New Beginnings With Mandarin Fitness

New Beginnings With Mandarin Fitness

New Beginnings With Mandarin Fitness – The same Old Story

Mandarin Fitness by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

New beginnings with Mandarin Fitness – Exercise, diet, protein, carbohydrates, High Intensity Interval Training, Injury….. You’ve heard it all before.

Every January all of these topics will have probably been bombarding you from morning till night.  You can’t escape it in January and you are ‘expected’ to have a New Year resolution. The expectation is that you will want or need to lose weight and get fit. Fast forward to pre-summer holidays and watch it all repeat again!


Reality Check


The realities are though that the majority of people who take up exercise and a new diet plan in January are doomed to failure.  Why though? Is it because you have been pressured into it by the media, celebrities, friends, families and Personal Trainers?

Perhaps you feel under pressure to conform with what is expected of you?  Here is a question and answer for the ladies:

“How do you get a bikini body?” The answer is simple “put a bikini on!”

Bikini Diet with Mandarin Fitness by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

The picture on the left is the real image. The picture on the right has been edited to portray ‘the perfect body’ image

New Beginnings With Mandarin Fitness – Don’t Be Pressured


The point I’m trying to make here is that whatever happens, you mustn’t feel pressured or bullied into conforming to the ‘skinny body’ picture that you may have in your mind.  The ‘six pack’ may never happen for you.  It’s a fact and I would like you to hold that in your mind.

We are all different and that is a fact too.


Body Type


Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph are three distinctly different body types.  You are what you are and, like it or not, that’s the way it is.  You can search any of those body types on the internet for a full description to save me rambling on here but the reality is that regardless of how many nuts and seeds you eat or litres off water you drink your body type will never change.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can just give up and pretend that any weight issues you may have just don’t matter.  On the contrary, we know that an increased waist circumference is linked to heart disease, stroke and some cancers.  We also know that too little body fat carries health problems too.

Morphology with Mandarin Fitness by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Morphology – you are what you are!



So where does this leave you? Hopefully not confused!

Do you need to exercise? Of course you do!  Your body type may dictate that you will never be lean with a six pack so do you stop considering what you eat? Of course not!  Remember, “Everything in moderation


New Beginnings With Mandarin Fitness – Your Health Is In Your Hands


If you don’t enjoy exercise and prefer to eat comfort food then consider this:  “Your health is in your hands” – you should love yourself and the body you’re in so don’t try to reach the unreachable goal.

You can change habits though and there is plenty of professional help around from health professionals to fitness professionals. Consider ‘functional fitness’ as a goal.  Many of you may not want to go to the gym or take up running but can you get out of your chair easily? Could you run or jog a short distance if you need to? Can you lie down and get back up again with ease?  If the answer to these questions is ‘no’ then perhaps you need to consider your perception of fitness.

Take your body type (whatever it is) for a walk, swim or cycle. Don’t cut out carbohydrates from your diet but you can drastically cut down by reducing confectionary.  It’s a good start!

If you are new to exercise, self conscious, unable to move as well as you should but would like to make improvements then you might like to contact me for help. I will visit you for a dedicated 1 to 1 consultation but I’m afraid there will be the normal charges for that service.

If you have any questions about starting exercise please don’t hesitate to contact me.



March is my busiest month of the year. Why? Because so many people are too enthusiastic at the start of their fitness/activity journey and trainers often push people to exercise beyond their safe limits.  March is the time when my phone is most active with people asking for help.  Don’t be a statistic. Take your time to ease into exercise. There is no rush, you have the rest of your life to get it right!


Biomechanics Coaching for injury prevention and rehabilitation with Mandarin Fitness in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Biomechanics coaching with Mandarin Fitness in Lincolnshire for injury prevention and injury rehabilitation

Until Next Time…


That’s it for now. I hope you find this blog useful. If you have any comments or would like any more information please do get in touch.

LincsConnect putting the social back into social media

You can email or call me on 07966 174878.  You can also visit the website or for a quick response you will find me on twitter @MANDARINLEISURE @MandarinFitness @MandarinMothers of Facebook MandarinFitness

Mandarin Fitness Detox

Mandarin Fitness Detox

Mandarin Fitness Detox

Mandarin Fitness Detox – Did you over indulge over the Christmas holidays? Perhaps Easter was a chocolate fest? Are you ready to detox?

Mandarin Fitness Detox by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

When Is The Best Time?

The simple answer is ‘NOW’

Now is the time detox. In fact, you’re already doing it.  You don’t need to buy a special drink or go on a special ‘detox’ diet so put your credit card away.

Mandarin Fitness Detox – Every Day

Your body is detoxifying itself every single day of your life. It does it 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, every year since the day you born.

If your body stops detoxifying itself, get medical help as a matter of urgency!

What Do You Need To Know About Detox?

Mandarin Fitness Detox by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger


The End

That’s it! There is no more to say about ‘detox’ other than to remind you to save your money by not believing the adverts that telly otherwise.


Mandarin Fitness Personal Trainer in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

If you like this blog please do feel free to comment. Likewise, if you would like any other health and fitness advice please do feel free to contact me.



Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss

Happy New Year With Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss

Here is a new series of blogs for you, starting with ‘Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss’ tips for the New Year.

With 33 years experience as a Personal Trainer I’m here to help you on your journey to health and happiness.

Over Indulged?

Christmas has been and gone already!  Did you buy enough chocolates, alcohol, savoury snacks and treats to last the day…..week?

I’ve heard it said that many people consume around 4000 ‘extra’ Calories per day over the Christmas holidays.  To put this into perspective; in order to burn off 1Lb of body fat you’ll need to burn an ‘extra’ 3500 Calories.  Those ‘extra’ Calories means an awful lot of exercise! Read on for useful tips.

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss – Don’t Despair

Mandarin Fitness weight loss by LincsConnect the :Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Don’t despair…

Gaining 5Lb (2-3kg) over the Christmas period isn’t really such a big deal so don’t despair. Body weight naturally fluctuates on a daily basis so resist the temptation to succumb to the advertising hype from the big companies. You ‘will’ be bombarded with the latest eating craze, special diets and prepared meals from all of the media and social media channels. ‘Don’t Despair – Do Resist’ the temptation to follow the crowd. Hold onto your money (at least until you’ve finished reading this blog) because you may find some simple and cheaper alternatives.

The Six Pack

Mandarin Fitness weight loss by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Your 6 pack is always there but sometimes it needs a bit of work to tone it up. You’ll need to be very lean (very little body fat) to be able to see it, but it is there

For those of you who know me, you’ll know that I don’t particularly subscribe to the ‘six pack’ club. My preferred mantra is ‘healthy’ rather than obsessive.  Don’t get me wrong though, the ‘six pack’ is good – but it’s just not a realistic goal for everyone.  So, what can the answer be for those of us who don’t aspire to that type of figure or realistically understand that the ‘lean, mean, fighting machine’ body is never going to be achievable?

Here are some simple rules:

  1. Don’t feel guilty if you think you over indulged over the Christmas period.
  2. Love yourself as you are.
  3. Aspire to be healthy, pain free and able to move freely.
  4. Be prepared to make small changes on a regular basis to make sure you reach your goals.
  5. Be active and stay active.

I can think of many more rules but these five will hold you in good stead for the foreseeable future.

We all know that the consequences of over indulgence and not enough exercise can be fatal. Don’t obsess with your fitness and weight loss programme though. There are some simple changes that you can implement to help make lasting changes.

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss – Small Changes

If you’re asking yourself “what should I do to help myself?” try starting with these simple tips:

  1. Make small, healthy changes to your diet.
  2. Don’t rush to make big changes all at once. The smaller changes are more likely to become habits that will be long lasting.
  3. Don’t run a marathon! Over exercising is the biggest cause of injury and it happens ‘every’ New Year! Becoming a statistic isn’t part of the game plan.
  4. Invest in appropriate clothing and footwear.
  5. Join a structured club or class that you are likely to enjoy. If you don’t enjoy the exercise you probably won’t stick at it.

Walking Is Free

Our digital age provides technology to help motivate us. In addition we have nice cameras on our phones so we can use them to help give us a reason for walking.

There are many free Apps available to help track our walks and activity. As an iPhone user I utilise the built in fitness App to track my activity and walks for myself and my client sessions. Other Apps available including ‘Map My Walk’ and ‘Strava’. A photo taken during the walk is a lovely way to record your activity too.

If you normally drink a late or cappuccino coffee try swapping it for an Americano coffee. Likewise, if you always eat ready meals, challenge yourself to cook a healthy meal instead. If you have a takeaway meal every week change it to once a month.

If you don’t normally go for a walk try starting off with 1 mile (1.5km) at a time on a daily basis. Your fitness levels ‘will’ improve and your weight ‘will’ reduce. These very simple change ideas can make a world of difference to your life.  Adapting the idea to suite yourself is a perfect way to make permanent changes.

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss – Superfoods

There is no such thing as a ‘superfood’.  I’ll say that again in case you aren’t sure what you just read: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SUPERFOOD!

Don’t be fooled by the adverts on TV.

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss – Exercises

Here are a few ideas for exercises that you might find useful. Don’t forget to start off gently to avoid injury.  It’s better to stop while you’re feeling good than to push to fatigue then suffer the consequences later.

Mandarin Fitness exercises by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

Mandarin Fitness Weight Loss Challenge

Small changes make all the difference. Challenge yourself to make a few small changes this month.


Mandarin Fitness weight loss by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

If you would like more help or information you can contact Martin on 07966 174878






Nordic Walking In Lincolnshire

Nordic Walking In Lincolnshire

Nordic Walking In Lincolnshire With Mandarin Fitness

Nordic Walking with Mandarin Fitness in Lincolnshire (Lincoln) by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Nordic Walking in Lincolnshire with Mandarin Fitness. It’s suitable for all levels from complete beginner to seasoned athlete

It ‘is’ just walking with poles! You may be surprised to learn that there is some technique to master before you can truly call yourself a Nordic walker though. Thankfully Mandarin Fitness is here to guide you so read on for more information.

Martin from Mandarin Fitness has over 32 years experience in the health and fitness industry and runs weekly classes. As a result, you can rest assured that you are benefitting from a wealth of experience and learning from one of the best.

Nordic Walking In Lincolnshire (Lincoln) Monthly Timetable

Client safety is always a priority so please do check here for any updates and changes to the timetable.

Location Change

As the British weather can be so unpredictable we may need to change the locations from time to time when bad weather makes certain locations difficult or dangerous. Please keep your eyes on this blog for any updates.


Evening Sessions

If you would like me to organise some additional sessions in the evenings please let me know



Nordic Walking in Lincolnshire with Mandarin Fitness.

Looking Ahead


Heading into March we’re all hoping that the weather will be nice.  However, just in case, I’ve produced two timetables with interchangeable days to accommodate good weather or rainy/muddy days:


Nordic Walking in Lincolnshire with Mandarin Fitness - March timetable


Nordic Walking Master Instructor

Qualified as a Master Nordic Walking instructor in 2007 and level 3 Personal Trainer in 1991 Martin is the man to go to for your safe tuition.

Master Nordic Walking Trainer - Mandarin Fitness in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Getting to Grips…

Getting to grips with the basics is key to learning Nordic Walking. Martin will show you how and when to grip the poles and when to release.  You’ll even learn the Nordic Walking ‘swagger’!

With one arm forward the other should swing back whilst pushing on the pole to propel you forward (similar to marching with poles). You’ll learn to grip, release, twist, push and stride simultaneously.

The whole package is the goal but it’s important to start with the basics and build on the technique as each skill is learned.  The technique can take anything from 10 minutes to 6 weeks to master.  One or two clients have taken to it immediately while others need to learn at a slightly slower pace. Whatever learning level you are at, Martin will help you to achieve your goal of learning Nordic Walking.

Beginners Nordic Walking

With the right instructor there is no need to have to join a dedicated beginners Nordic Walking class.  Getting the technique right at ‘your’ pace is the most important consideration for beginners because it will help build confidence. Learning to walk with poles as tools is important so get used to holding the poles and discover how you naturally start to utilise them as time goes on.

To begin the learning journey, start with a loose grip of the handles then walk with your arms locked down by your sides. Progress (within around 15-20 seconds) to relaxing your shoulders and arms then note how they naturally swing as you walk.  At this stage you should be dragging your poles. Once you feel comfortable with this you should try to exaggerate the arm swing. If (or when) you feel it going strong simply keep walking but lock your arms down by your sides ad start the process again.

Getting To Grips With Nordic Walking

Learning to grip, release, swing, push, pick up, chat, laugh, enjoy the scenery and company will all come in time.  It takes a little patience and some expert instruction but you will definitely master it!  Martin is here for you and the group members are always keen to welcome you to the group.

Know Your Limits

You’ll be reminded throughout that your limits are personal to you so it’s important to be the best ‘you’ can be.  Copying others and feeling that you have to ‘keep up’ is a good way to pick up an injury.  To avoid injuries you must do what is comfortable and resist temptation to push too hard.  Martin will have a watchful eye on you all the time – even when you don’t realise that he is watching!

Nordic Walking In Lincolnshire – Benefits And Exercise In Disguise

Nordic Walking encourages participants to include upper body actions to a greater extent than normal walking. The perception is that the hour long session was just a normal walk but the reality is that participants can burn up to 40% more Calories just by using the poles properly. That’s a huge benefit over normal walking without poles. In addition to the Calorie burning benefits, there are also the social benefits to consider as well as the balance aids the poles give for those who are less steady on their feet.

Walking in the fresh air is a well documented stress buster, as is laughing and social interaction.  You’ll get all of these things in abundance when you’re Nordic Walking with a group.

Injury need not be a reason to not take up Nordic Walking. On the contrary, Nordic Walking can be a great benefit when on the road to recovery after injury or illness.  Join a class today to start getting the benefits of Nordic Walking.

Mandarin Fitness provides the right coaching at the right level to make sure your workout is safe and effective.

Classes In Lincoln

Classes are held each Saturday morning in the Lincoln, Lincolnshire area from 10.30am. All abilities are welcome to come along so contact Martin on 07966 174878 for more information and to book your session and poles. The updated timetable is posted each month here and on the Mandarin Fitness Facebook page.

Nordic Walking & Complementary Therapies

The two actually fit well together. Nordic Walking provides physical and mental health benefits and the complementary therapies helps with the emotional benefits as well as the obvious muscular aches and pains. Combining the two will give you a complete package. Ask about the discount schemes for block bookings too. All treatments are mobile and cover the Lincoln and Lincolnshire surrounding areas.

If you would like to know more about the Mandarin Therapies treatments look at the blog below:

Mandarin Therapies mobile massage in Lincolnshire

Click the picture above to see the latest Mandarin Therapies blog

Nordic Walking And More…

If you would like to learn more about Mandarin Fitness, Mandarin Therapies and Mandarin Leisure have a look at the website below:

Mandarin Leisure for Mandarin Fitness, Mandarin Therapies and Mandarin Mothers

Click on the page image to go straight to the Mandarin Leisure website

By Request…

It was requested that I should add in a little background information to help readers understand a little more about Mandarin Fitness and Nordic Walking.  The article below was written and published in local newspapers in 2014 but after all this time, it’s still relevant and very real.  Have a read:

Nordic Walking with Mandarin Fitness by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Nordic Walking with Mandarin Fitness by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Addiction doesn’t go away but it can be managed. As a result, the decision to quit running and swap to Nordic Walking was a game changer.

Nordic Walking is a sport for all so you can use it to get fit and stay fit.  Fresh air and friendship are key elements to both mental and physical fitness. Rest assured that after 32 years of Personal Training you’ll be in good hands with Mandarin Fitness. ‘Master instructors’ are few and far between but with the wealth of knowledge and experience gained over more than 32 years as a fitness leader Martin is pretty unique!

Low impact, high energy, great fun and fabulous friendships.  Whatever your ability or level of fitness, Martin will tailor your sessions to you. Call 07966 174878 to book your sessions or ask about special individual or group sessions.

Gift Vouchers

Mandarin Leisure gift vouchers and eVouchers are available for you to purchase. Email for more information.

Guest Blog

Let's move Lincolnshire Nordic Walking blog

Nordic Walking by ‘Let’s Move Lincolnshire’

Join the Lincoln Nordic Walking family. Book today.

LincsConnect "putting the social back into social media"

“Putting the social back into social media” #LincsConnect is always here for you.

Mandarin Leisure Valentines Anniversary

Mandarin Leisure Valentines Anniversary

Mandarin Leisure Valentines Anniversary – Still Going Strong



Martin Mandarin Leisure

Celebrating 34th anniversary on Valentines Day


Mandarin Leisure Valentines Anniversary – Still Going Strong…


Mandarin Leisure Valentines Anniversary – It hardly seems possible that Mandarin Leisure has been going for so long! The 34th anniversary is on 14 February and it’s hard to believe how quickly the time has flown!  I started working part-time in the World Gym while studying to become Lincolnshires’ first Personal Trainer. Later I added complementary therapies to my portfolio and the rest is history. Studying never stops of course as there is always something new to learn.

Initially teaching circuit training classes in village halls the business has grown to include Personal Training, injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, back pain rehabilitation as well as the almost limitless possibilities with the complementary therapies. A few celebrity clients at the very start saw the business skyrocket from zero to a very healthy going concern.

Mandarin Leisure Valentines anniversary injury prevention and rehabilitation by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Injury prevention and rehabilitation is a key element of the Mandarin Leisure success


Mandarin Leisure Valentines Anniversary – Helping People…


It’s fair to say that helping people is in my genes. My father was awarded the BEM for helping people and my great grandfather was awarded the George Cross for bravery while helping people. My journey started out by helping people with their fitness and wellbeing but I soon discovered that with my healing abilities and vision I was able to help more people than I had ever imagined.

Mandarin Leisure - Introduces massage, aromatherapy, antenatal and postnatal bespoke mobil treatments. By LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Mandarin Leisure – Introduces massage, aromatherapy, antenatal and postnatal bespoke mobil treatments.




Mandarin Fitness (formerly QRS Fitness) added Mandarin Therapies and Mandarin Mothers to the list of businesses in a natural progression. Making people feel well is what I do best! The decision was made very early on to keep the business mobile so that the fitness, rehabilitation and therapies could be taken to the clients. It’s a business model that I’m pleased to say has served me well.




With postal charges increasing it has become more popular (and convenient) to order eVouchers and have them delivered straight to the intended recipient. It’s a fabulous gift and a lovely way to let people know how much you care about them and appreciate them. You can order your eVoucher now and have a special message included too.

*** From now until 14 February 2025 celebratory massage eVouchers are just £34.00 ***


Mandarin Therapies celebrating 34 years on WhatsOnLincs, what's on in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

Call 07966 174878 or email to order your eVoucher today


Keeping Fit With Mandarin Fitness


Nordic Walking with Mandarin Fitness on WhatsOnLincs, what's on in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

If you fancy keeping fit and would like to try Nordic Walking why not join one of the weekly classes? Beginners are always welcome to join us and all abilities are catered for. Call 07966 174878 for more information


Mandarin Leisure Valentines Anniversary – A natural progression


First started in January 2011, the decision to officially launch a dedicated platform in November 2012 took the ‘helping people’ a stage further with the official launch of @LincsConnect on Twitter.

LincsConnect by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

In order to prove its worth I created it anonymously to let people know the it is truly impartial. I helped and promoted all businesses in the Lincolnshire area including other Personal Trainers and therapists who may otherwise have viewed me as a rival business. My fear was that if they had known who was behind the account they might have viewed it differently.

A few years later I started a #LincsConnect networking group so naturally I couldn’t remain anonymous! The meetings went well and I have to say a huge THANK YOU to Emma at the Petwood Hotel in Woodhall Spa for having the faith in me and for supporting Lincs Connect in such a big way.

Due to personal illness I put the meetings on hold but intend to revive them again in the not too distant future.

LincsConnect during Covid19 by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger



The Next Chapter


Covid19 needs no introductions! My exercise classes were obviously put on hold and my Personal Training sessions moved to online sessions.  Having contracted the virus the day before lockdown I needed to find something to keep me occupied during the long hours of isolation.

The pandemic forced me into overcoming my fear of blogging.  Having previously written articles and weekly editorials for local papers and glossy magazines, coupled with my love of writing, ‘blogging’ was born.  I used my skills to help others throughout the pandemic by sign posting people to local activities, charities and businesses. The new venture went well and I’m pleased to say that my community blogging skills are improving and continuing to help people.

Physical networking was already on hold but I did attempt to create an online network with some success. My heart lies in ‘people’ though so the physical networking sessions are still my priority. My exercise sessions are no longer an option as I suffer with long-covid and breathing is still sometimes difficult. However, I have managed to continue with my Nordic Walking sessions with the support of my fantastic, loyal clients. 


What’s Next?


The next chapter has already begun as LincsConnect continues to grow and thrive. Community blogging is here to stay and the physical networking sessions are planned to return in the near future. Online Personal Training continues as do the mobile therapies, injury rehabilitation sessions and Nordic Walking classes.

Happy Valentines Day to you all. You’re never alone as long as Mandarin Leisure and LincsConnect are here.


Additional Blogs By LincsConnect:


Valentines in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

Valentines in Lincolnshire


LincsConnect "putting the social back into social media" by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger