by Martin Thomas | Feb 29, 2020 | Authors, book fest, books, Children, Illustrators, lincolnshire Business, Lincs Connect, Schools
Are You A Reader Or A Writer? Kids Book Fest 7-8 March 2020

A Reading, Writing And Illustrating Treat
I’m hoping this is going to become an annual event in Scunthorpe as it’s promising to be a real boost for authors and illustrators as well as local publishers. If you have a children’s book in your head what you can do with it? This event may be just what you need. Teachers can get involved too by taking their children along to be entertained and enthused at the North Lincs Kids Book Fest.
Are You A Reader Or A Writer? Every Day Is A Learning Day
Every day is a learning day for children and adults alike. There will be experts on hand to help you expand your creativity. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to go along to see what they have to offer?
The event is being brought to you by Rabbit Hole Brigg and Pink Pig Farm and will be held at Pink Pig Farm (The North Lincolnshire Kids Book Fest 2020 – follow the link to book and for more info).
Are You A Reader Or A Writer? A few words from Nick…
I’m sure you will agree it’s best to hear direct from one of the organisers. Here’s a summary by Nick from the ‘Rabbit Hole Brigg’

Who will be there?
I understand that there will be quite a few authors and illustrators on hand over the weekend but these are the ones I have information on:

“All of these authors and many more will be at the Pink Pig Farm on 7 & 8 March as will The Rabbit Hole. For more information about these guest authors please feel free to look at their personal websites.
“The Rabbit Hole Brigg are passionate about trying to get more authors and illustrators into this area and we are very excited to be taking this first step towards our goal of hosting an annual event”
For more information please email ot telephone Nick on 01652 408534
More to come…
This is my longest blog so far but there is much more to come. If you would like to have your local event/interest/hobby/charity featured here please email me through the LincsConnect website.
Thats it for now, but keep watching for the next blog as it’ll be here soon.

by Martin Thomas | Feb 26, 2020 | book fest, books, Chocolate, Lincolnshire, lincolnshire Business, Lincs Connect, Lincs Police, LincsConnect, LincsPolice, Networking, police, Scunthorpe

Meetings always seem more productive with cake!
An unexpected perk
It’s an unexpected but very welcome perk of the job. I’ve been lucky enough to meet some lovely people through #LincsConnect and the past few days is no exception.
I’ll be writing in more detail over the next few days about each of my meetings but first let me state quite categorically that feeding me at a meeting isn’t a requirement…. but I am, of course, always very appreciative and it would be rude to say ‘no’ wouldn’t it?
I was invited by Kathryn of Cocoa Encounters to visit the Louth Chocolate Tasters meeting on Monday evening. Well, would you turn down an invitation like that? Probably not – so neither did I…
I’m going to be writing all about it later but if you’re feeling a little intrigued you can follow Kathryn on Twitter for updates and info @KathrynLincs
I’m not giving too much away but this is all that was left at the end of the evening:

Anyone for cake?
Sorry, that’s probably another silly question. However, it was a very pleasant surprise and totally unexpected. A 10.00am meeting at Police HQ today (actually, it was about 10.15am because yours truly managed to take a wrong turning) with Assistant Chief Constable Kerrin Wilson. Despite being a little late (a detail that was graciously overlooked) I was treated to a slice or two of orange drizzle cake to go with my cup of coffee. Thank you Kerrin, you’re very kind.
I’m looking forward to seeing what #LincsConnect can do to help @lincspolice in the not-too-distant future and I have to say, if Kerrin’s enthusiasm is anything to go by we can look forward to some quality updates very soon. Why not give @Kerrinwilson999 a follow on Twitter and don’t forget to say “Martin from @LincsConnect sent me” I’m afraid it may not get you a slice of orange drizzle cake though but it’s the thought that counts isn’t it?
At the very least, I can offer you a picture of the cake. You’ll thank me for it later when it doesn’t affect your waist line.

Meetings always seem more productive with cake!
Looking forward, I’ll be writing more in depth blogs about the Louth Chocolate Tasters as well as my meeting with Kerrin. There is also a blog to look forward to about the ‘Book Fest’ which is being organised by Rabbit Hole Brigg and Pink Pig Farm which I think is going to be a huge success and an annual fixture in the Scunthorpe calendars.
That’s it for now folks. Take care of yourself and don’t forget to take care of others too. The #LincsConnect hashtag is here for you to use on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram so be sure to visit it to see what’s going on.