Free Advertising In Lincolnshire With LincsConnect

Free Advertising in Lincolnshire – #LincsConnect – Make it your ‘go to’ hashtag
This is probably the shortest and most important blog you have ever read!
We all like something that’s ‘free’ but we probably also know that nothing is truly free! Twitter – that’s free! Facebook and Instagram are also free too so where’s the catch? Simple! If you want ‘free’ advertising/exposure on social media you’re going to have to invest your time. By investing your time your posts are more likely to be seen and acted upon. Would you like to know how to do it?
Ditch The ‘Like’ Button

Free Advertising in Lincolnshire – Ditch the Like button
Free Advertising In Lincolnshire with LincsConnect – Ditch The Like Button
If you’re using X (Twitter) I highly recommend that you ditch the ‘Like’ button. Rules vary from Twitter to Facebook/Instagram but it is now official that the ‘Like’ button on X is pretty much redundant.
Twitter is an interactive platform so your best results will come from interacting with your followers. That’s one of the main differences between Twitter and other platforms. What does the ‘Like’ button say about you on Twitter?
- I don’t have time for you so I’ll just press the like button instead of saying ‘thank you’ or interacting.
- I’m not that interested in you so I’ll just press the Like button and hope that you read my posts.
- I don’t understand algorithms and how they work so I’ll press the Like button and hope for the best.
- I can’t be bothered to talk to my followers.
- I don’t want to share your post with others.
When scrolling down your twitter timeline you will see tweets from people you follow, sponsored (paid advertising) tweets and tweets that have been retweet by your followers. You’ll never see a ‘Liked’ tweet!
The ‘Like’ button does have its uses though. It’s a good way of saving tweets for future reference. Beyond that, I’m struggling to think of a good reason to use it on Twitter!
Free Advertising And Social Media Interaction With LincsConnect
I’ve said it many times before; the clue is in the name. ‘Social’ media should be exactly what it says in the title. Actually ‘talk’ to your followers.
There’s a TV advert for a room freshener implying that the character has gone ‘nose blind’. In social media terms, if you post, post, post with no interaction your followers will see your posts but they won’t register in their mind. However, if you ‘talk’ to your followers they’ll remember you as that nice person/business who takes an interest. Obviously talking to your followers doesn’t mean telling them how good you are and what you have to sell them. Instead, you need to show an interest in other people to let them know you care about them. Given time they will ask you what you do and what you have to offer. As a result, you don’t need to do the ‘hard sell’.
#WhatsOnLincs – New To The LincsConnect Website
“…WhatsOnLincs is the new community web page on the LincsConnect website. You can use it to post free adverts from markets and car boot sales to charity events and entertainment, jobs, volunteering plus much more. You can even include pictures as well as links to websites. It’s all FREE so be sure to use it to find out What’s on in Lincolnshire…”
Take a look at the blog link below to read the full #WhatsOnLincs blog. Don’t forget to recommend it to your friends and out of town visitors too so that they can discover what’s on in Lincolnshire.
It’s probably my shortest blog ever read but I hope you find it useful.
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Additional Blogs By LincsConnect:
That’s It For Now
I hope you found this Free Advertising blog useful.

“Putting the social back into social media” #LincsConnect is always here for you. eMail