Christmas is coming to Lincolnshire – Three Months And Counting Down…
As I write this blog (25 September 2020) it’s exactly three months until Christmas. Yes, I’ve said it again …. Christmas is coming to Lincolnshire and businesses need to be ready for it. I’ve been talking about it for a few weeks and now the BBC have finally caught up with me. Dare I say, if you haven’t started gearing up for Christmas you’re already late to the party! The major shops are gearing up for Christmas NOW with predicted record online sales. To those of you who groaned when I mentioned Christmas I sincerely hope you manage to catch up with the traders who are already planning. The big spending retailers ‘will’ take your market from under you so isn’t it time to get your advertising sorted?
Don’t forget, Christmas ‘is’ coming to Lincolnshire so make sure you’re prepared.
Time To Catch Up
You may already know about the Lincolnshire based #LincsArtCraftHour and #LincsConnectChristmas hashtags on twitter but did you know that the hashtags also work on Facebook? Try it today because it’s free and local. Just type in #LincsConnectChristmas to your Facebook search bar to see what and who are there. FREE and it’s LOCAL sounds good so isn’t it time you engaged with the hashtags?
Search for the hashtags on Google, you’ll find that they’ve been ‘trending’ – now ‘that’ really is impressive! Follow the links below to go to the relevant pages for the Lincolnshire people who’ve already started planning and producing fabulous creations for Christmas. The blue links under their logos will take you straight to the relevant pages to make life easier for you too.
Christmas is coming to Lincolnshire So Join The List
To have your name added to this list just join in the Twitter hour on Monday lunchtime to qualify. It doesn’t matter if the day or time doesn’t fit in with your schedule because the hashtags are always there and ready for you. Shouldn’t you try it when you have a moment? Additionally, if you’d like to have a feature here and a link to your website please talk to me about advertising. The rest is FREE.
Remember, the #ShopLocal hashtag doesn’t work as a medium to get local customers because it’s used so widely around the world. Trust me, ‘I’ invented it! As a result I went on to invented #LincsConnect and can assure you that this hashtag ‘does’ work. After all, it’s truly local to Lincolnshire and our neighbours. You can use and search the #LincsConnect hashtag on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to find your truly local traders so why not give it a try today?
Christmas ‘is’ coming to Lincolnshire so shouldn’t you be a part of it?
#LincsConnect is here for you 24/7/365.
Fiona Hodges Art
Advert – Because Christmas Is Coming To Lincolnshire
Lincs To Past Blogs
Help Me, Help You
What are your thoughts on holding more LincsConnect dedicated Twitter hours? Try following the link above to read some of my ideas and perhaps come up with some of your own. The more people interact with these hashtags, the more we will be able to help each other. Give it a try.
If you’re a Lincolnshire blogger and would like to have a link to your blog on here? I’ll be more than happy to hear from you.
Download The Covid-19 App
Create A Coronavirus QR Code For Your Venue
If you are a Lincolnshire business, charity or organisation that has a venue or multiple venues you need to generate a QR Code for visitors to scan using the new Covid-19 App. The QR code will be sent to your email address for you to print and display.
Mobile businesses can still generate a QR code with your home or office address as the location. On arrival ask your client(s) to scan your QR code. The App will scan distances between smartphones and will send an alert to the person or people you have been in contact with if there is a risk of infection. It’s pure voluntary and does rely on people having the App on a smartphone but, as the saying goes, ‘every little helps’. Obviously it isn’t a substitute for keeping a 2m safe distance, washing your hands or wearing a suitable face covering over your mouth and nose but it is another tool to be utilised in the fight against this invisible virus.
Stay Safe
Be good to yourself and to others. Keep your distance, keep washing your hands and keep a mask that covers both your nose and mouth with you and wear it as instructed.