Lincolnshire Lockdown V2.0
Lincolnshire Lockdown V2.0 isn’t what we want but we can work together to turn it to our advantage. If you work with #LincsConnect we can get results together. As the country enters its second Covid-19 lockdown on Thursday 5 November 2020 we need a plan. Lincolnshire has been in this situation before and as a result we’re better prepared now. Do you have a plan for Lincolnshire lockdown V2.0? Your first round of plans may have worked well and as a result you’re just needing to make some minor adjustments to keep trading. Perhaps the first lockdown was a disaster for you? As a result you’ve tweaked and manipulated your plan to make it work this time. Good for you, that’s exactly what is needed to keep going.
Free Advertising
We all like something that’s ‘free’ but we probably also know that nothing is truly free! Twitter – that’s free! Facebook and Instagram are also free too so where’s the catch? Simple! If you want ‘free’ advertising you have to invest your time. By investing your time your posts are more likely to be seen and acted upon. Would you like to know how to do it?
Social Media Interaction
I’ve said it many times before; the clue is in the name. ‘Social’ media should be exactly what it says in the title. Actually ‘talk’ to your followers.
There’s a TV advert for a room freshener implying that the character has gone ‘nose blind’. In social media terms, if you post, post, post with no interaction your followers will see your posts but they won’t register in their mind. Because of this you need to talk to your followers. Talking and interacting with your followers will help them to remember you as that nice person/organisation/business who takes an interest. Talking to your followers doesn’t mean telling them how good you are and what you have to sell them. Instead, you should show an interest to let them know you care. As a result they’ll ask you what you do and what you have to offer. Regardless of your product or service you don’t need to do the ‘hard sell’.
Lincolnshire Lockdown V2.0 – Lincolnshire Discount Scheme
Would you be interested in joining a local discount/special offer scheme? A scheme where ‘you’ set your discount level or special offers. As a result it could lead to more people visiting your social media pages and/or shop and buying your products. Shopping in your physical store, website or virtual store could suddenly be more appealing. What if the logo is readily downloadable from social media platforms to be stored on a mobile device ready for use when shopping? Matching the downloaded logo from a smart phone with the logo displayed in your window, on your social media page or website to claim a special offer sounds appealing.
What if the download is free? Surely that would make it even more appealing to the shopper. As a result they try your shop over others because they know there is something in it for them. Store cards sound great but often don’t live up to expectations! What if you offered a 5% discount to customers who present the logo? Perhaps you might prefer to have a special offer on selected items rather than all of your stock. It’ll work for service providers too of course.
Lincolnshire Lockdown V2.0 – Feedback Please
Does this discount/offer idea sound good to you? I really need your feedback (positive or negative) before I decide to take the idea forward so please do let me know your thoughts. You can leave a comment at the bottom of this blog or email me at
#MandarinTherapies is here to help de-stress you in these uncertain times.
The Mandarin Therapies Covid19 safe treatments will resume after the lockdown
Gift voucher for a Christmas, Valentine or Mothers Day gift are available now.
Call 07966 174878 to book
Help Me, Help You
To help me help you please add a link to this blog in your social media advertising. If you’re talking about Christmas, Christmas gifts, Christmas offers and postage you can add a link to this blog to help explain that you’re trying to compete against ‘the big boys’ but at the same time you’ll be increasing readership of this blog. With that achieved I’ll be able to reach out to more people to help advertise your business. We really can help each other.
Incase You Missed It
Lincolnshire Lockdown V2.0 – Local Shopping
Below is a list of some local traders taking part in the #LincsArtCraftHour on Monday lunch times. Please take a look to see what they have to offer. After all, Christmas ‘is’ coming and I’m sure that you’ll agree that it’s good to support our local traders:
Twitter, Facebook & Etsy/Folksy

Twitter: @MelLangtonArt Facebook: Mel Langton Art

Twitter: @BurtonWardCraft Facebook: BurtonAndWard Etsy/Folksy BurtonWardStudio

Twitter: @origartprints Facebook: fiduncart

Twitter: @elliestreasures Facebook: elliestreasures Etsy/Folksy: elliestreasuresuk

Twitter @chrisdobbinart Facebook: watercolourportraits Etsy/Folksy: ChristineDobbinArt

Twitter: @Amanda_Schonhut Facebook: aschonhutphotography

Twitter: @jpbphotography Facebook: Light And Dreams Photography

Twitter: @Scarletimpress1 Facebook: Scarlet Impressions Art Etsy/Folksy Scarletimpressions

Twitter: @EnglandCreate Etsy/Folksy: Create-England

Twitter: @ShaliniAustin Facebook: Shalini.Austin

Twitter: @Blackbird1976 Etsy/Folksy: HDArtandIllustration

Twitter: @KcbraidsBeads Facebook: KC Braids And Beads Etsy/Folksy: KCBraidsandBeads.

Twitter: @Anitas_Cards_4U Etsy/Folksy: HeCraftsAndSheCrafts

Twitter: @TuluDraws Facebook: Tulu Draws

Twitter: @HeyBeretDesigns

Twitter: @JaneHaighArt Facebook: Jane Haigh Country Art

Twitter: @2021VisualArts Facebook: 20-21 Visual Arts Centre

Twitter: @MadeWithMud Facebook: Made With Mud Etsy/Folksy: Made With Mud
Stay Safe
Look after yourselves and you neighbours. I’ll be back with another blog very soon.