and windows are closed and locked. If you are ever locked out, you’ll be able to contact a good locksmith or vehicle breakdown agency to help you regain access so don’t neglect your security.
Crime prevention is all about making life difficult (or impossible) for criminals. Leaving car windows open during the summer or the engine running and car unlocked to defrost during the winter are obviously asking for trouble. Likewise, house windows left open during hot weather and doors left unlocked are open invitations to an opportunist thief.
Lock it or lose it. As a result of your diligence you will make life for the criminal difficult and as a result may save your property.
Theft isn’t confined to vehicles and homes though. Businesses are susceptible to opportunistic thieves too. Simple security measures include ‘not wedging doors open’. Regardless of the weather, there is a good chance that a wedged open door is an invitation to a thief. As a result it may also result in business insurance being void! The chances are that the door is also a fire door so leaving it wedged open isn’t the best use of your preventative measures!
Crime Prevention In Lincolnshire – Theft – Remove Temptation
We’ve all heard stories of Christmas presents being stolen from under the tree. Using this example and expanding on it we can help prevent this type of theft by simply removing the temptation. If you really want to leave Christmas presents out, make sure they aren’t visible from outside. As a result of your diligence you may prevent theft and using this idea for anything in your home at any time of year can only be a good thing. Vehicle crime is obvious. Don’t leave valuables on display. Take them with you or lock them out of sight.
Don’t Help The Thief

In the absence of a ladder, the wheelie bit makes a good platform for the burglar so make sure that yours are kept away from the house if possible.
An opportunist thief will always look for the easy access point so leaving an unlocked window open (even if it’s upstairs) isn’t recommended. Firstly, ensure ladders aren’t left unsecured in your garden. Secondly, ensure that anything a burglar can use as a platform to gain access to your property is removed or secured.

Make sure that fitted security lights are high enough to be tamper proof. Some require fitting by a qualified electrician while solar lights can be fitted without cabling.
Security lights are a good deterrent too. While the thief can see their way around your property, they are aware that they are visible too. CCTV and video doorbells are really useful tools for you too. Even a ‘dummy’ CCTV camera will make a thief think twice. As a result, I recommend that a visible deterrent is worth the investment.

This is my favourite padlock. It’s easy to use but impossible to get a tool in the small ‘O’ ring to break it off. A periodic spray with lubricant to keep it opening and closing smoothly makes it a good choice for those with arthritic hands too.
Make sure garden fences are secure, garden gates are locked where possible, outhouses and sheds should also be locked when not in use. Linking outbuildings to your house alarm is good for security. A remote PIR could be linked to your house alarm system. If in doubt, ask your alarm installer/service engineer. It’s not always possible to do that of course so a good ‘off the shelf’ security alarm from your local DIY store is a good alternative. 
Be Vigilant
Being vigilant simply means keeping your eyes and ears open. If there are people or vehicles acting suspiciously in your neighbourhood let your neighbours know. Local Facebook groups are particularly useful for this and as a result of your quick thinking your neighbourhood could be safer. Posting your suspicions to your neighbours could help prevent garden or lead thefts as well as many other scams.
Just because someone is wearing a high vis jacket, it doesn’t mean they are legitimate. As a result you’re urged to be vigilant and suspicious. Make sure your neighbours are aware and take your concerns seriously. Your local police force will be interested too so pick up your phone and give them a call on 101
Door To Door
Finishing that title you probably think of door to door ‘sales’. Think a bit broader to include scams because scams can include rogue tradesmen/women. Here are a couple of scams that I’ve been made aware of recently:

Note: No website address. No Facebook page. Stock pictures, none of which are the man giving you the quote. 10% discount offer to make it look attractive but 10% off what? BE SUSPICIOUS
Scam 1
A man in a green sweatshirt with a logo that is conveniently illegible knocking on your door. Clutching a nicely printed batch of glossy leaflets to show how he will clear your garden, lawns, pond, patio, cut your trees, paint your fences etc. He’ll offer to give you a quote and will do the work immediately. Look at the leaflet carefully. It will look legitimate at first glance but there is no website or Facebook page. Be suspicious! If you have time to search for the business name you’ll probably discover that it doesn’t exist! You’ll no doubt find that a van or lorry is nowhere to be seen. It’ll be parked elsewhere waiting for his call.
The van could even be manned by modern-day slaves! If you agree to the quote (let’s say £100.00 to keep it simple) he’ll call his men who will do the job. It won’t take long but you may get a bill for £500.00. Refusing to pay more than the agreed £100.00 will be met with hostility and threats of violence. He failed to mention that his quote was £100.00 per person!
Intimidation and the threat of violence isn’t nice. Avoid this scenario by politely declining the offer in the first place. Don’t be bullied into accepting, just politely decline the offer and close your door. If you feel threatened call Lincolnshire police on Tel 101

BEWARE of rogue traders with ‘spare’ tarmac. You can’t guarantee the quality of the tarmac, you can’t guarantee the quality of the work, you almost certainly will regret employing them! GET 3 INDEPENDENT QUOTES
Scam 2
You get a knock on your door by someone saying they’ve been doing some work locally for the council or highways agency. Fortunately they have some tarmac left over! The caller offers to tarmac your drive for a very reasonable price. You’re on the spot – they have the tarmac and the offer is only available now! This is almost identical to Scam 1. If you accept the quote it’s guaranteed to be hugely inflated by the time the job is done. Failure to pay is met with the usual hostility and threats of violence and intimidation. Follow the advice here to avoid these problems:
Crime Prevention – Get A Proper Quote
DON’T hire people you don’t know following a knock on your door. ALWAYS get three independent quotes for the work or employ someone you know and trust. A laminated card on a lanyard doesn’t make the owner official so don’t be fooled. It doesn’t matter how convincing the person is, be prepared to shut the door and leave them outside while you check with the relevant authority (Gas, electric, water, council etc) to see if they have workers in your area.
DON’T use the number that the person at the door gives you as it may be part of the scam. If you suspect foul play CALL LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE and let your neighbours know through the usual online (Neighbourhood Watch, Nextdoor or Facebook) channels.
Theft And Burglary
Denying criminals easy access to your property is probably your first step in crime prevention. However, if a thief has broken in and stolen property what can be done? Lincolnshire police recommend that you have your property post code marked with invisible ink.
Crime Prevention In Lincolnshire – Neighbourhood Watch

Click on the picture to go to the Neighbourhood Watch website
Neighbourhood Watch does exactly what the title suggests. If you have a community with an interest in personal and community security it’s worth taking a look at their website.
Crime Prevention In Lincolnshire – The ‘nextdoor’ App
If you are considering setting up a community watch system take a look at the ‘next-door’ App which is supported by Lincolnshire Police. Click on the picture below for a link to download the App. It will actually do you a favour!

Click on the picture to download the App.
Crime Prevention In Lincolnshire – Lincolnshire Alert

Click on the picture to go straight to the ‘Sign Up’ page of the Lincolnshire Police Alert initiative.
Have a look at the Lincolnshire Police Lincolnshire Alert page to learn how to get up-to-date information about crime and scams in your area. You’ll find all sorts of information there from Bike marking times and locations to Street Safe and much more.
Crime Prevention In Lincolnshire – Bike Registration

Register your bike FREE of charge with The National Cycle Database. It’s the only database used by all Police forces in the UK.
Registering your bike is free and there are additional security measures that can be included at a small cost. Click on the picture above to find out how to register, mark and secure your bike. A few simple steps could prevent your bike from being stolen which will prevent a lot of heartache and expense in the long run. Lincolnshire Police often carry out free bike marking events around the County so keep your eyes open for the next event near you.
Crime Prevention In Lincolnshire – Rural Crime
The Lincolnshire Police Rural Crime Action Team are keen to hear from you if you have any information about instances of fly tipping, hare coursing, church/farm property theft etc. Have a look at the video above to get a bit more of an insight into what they do.
If you see crime happening in our rural are ‘REPORT IT’ straight away. By clicking on the ‘Subscribe’ button on YouTube you’ll be able to see video updates from the team and keep up to date with how they are trying to keep us safe in rural Lincolnshire.
Are Lincolnshire Streets Safe?
“StreetSafe is a service for anyone to anonymously tell us about public places where you have felt or feel unsafe, because of environmental issues, eg street lighting, abandoned buildings or vandalism and/or because of some behaviours, eg being followed or verbally abused.” Take a look at the link below if you would like to report areas where you feel unsafe:

Click here StreetSafe to go straight to the Lincolnshire Police Street Safe website
Crime Prevention In Lincolnshire – Cyber Crime

Cyber Crime is more than just annoying emails
Fraud, scams, theft, personal injury. Can we really avoid it? If you get those emails or text messages congratulating you on the BIG Bitcoin win, the multi million pounds win, the ‘it’s too good to be true’ win; It really ‘is’ too good to be true!
A simple question to ask yourself before opening that message is ‘did I enter a competition’? We pride ourselves on being far too smart to be conned. However, the reality is we are vulnerable and the criminals know it. I hate to admit it but the criminals can be clever and devious. They are convincing so it’s up to us to be on guard, day in and day out.
Cyber Crime
Did you know that Lincolnshire has a dedicated cyber crime prevention team? I had an incident where I had to call the team for advice as I thought my computer had been hacked. As a result of my qui call, two members of the team arrived at my office and started searching through the ‘ransom’ emails.
The emails demanded payment in Bitcoin by a given date. Failure to pay would result in me being locked out of my computer with my email addresses being used to distribute further ransom messages. Any attempt to contact the police would result in…. You can guess the tone I’m sure!
STOP! Think. Don’t be fooled by these intimidating tactics. Firstly they try to put us under pressure so that we make mistakes. Secondly they threaten and thirdly they bully. Despite being frightened and intimidated I made the call to the cyber crime team.
Within minutes of arriving the team had logged into my computer, identified the emails and confirmed the country of origin. Each one was removed safely and my computer was checked for malware. We both finished the appointment with new information. The team gained some information from the emails and as a result of the visit I learned something new about ‘phishing’ emails and the ‘dark web’.
Data Breach
What is it and what should you to to protect yourself?
Have I Been PWNED?

‘PWNED‘ may not make any sense to you but please do read this section because It will help you secure your accounts.
This website was recommended to me by the Lincolnshire Cyber Protect team. Search for ‘have I been pwned’ on any search engine to get to the website. Here is the link to make life a little easier for you:
Once on the website type in your email address and press ‘enter’. If the page stays blue your address is safe. However, if it turns to red your data has been compromised. As a result you’ll need to change some of your passwords.
Scroll down the page to discover what sites have been hacked or had data breaches containing your information. Go to each of the sites listed and change your password.
It is that simple! As a result of visiting this site regularly to check for new data breaches you’ll be able change your passwords as required resulting in safer accounts.
Antivirus Packages
Our computers are continually at risk so don’t wait for the ransom note to arrive. You can protect your computer with off the shelf software (Norton, McAfee are two that spring to mind). There are also free antivirus packages by AVG and Malwarebytes (the latter being good for Apple devices). If in doubt, contact a reputable computer shop for advice.
Action Fraud – WhatsApp Scam
We need to be on our guard every single day. This is a copy of a message posted by Action Fraud on 28 Mar 23 but it’s relevant every day as scammers and fraudsters are always busy. Have a read and keep a mental note to be permanently vigilant: 

Click anywhere on the test above to go straight to the Action Fraud website or phone 0300 123 2040
If in doubt, ‘report it’.Action Fraud are always looking for new scams and fraudulent accounts to close down and prosecute.
Crime Prevention – Passwords
Using the same password for everything is very helpful as it makes remembering it easy. However, if the criminals discover your password (they use computers to help them) they will be into everything that you thought was secure. DON’T DO THAT! DON’T be tempted to use one password for everything. Instead, use different passwords to keep your information secure.
If you need to write the password down to remember it, make sure your password book is kept secure. There are various Apps that will generate and keep your passwords secure for you but only use the police approved ones.

Creating passwords
‘Password’ isn’t a good word to use for your passwords as it’s too easy to guess. Don’t use family members names, pets names, hobby names etc. as these are all words that are likely to pop up on your social media posts. Hackers computers will easily guess them. Creating random passwords work because they aren’t words that are usually associated with you. Use three random words to make life even more difficult for the hackers. In addition use symbols ($, @, %) in your passwords to make guessing them even more difficult.
Some computers will even generate complicated passwords for you but those passwords are difficult to remember and type. However, your computer will generally remember the password for you. Frequently used passwords need to be memorable for you.
Crime Prevention In Lincolnshire – Trust The Police
Goodness knows what those emails would have done to my mental health if I had ignored them or paid the ransom. Despite being frightened by the emails, my trust in the police paid dividends. Moreover, they proved to me that my computer was clean and secure. They introduced me to some additional security measures and subsequently saved me a lot of money and heartache.
Crime Prevention In Lincolnshire – If It Seems Too Good To Be True…
If it seems too good to be true, it probably is! We all love a bargain and the majority of us would welcome some extra money. Be cautious because there are a lot of fraudsters out there. Consequently, the chances of you being targeted by fraudsters is high. As a result, you need to always be on your guard. NEVER give your bank details out.
If fraudsters contact you posing as your bank and ask for your PIN and/or bank details to ‘pass the security’ rest assured that it’s a SCAM! Your bank or credit card company will never ask for those details. Be one step ahead of the fraudsters by setting up security measures with your bank or credit card company. Contact them to discuss your telephone and online security measures.
Holiday Romance, Romance & Family Fraud
The worst thing about these types of fraud are that the victims sometimes feel too embarrassed to report the crime.
Have a look at this Lincolnshire County Council video on this YouTube link for an insight into Romance Fraud. “Don’t take anyone at face value…” Scammers will try to befriend you, will often get very personal with their conversations very quickly.
They’ll be keen to get you away from the social media platform (if that’s where you met them) because they want to talk privately without fear of intervention. Stories include ‘hard luck’ instances where they need money quickly. As a result you may feel panicked into sending cash. Don’t be tempted! STOP the conversation. I recommend that you talk to family and friends.
Feeling Suspicious?
Talk to the police if you have suspicions of a romance fraud. Firstly, DO NOT SEND MONEY to anyone you have never met or don’t know. Secondly, take time to think about the conversations rationally. Thirdly, never feel ‘silly’ for having fallen for the charms of the scammers. Finally, do contact Lincolnshire Police if you have concerns.
Family fraud can happen very quickly and out of the blue. Because of this it’s important to share some basic information to help prevent you from becoming a victim: Getting a text, Messenger or WhatsApp message from a ‘family member’ who is urgently in need of money and help will obviously make you concerned. They may be calling from an unusual phone number but explain it away as (part of the scam) having their phone stolen or confiscated…

Take time to think.
STOP! THINK! These are probably the words of a scammer who is trying to get you to send money. STOP! THINK! Take a minute to think. Don’t be panicked into making hurried decisions.
STOP! THINK! Instead of panicking, call the number of your family member (the number that you know to be true) to see if they answer. The chances are that they are fine and have no idea someone is trying to contact you on their behalf! It’s a scam. Above all, don’t send money, STOP! THINK! Call the police because they will help and they want to get as much detail as they can to make the appropriate arrests.
Holiday Fraud

“When booking a holiday here or abroad, it’s important to do your research before handing over any money and to double check any website. To avoid the wave of crime this summer we encourage people to stop, check and research before paying. If it sounds too good to be true – it most definitely is.” (Pauline Smith, Head of Action Fraud)
Be aware of ‘good deals’ so make sure you check and check again before booking. Have a look at the full blog by Action Fraud by clicking/tapping on the picture above.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse doesn’t have age limits or gender preferences. If you know someone who is suffering call the police today. You’ll find some useful numbers here but if there is an immediate threat of harm call 999. They’re here for us 24 hours a day.

Some useful contact numbers and addresses. Click on the picture to go straight to the EDANLincs website. If your life is in danger call 999. If you need to make a silent call to protect your safety call 999 and add 55. You’ll also find @EDANLincs on Twitter
GET HELP if you are suffering. Use the numbers above or 999 if you’re in immediate danger. CLICK ON THIS PICTURE for more information and to discover more about ‘Clare’s Law’ to find out if your new partner has history of domestic abuse.
Don’t Put Yourself In Danger
If you are unable to speak during ‘any’ emergency simply dial 999 and add 55. The operator will immediately see that you are in need of help but are unable to talk. Your call will be tracked and you’ll get the help you need.

In an emergency call 999. Add 55 if you are in need of help but can’t talk.
Bullying And Hate Crime
Religious, race, sexual and homophobic abuse has no place in our society so don’t tolerate it. If you are aware of religious, race, sexual, homophobic or any other related abuse REPORT IT. Call 101 to report hate crime and call 999 if you fear imminent danger. Your action could result in an organised network being uncovered and prosecuted. Let’s all be more tolerant of each other. Employers have a duty of care for all staff and visitors so if abuse is happening in the workplace, report it there too.
Prevent Radicalisation
“The role of our Prevent Officers is to help people vulnerable to radicalisation move away from extremism.” (Lincolnshire Police 2023). Crime and radicalisation is always best ‘prevented’ rather than trying to fix an existing problem. With that in mind, you can visit the Lincolnshire Police Prevent website for tips on how to spot the signs of grooming for radicalisation and report it to the right authorities.
It could be a loved one or someone close to you who is vulnerable and in danger of radicalisation by extremist groups. The best way to help them is to report them. They’ll receive the proper care and attention that they deserve. There are several signs to watch out for but generally, if something doesn’t feel right, ‘report it’. You can find more information on how to spot the signs from the Act Early website. Alternatively, call freephone 0800 011 3764
Be Alert And Save Lives
If you only read one paragraph in this blog, make it this one. If you only watch one video in this blog, make it this one because your observations and actions could save lives. “Life has no rewind button”
Additional Contacts
Safer Lincolnshire Partnership: “I know my blogs normally focus on the good things, the jolly things, the brighter side of life but some things need to be brought out into the open. Perhaps you can help to make someones life that little bit happier again. If you have doubts or suspicions make the call. Are we tolerant enough in Lincolnshire? I hope so!” (Martin 2020 ‘Be Tolerant’ blog)
Additional Blogs By LincsConnect:
Take a look back at some of the previous blogs to see what you might have missed. Click on the picture to go straight to the blog:

Click on the flag to go to the blog
That’s It For Now
If you have anything that needs to be added to this blog please let me know.

“Putting the social back into social media” #LincsConnect is always here for you.
by Martin Thomas | Jun 30, 2021 | Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Sleaford, WhatsOnLincs
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford Through The Eyes Of LincsConnect
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford by LincsConnect. This is the second of my series of blogs ‘through the eyes of LincsConnect’. I’m sure you’ll find it useful.
It’s funny how a pre-conceived blog can change so much and so quickly. I’ve been fortunate enough to visit Sleaford many times so the layout of the blog was already pre-conceived. However, my research made me realise how little I know about the town.
Sleaford – Getting There

Sleaford is conveniently located between Grantham (15 miles), Newark (19 miles), Boston (17 miles), Lincoln (20 miles) & Stamford (29 miles)
Split Sleaford into three areas and you’ll realise that there is more to the town than meets the eye. We have Quarrington, Old Sleaford and New Sleaford (or ‘Sleaford’ as we know it now). New Sleaford has enveloped both Old Sleaford and Quarrington during its recent ‘growth spurt’. We can therefore be forgiven for not realising how much the landscape has changed. In fact, the landscape has changed dramatically. Over the last 250 years or so we now the ‘Old River Slea’ and the ‘New River Slea’ plus a railway line or two. I’ll talk more about the rivers later though.
The A15 running North/South come to Sleaford from Lincoln in the North and Peterborough from the South. Driving East/West the A17 links Boston through Sleaford to Newark.
The Sleaford railway station was opened in 1857 nd led to the ultimately demise of the canal. It’s the only station in the region to offer North/South ‘and’ East/West destinations. Trains run from Peterborough and Skegness as well as Nottingham and Lincoln.
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford (Quarrington)
Quarrington is worthy of a mention on its own but is now part of the larger town of Sleaford.

St Botolph’s Church, Quarrington. Click on the picture to go to the website
The St Botolph’s Church (click the link to find them on Facebook) was originally built in the 13th Century but was rebuilt in 1812 and its tower was restored in 1887. Sunday services are being held weekly at 11.00am* with evening services via Zoom at 6.00pm. *The obvious Covid19 restrictions apply so if you would like to attend the service please pre-book by emailing your request to
Quarrington is located South West of Sleaford centre with the A15 to its West and A153/B1517 to its North and is thought to be the ‘mother’ parish of Old Sleaford. The walk from Quarrington is regarded as ‘easy’ and is just 3-4 miles round trip to Sleaford depending on your route:

WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford (Old Sleaford)
Old Sleaford, as you might expect, had its (Northern) border running along the Old (original) River Slea. I’ve also read that there was a Roman road running through Sleaford from Tattershall to Ancaster. My research so far suggests that I have a choice of either King Street or Bloxholm Lane. You can probably guess what town my next blog will focus on then!
Old Sleaford was possibly an iron-age tribal centre but since then it has had links with William the Conqueror in 1086 and had a castle built by Bishop Alexander of Lincoln in around 1120/30. Sadly though the castle fell into disrepair and was demolished in around 1600. During its popularity it played host to both King John and Henry VIII (separately of course)!

The site of the castle is still visible and is shown in this aerial picture. The picture was taken from Wikipedia but there is no evidence of the originator to reference here I’m afraid.
“The visible remains are now only a moat, a scrap of masonry (one small, toppled portion of a wall in the north-east corner of the inner bailey) and associated earthworks”. For more information visit the Wikipedia site. I’ll be paying a visit to the site soon and hope to be able to provide updated pictures.
Further reading Indicates that there was a large Manor House (the Hussey Manor House, build in 1400) at Old Place, Sleaford. It included a moat, gate house, chapel, kiln drying oven and extensive outbuildings. Sadly it was demolished in 1822 to make way for the new building. If you’re planning a visit to the area look up ‘Old Place’, Sleaford.
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford Navigation
The river Slea surfaces to the South West of Ancaster at West Willoughby (West of Sleaford) and flows through Sleaford to South Kyme. Here it becomes the Kyme Eau and then joins the River Witham at Chapel Hill.

The diagram shows the seven locks used in the new River Slea while the blue line to the right shows the course of the Old River Slea
The River Slea and the Nine Foot River (or Nine Foot Drain) merge in Sleaford to become one River Slea. As the river passes through the town it becomes part of the Sleaford Navigation. The 12.5 miles canalisation was opened in 1794 to allow continued navigation. Inevitably (with the advent of the railway) it became redundant and fell into disrepair. Thankfully much of it has now been restored and re-opened. The Old River Slea was allowed to run its normal course (South of the canal) and the two rejoin at Cobblers Lock before becoming the Kyme Eau at South Kyme and eventually joining the River Witham.
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford Navigation House
The old clerks office (Navigation House) serves as a visitors centre for the canal and incorporates a shop selling local produce. More importantly though it houses a museum and information centre with wall maps, information boards, TV and audio rooms and lots of interesting articles to inform the young and old alike. Built in 1838 this grade II listed building is a piece of history in its on right. When visiting be sure to make your way to Navigation Yard to have a look. I know you’ll be impressed so make it a date in your diary. For up-to-date information give them a follow on Twitter @NavigationHouse
Their current opening times are Friday to Monday 12.00pm-4.00pm. You can ring them on 01529 305904 or email to book group tours too.
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford Cogglesford Mill
Covid19 is still threatening its ugliness across the world but you’ll find the staff at Coggesford Watermill are very friendly and have your safety in mind. Please do contact them prior to your visit (see the YouTube video above for details). Don’t forget your mask while looking around this historic building though.
From Navigation House you’ll find Coggesford Mill just a short walk away. Look out for the Kingfishers while you’re walking along the river bank. If you’re lucky you’ll see a flash of bright blue as one goes fishing for a snack.
If you’ve come from Navigation House hopefully you bought some duck food for the inevitable feeding spectacular. It’s always a special moment for childen if you have any with you. However, for the adults you’ll find an array of freshly ground flour and other local produce in the shop at Coggesford Mill and if it’s a sunny day you may want to buy an ice cream there too.

Coggesford Water Mill – if this picture downs’e tempt you to visit I don’t know what will…
The mill was originally a single story building but was later extended to three stories. Built in the 18th Century it’s still producing freshly ground flour to this day. Its history goes way back to Saxon times so the building we see today with its two sets of millstones is relatively modern!
Seeing and hearing the mill in action is a real treat so I do hope you get to experience it. I’ve noticed that there was a virtual tour as well as special school trips so please do get in touch by email for more information and to book. Follow Cogglesford Mill @Cogglesford on twitter too for regular updates.
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford Museum

Discover more of the history of Sleaford by visiting the museum. Currently open every Saturday between 10.00am and 3.00pm. Click on the picture to go to the website or follow them on Twitter @MuseumSleaford
This local history museum is a charity run by volunteers. Opening times are limited as I write this blog but please do visit the website and twitter page for updates as additional opening times will inevitably follow the easing of Covid19 restrictions. Don’t forget to book in before arrival to make sure they have a slot available as visits are limited to four people at a time. Keep up to date on Facebook at Sleaford Museum
Historically (excuse the pun) the museum has had exhibitions but they are limited at the moment. Checking the website will give you the full up-to-date details though.
Local history talks take place at St Deny’s Church rooms (off the Market Place) and start at 7.30pm. Follow this link for a timetable: Events and Talks
St Deny’s Church is visible from Eastgate (A153/B1517) and is a ‘must see’ Grade I listed building dating back to the 12th Century. Click on the blue links to read more and find them on Facebook here St Deny’s Church Sleaford

Getting there: The address is 81 Southgate (contact number 07518 972016) with plenty of parking and a rail link
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford Places Of Interest
Sleaford certainly is a gem in the Lincolnshire countryside with lots of interesting things to do and places to visit. It’s a market town with regular markets on Mondays and Fridays plus a famers market every first Saturday of the month. It also has a thriving shopping area too with independent shops as well as some big chain stores. If you fancy some shopping and a bite to eat or a drink you’ll be spoilt for choice. Just 7 minutes drive from St Deny’s Church in Sleaford is Kirkby-La-Thorpe. Here you’ll find the 12th Century small church which also happens to be called The Church Of St Denny’s.
The Queens Head Bar And Restaurant
Kirkby-La-Thorpe is worthy of a mention because of its church of course but also the village pub which was formerly called The Queens Head Inn (on Boston Road). The original pub achieved the prestigious Top 13 Pub in the UK award with its fantastic food and great value. It closed in early 2019 due to a combination of COVID19 and the death of a former owner. Since then it has been taken over by a new team who’ve been putting in the hours and hard work to completely renovate and rejuvenate it. New menus are planned with the emphasis on locally sourced produce.
The Queens Head team have been posting their progress on Twitter so if you would like to follow their journey click on this link: @QueensKirkby now. You can join in with the chat there and watch the changes being made as well as the new menus coming to life.

New beginnings means a new logo and I think this one is very smart. It’s modern and fresh which reflects nicely what the new owners aim to achieve. You can follow them on Twitter @QueensKirkby For reservations call 01529 305743 or visit the website
Cocktails At The Queens

Here is the new Cocktails List for the New Pub. Why not save the list to your phone and place your order when you get there?
The Queens Head is set to open its doors once again as a pub on 19 July 2021 and the restaurant will be opening shortly after. Put Sunday 1 August in your diary for the restaurant but don’t forget to book your table in advance to avoid disappointment. I have no doubt that this is going to be a very popular local pub and restaurant once again.
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford Music
You can’t really write about Sleaford without mentioning the Saboteurs so sit back and have a listen to one or two of their songs. They bill themselves as ‘alternative’ and ‘grunge’ but I just like their modern Indie feel. Have a listen and make up your own mind.

The Saboteurs bill themselves as ‘Alternative’ and ‘Grunge’ but if you like modern indie music I think you’ll agree that whatever labels they put themselves under, they’re simply ‘very good’. Click on the picture to hear a different sample of their music.
Sleaford seems to have more that it’s fair share of music opportunities so it wouldn’t be right to omit the Sleaford Live Fest which is (normally) held in May every year. Follow them on Twitter @Sleaford_Live and Facebook Sleaford Live Festival where you’ll find lots of links to local music and arts events. Indie rock or folk music isn’t for everyone of course so if you prefer choral music, Sleaford has that too. Normal rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings with at least three concerts each year. However, with the onslaught of the dreaded Covid19, rehearsals have been put on hold until August 2021. For more information take a look at the Sleaford Choral Society website and don’t forget to follow them on Twitter too @ChoralSleaford
Mandarin Therapies provides bespoke complementary therapies from the comfort of your own home across the whole County and beyond. Treatments include Aromatherapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) and much more while @MandarinMothers provides the same top class service for expectant and postnatal mothers. These treatments also include tuition for partners to make sure my ladies receive the best possible care whenever they want it. For bookings call 07966 174878. Mandarin Therapies celebrated 30 years in business on 14 February 2021 and has many, many happy clients.
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford Oktoberfest
The annual Oktoberfest organised by Sleaford round Table has been around since 2011 but had the obvious break during the Coronavirus pandemic. As a charity fund raising event the Oktoberfest raised a whopping £11,500 in 2019. With your help I’m sure it’ll raise even more this year.

Sleaford & District Round Table presents the 10th Sleaford Oktoberfest Click on the picture to go to the website
With drinks, music and entertainment planned it’s bound to be a good event. Sixteen different breweries will be involved including five from Lincolnshire. In addition there will be lager, cider and perry on sale too plus a gin and schnapps bar. I think pretty much all tastes will be catered for!
The bar will be open until midnight each night (from 6.00pm on Thursday and Friday and from 12.00pm on Saturday) with an Oompah band entertaining from 4.00pm and 7.15pm on Saturday. The band line up can be found by visiting the Sleaford Oktoberfest website.
It’s all happening at the Boston Road Recreation Ground and free parking is available. It’s a ticket free event so please pay at the entrance where you’ll be issued with a wristband to prove payment.
More Places To Visit
This blog really could go and and on as there are so many places to visit in the Sleaford area. The blog isn’t a definitive ‘what’s on’ for the area though so as a result I’ll cut the next bit short just to give you a taster:
Rauceby Hall will be opening its gates to welcome visitors once again from 14 to 18 July 2021. Visitors to Rauceby Hall are invited to see the performances of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ which will be performed by Sleaford Playhouse Theatre who can be found on Facebook and Twitter @SleafordTheatre
Tickets are on sale for the performances so if you want to join the fun just click on the picture below to go to the ticket office:

Click on the picture to book your tickets
If walking is your preferred form of relaxation and mindfulness then Sleaford has certainly got you covered. The River Slea and Canal offer scenic routes with locks and mills being just part of the delights. This is one of the routes provided by Sleaford Navigation which I’m sure you will enjoy. Keep your eyes open for the Haverholme Priory too. Follow the link to read about the sad demise of the priory building. Personally I think it’s really quite tragic.

Click on the picture to read and download the walk which has been uploaded by Sleaford Navigation
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford – Charity
Charity begins with you and me but with so many charities needing our help it’s difficult to know which ones to choose. This North Kesteven website has a list of local charities in Sleaford so if you’re able to donate or volunteer please do click on the picture below for more information:

Are you able to help a local charity? Click on the picture to go to a list of local charities in Sleaford. Perhaps you can volunteer or make a donation?
Additional Blogs By LincsConnect:
Take a look back at some of the previous blogs to see what you might have missed. Click on the picture to go straight to the blog:

Around Me In Lincolnshire – Gainsborough

#LincsConnectJobs Hour for jobs and courses
Great Grimsby Day 2021
WhatsOnLincs – Sleaford
That’s it for now. I hope you enjoy my local ‘Around Me’ blogs. I’ll be grateful for any comments and feedback so feel free to email me at
You may also like to read the ‘Aviation Trail’ blog by Visit Lincoln. Have a look to discover more about the Sleaford area

Aviation Trail by Visit Lincoln
If you would like me to visit your town please do let me know. Advertising comes with a FREE link to the blog for as long as you want it so you can use it again and again to help promote your business or charity.
Look after yourself and each other

Your own Lincolnshire Blogger – Copied but never bettered. “Putting the social back into social media” #LincsConnect is always here for you.
by Martin Thomas | Jun 7, 2021 | Jobs, Lincolnshire, lincolnshire Business, Lincs Connect, LincsConnect, LincsConnectJobs
LincsConnectJobs Hour
LincsConnectJobs hour for jobs and courses is here for you every day whether you’re posting vacancies or looking for work.
LincsConnectJobs Hour For Jobs And Courses
LincsConnectJobs hour – to be more precise, it’s a hashtag so you need to add #LincsConnectJobs to your posts to help people find you. When you’re posting vacancies or searching for jobs and courses #LincsConnectJobs is the place to be. The hour starts at 10.00am every Monday and is open to all agencies and businesses or charities who wish to get their vacancies and courses noticed in the local Lincolnshire area. In addition, it’s the place for everyone to go to when searching for a job or course. It’s a local hub to help you find good connections as well as jobs and courses.
LincsConnectJobs Hour – It’s Here For ‘You’
#LincsConnect is the established hub (database) so when posting vacancies or courses I recommend the following format:
#LincsConnectJobs #Jobs
#Location (Where is the vacancy/course)? Use a hashtag for the location to make sure you reach out to people searching for news in their area. Include brief details about the vacancy.
#YourHahstag Include your own hashtag (if you have one) to let everyone know that they can search for your specific uploads.
Include a link to either yourself or directly to the vacancy information
Include a picture or video wherever possible as an attention grabber.

An example of a tried and tested format. Note the use of both #LincsConnectJobs ‘and’ #LincsConnect to get as much exposure as possible
Tried And Tested
The format in the picture above is tried and tested over 12 years so I know it works.
#LincsConnectJobs Is The Hub
#LincsConnectJobs isn’t trying to replace the work of others or steal their hard earned followers. Quite the opposite in fact. The #LincsConnectJobs and #LincsConnect hashtags are designed to be the hub or the ‘go to’ place for people to look to find you. Adding the two hashtags to your tweets on a daily basis will undoubtedly increase your readership and following.
Team Work Works
It may sound obvious but being precious about your own account and not sharing posts from others will only lead to your own posts stagnating. When we work as a team we can increase followers and readership for each other. It shows that you’re an ‘all inclusive’ site and improves your standing and respect on twitter. If you’ve been posting but only getting one or two retweets or interactions increasing your readership can only be a good thing!

It’s good to work together
Get Noticed To Get Results
Making sure you tell your followers about the #LincsConnectJobs hour will improve readership for everyone. That brings us back to ‘Team Work Works’. Using the #LincsConnectJobs hashtag is excellent but it needs a little time (and your input) to make it into ‘the’ place to look across the whole county. With that in mind you need to include the #LincsConnect hashtag too (not the @LincsConnect address) as it has been established for more that 12 years and is already recognisable across the county. Using both hashtags will help drive people to the #LincsConnectJobs hashtag so it’s a win, win situation.
LincsConnectJobs Hour – Courses
If you know of any colleges, schools or universities that are offering courses please point them to #LincsConnectJobs. After all, the courses are designed to lead to self improvement and self improvement may lead to fresh job searches.
#LincsConnectJobs Hour For Jobs And Courses – The Format
LincsConnectJobs hour for jobs and courses – Start each hour with a quick introduction. Let everyone know who you are, what you do and what you have to offer. Some of you may be on a fixed wage while others may be an agency working on fixed fees or commission. We all have to live and pay bills so don’t be afraid to be ‘up front’ with your charges.
Can’t Make It In Person?
Life is often hectic and committing to a dedicated hour each week can be difficult at best! Scheduling tweets is perfectly acceptable but do consider what you put in your posts if you are away from your desk. Here are some examples that I’ve found work well:
Introductory post: Good morning everyone, apologies for not being able to make it in person today. I’ve scheduled a few tweets for the hour but will visit the hashtag later to retweet for you and show my support.
Subsequent posts: My advice is to stick with the theme that you are not participating in person. I recommend that you use the hour to post informative messages about yourself. Tell people what you do. Let them know if you have a particular reputation in engineering or any other speciality recruitment. The hashtag is live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Anyone can visit to read the posts at any time so make your posts relevant. Letting people know who you are and what you do is important if you want people to follow you. It’s really not ‘just’ about the job vacancies!
That introductory post is perfectly acceptable as you have pledged to support others. With that in mind, the others should feel comfortable retweeting your posts and offering you their support.
Be Part Of The Team
Would you like to host the hour? Hosting the hour will help to show your personality and will let people get to know the person behind the tweets. My diary is open so please do let me know if you would like to be a host.
#MandarinTherapies is a fully mobile complementary therapies service operating throughout Lincolnshire and beyond. Fully Covid-19 secure of course with treatments ranging from 1 to 2 hours. Call 07966 174878 to book
LincsConnectJobs Hour – Getting It Right
Perfection is a good goal but getting it right every single time is a difficult task. We are all human so be prepared to make a few errors (I still make lots of mistakes but try to learn from them). LincsConnectJobs hour for jobs and courses will only work if we are all consistent. By working together we will have the hashtag trending on Twitter, Google and other platforms (I’ve made that happen several times before).
Good luck
I hope you find this post useful. Please do feel free to email me at if you have any questions or suggestions.
Additional Blogs By LincsConnect:

Click/tap on the picture to go to the #LincsConnectValentines blog
Best wishes

LincsConnect is your Lincolnshire Blogger – often copied but never bettered. “Putting the social back into social media” #LincsConnect is always here for you.
by Martin Thomas | Oct 18, 2020 | Christmas, Hashtags, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, lincolnshire Business, Lincs Connect, LincsConnect, Shopping
For A Lincolnshire Christmas Use #LincsConnectChristmas
For a Lincolnshire Christmas use #LincsConnectChristmas on your tweets to reach more local people. Search the hashtag to find lots of lovely gift ideas and bargains. If you’re wondering who is posting on the hashtag I suggest you have a look today. The hashtag isn’t just for Twitter though; There are posts on Facebook and Instagram too so go to your search bar and type in #LincsConnectChristmas to see what comes up.

For Christmas use #LincsConnectChristmas – A Lincolnshire Christmas
I don’t want to say “I told you so” but…. ‘I told you so’ way back in September! Christmas is coming early this year as people fear uncertain times ahead. Christmas shopping has started early for most people. If you’re a small business who isn’t prepared yet you’re in danger of missing out on your local market.
First posted in October 2020, this blog is still relevant today. Prices are rising, bills are escalating and interest rates are heading upwards. Plan early to make sure you don’t get caught out.
Many people have started (or already finished) Christmas shopping! Coupled with the growing numbers of unemployed and financially challenged, the ‘Big Boys’ will be putting on some huge discounts to increase High Street footfall and spending. Don’t miss out. Start selling and marketing our Christmas products now. Contact me to discuss a plan.
Hosting the #LincsConnect Hour on Twitter is an ideal way to reach out to locals. Get in touch today to arrange a date to host your Hour. I’ll say it again “For A Lincolnshire Christmas Use #LincsConnectChristmas“.
#LincsConnectChristmas is a seasonal hashtag which ‘trends’ globally each year so use it to reach out to your new customers. The #LincsConnect hashtag is here for you every single day of the year so I recommend using them both. To increase your chances of your messages being seen I recommend using both hashtags together.
Shop Online In Lincolnshire And Beyond
Shopping online is set to increase with the multi-nationals gearing up to steal the market. ‘Now’ is the time for the local independent traders to get their offers onto their websites and online shops. You can’t expect everyone to find you and buy your products though! Make sure you use your social media platforms to guide customers to your shop.
Once you’ve posted your goodies onto your online shop or local High Street shop you need to be working flat out to advertise. Continuous posting on social media will bring sales but not enough. You need to interact with people to get them to want your product. Sell, sell, sell doesn’t work on social media so for best results get chatting. Obviously your followers know what you do so you’ll need to reach out to new customers if you want to make your advertising work. Online shopping is very attractive in the current pandemic so ‘now’ is the time to get talking and making your social media sites look Christmassy.
Lincolnshire, Regional and National Deliveries
Many items can be posted in the normal way of course but if you have awkward sized gifts you might want to employ a courier. Including the cost of the courier in the sale price of the gift is an ideal way to plan finances. Negotiating with local couriers early will be your best bet for good prices and guaranteed time slots.
Travel may be a problem this year so grandparents may want to send a bike to grandchildren by courier. What about plants? Transporting plants by post can be difficult so a courier may be your best option. Negotiating rates early may be a good idea so perhaps now is the time to get it organised.
Charity Shops
Don’t forget our local charity shops when you’re shopping this year. As a result of de-cluttering during the lockdown, charity shops have had a bumper intake of stock. ‘Now’ is your chance to grab a bargain while helping out your local community. Many items will be brand new too so it’s always worth popping in.

Stresses can increase during this time of year and injuries never take a holiday so contact @MandarinTherapies for your treatments. Tel 07966 174878. Emergency services and Armed Forces enjoy 20% discount too.
For Christmas use #LincsConnectChristmas – Help Me, Help You
To help me help you please copy the link to this blog into your social media advertising. If you’re talking about Christmas, Christmas gifts, Christmas offers and postage you can add a link to this blog to help explain that you’re trying to compete against ‘the big boys’. As a result you’ll be increasing readership of this blog. With that achieved I’ll be able to reach out to more people to help advertise your business. We really can help each other.
Additional Blogs
Stay Safe
Keep a mask on and your hands clean to protect yourself and everyone else around you. Happy shopping and happy selling folks.

LincsConnect is your Lincolnshire Blogger – Copied but never bettered