Lincoln Christmas Market

Lincoln Christmas Market

Lincoln Christmas Market


Lincoln Christmas Market on WhatsOnLincs, what's on Lincs, what's on in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger


If anything is going to epitomise the Lincoln Christmas Market it has to be Lincoln Cathedral and Lincoln Castle.  Castle Square was the original home of the market and over the years the market expanded to the Lincoln Cathedral, The Lawn and surrounding areas.


The Lincoln Christmas Market saw a huge expansion over the years that it operated. In my opinion, the expansion wasn’t particularly well managed with many stalls duplicated and triplicated.  The expansion saw a significant rise in visitor numbers. This resulted in the Lincoln council ‘pulling the plug’ on health and safety grounds. In my opinion this was a big mistake as it dealt a huge blow to the local economy and the kudos of Lincoln City internationally.


The market was a huge asset to the city and the wider county. Local employment, small business income and tourism have all been affected by its closure.  Its Christmas atmosphere, local financial income and kudos are missed in equal measures.  However, with your comments added to this blog and lots of shares around your friends we may be able to encourage a rethink. It would be fantastic to see the market return to Lincoln.




As a  result of the closure of the market we (my wife and I) decided to seek an alternative to get us into the Christmas mood.  That meant taking our custom elsewhere.  ‘Another trail’ around the city looking at ice sculptures, knights, imps or monsters didn’t appeal.  The first trail was fun but having the same idea rolled out several times a year didn’t inspire us.  As a result, our research took us to Vienna.


Vienna has much to offer. Its history, fantastic architecture and many Christmas markets caught our attention.  Following some research we planned a short break (4 nights) centred around visiting as many Christmas markets as possible.  We managed 7 of the 9 Christmas markets and enjoyed them all.


Lincoln Christmas Market Inspired By Vienna

The Viennese Christmas markets took us to several different areas of the city.  All but one was in walking distance (30-40 minutes) from our hotel. It struck me that Lincoln could certainly learn something from the Austrian idea.  One of the markets was a local art market where artists and crafters had stalls to sell their gifts.  Mixed in with the craft stalls were quality food vendors selling local hot foods and drinks.


The most important point to remember is ‘no duplication’ of stalls.  There may have been several stalls selling Christmas tree decorations but they each had their own hand made unique products.


The atmosphere was relaxed and unhurried with enough stalls to keep shoppers interested for several hours.  With food stalls and gluvine available visitors were able to spend several hours at the market to enjoy the atmosphere.  Local cafes and restaurants also benefited from the increased tourist trade too of course.


Could Lincoln have a series of markets inspired by Vienna?


Market Locations


Just to be clear, the markets in Vienna were all on every day from lunch time until 9.00pm.  That’s all 9 markets trading every day from mid November until Christmas!  Each market has its own location with a theme.  There was some duplication of stalls over the 9 markets but generally each one was unique.



Perhaps some good locations for Lincoln markets would be around the outside of Lincoln Cathedral to encourage shopping around The Bailgate as well as the market stalls.  Another at The Lawn to encourage shopping on Burton Road.  The Strait, Brayford, the arboretum and South Park would be a fantastic locations to encourage more local shopping. In addition there is Hartsholme Country Park, Whisby Nature Reserve, Doddington Hall, Newark Air Museum and Boultham Park.  Perhaps a ‘music themed’ market at The Cornhill?  The possibilities are many and varied.


Just A Thought


I wonder how feasible it would be to take inspiration from the Austrian idea?  Personally I think it would be a great tourist attraction which would have the advantage of spreading tourists out around the city. Obviously local traders would benefit in their shops just as much as the market stall holders.  The knock on effect for restaurants, cafes and hoteliers would be a welcome bonus too.  Perhaps ‘flat rate’ taxi fares from market to market would also help another industry.




I would love to know your thoughts.  If you have any ideas perhaps you could leave a comment below.




Mandarin Therapies gift vouchers are the perfect Christmas gift idea for your loved one.  All sessions are mobile so let the salon come to you.  Call 07966 174878 to order your e-voucher


Merry Christmas


Whatever you do from now until Christmas, I hope you have a very jolly time.


M. Martin Thomas, LincsConnect in Lincolnshire


LincsConnect in Lincolnshire

Looking Forward To A Bright Christmas

Looking Forward To A Bright Christmas

#EatOutToHelpOut Ends But…

Looking forward to a bright Christmas in Lincolnshire in 2020. The #EatOutToHelpOut scheme officially comes to an end on Bank Holiday Monday 31 August. I sincerely hope it has been a great boost to our local businesses and economies.

Not all of us have been able to take advantage of course as we’ve experienced some serious income deficits during the lockdown period.  However, ‘every little helps’ so let’s hope that the Lincolnshire restaurateurs have been able to recoup enough income for them to feel confident to spend more of their money locally.


We’ve heard the stories about the recession and possible price rises over the coming months but there are also stories about ‘green shoots’ in the economy. The resilience of the British people to get on with their businesses to make money and pull the economy forward is a key to our success.

There’s much speculation with stories of ‘doom and gloom’ but I think it’s important to remember that many of the stories are literally just ‘stories’ written by journalists (trained or untrained). They may have an agenda unbeknown to us and may even be from a foreign country.

With that in mind, my cup is definitely half full.  Focusing on the bright side and being determined to make business work is what I do.  I truly believe that we (that’s you and I) are capable of making our businesses successful regardless of the circumstances surrounding us.  Do we need help?  Do we need to collaborate? Do we need to focus on the good things?  Absolutely!

I’m prepared to accept help and advice all day long and I believe it’s one of the keys to success.  Knowing when you’re out of your depth and needing help is crucial. As is knowing when to employ an expert to do a job properly.  When we work together we can often achieve much more so let’s Keep working and talking to each other.


Use the hashtag to promote your business, charity gift idea or event this Christmas

After a pretty dreadful summer I believe we need to look forward to a bright Lincolnshire Christmas.  We don’t know what the future will bring with Covid-19 but we do know that Christmas is coming! Whether you like it or not, celebrate it or not, or even believe in it or not, the fact remains that it will be here on 25 December and we need to be prepared for it.  We may not be out partying as we have in previous years but we are resilient enough and creative enough to make it a good celebration.

#LincsConnectChristmas starts on 7 September to coincide with the new #LincsArtCraftHour.  Combining the two will give us the opportunity to see what our local talented and creative people have to offer.  We’ll have the opportunity to shop early and safely by avoiding the usual Christmas rush because, well, let’s face it, we really don’t know yet if there will be movement and shopping restrictions in place to avoid another Covid-19 wave of destruction.

A Christmas Hamper

In previous years we’ve had a virtual Christmas hamper where we’ve been able to add items of our own or recommend items from other traders.  The idea seemed to work well so I think it’ll be a good idea to do it again.

It’s time to start filling the Christmas Hamper…


The hashtag works on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram so let’s start thinking about filling it up with lots of local goodies.  Perhaps an example here might be useful.  How about these messages:

“I think the #LincsConnectChristmas hamper needs some speciality chocolates.  I highly recommend @BonBonLincoln who produce exquisite designer chocolates”

“No #LincsConnectChristmas hamper will be complete without some bespoke Christmas cards by @CardsOfGrimsby”

Adding a picture with each message will soon get the attention of local shoppers and will make the #LincsConnectChristmas hashtag the place to look for local independent Christmas shopping. With your help we can get this hashtag noticed and talked about around Lincolnshire and beyond to turn it into the ‘shop window’ for everyone to see.

A Christmas Meal

With no #EatOutToHelpOut scheme in place hotels, restaurants, cafes and bars will want to advertise their special meals and party events so the #LincsConnectChristmas hashtag is going to be ‘the’ place for them to advertise and I’m sure they’ll appreciate our support.

Let’s Work Together

I’m sure we can make Christmas a huge success but I do think that we will have to work together to achieve it.  Am I confident? Absolutely!

Put It In Your Diary

The #LincsConnectChristmas and #LincsArtCraftHour both start on Monday 7 September at noon.  Use the hashtags, search the hashtags and tell your friends about the hashtags.  They’re here for ‘you’. 


Mandarin Therapies & Mandarin Mothers provide bespoke mobile complementary therapies in the comfort of your own home, hotel or nursing home across the whole of Lincolnshire and beyond. Gift vouchers are available for that special person too.

Previous Blogs

To find out more about the #LincsArtCraftHour follow this link to the previous blog:

#LincsArtCraftHour For Lincolnshire, Newark, Retford And Hull 


A message from Supt Paul Timmins of Lincolnshire Police following some sad and tragic deaths on Lincolnshire roads recently:

Click on this picture to open the video in Twitter 

Click on this picture to open the video on Facebook

We see far too many road deaths in Lincolnshire so please always ‘be aware’ and don’t become a statistic.  We love you just the way you are…. ‘alive’!

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse doesn’t have age limits. If you know someone who is suffering call the police today.  You’ll find some useful numbers here but if there is an immediate threat of harm call 999.



A Helpful App

Visit your App Store to download this free App to your device

Let’s pretend you’re out walking or have gone for a drive when you come across an accident.  You dial 999 to contact the emergency services for help but then you don’t know exactly where you are.  You know you’re in the middle of a field or on a country road but you couldn’t direct the emergency services to the incident.  I imagine you might feel completely helpless!

I saw a post on Twitter asking the public to download the App What3Words so obviously I did.  I didn’t expect to ever have to use it but thought it would be a good ‘insurance policy’ should the unexpected ever happen.  I have actually used it though.  I was able to give the three words that were displayed on my iPhone screen to the control room who directed the fire service to the field fire that I had discovered on my way home last winter.  That’s it!  It really is that easy.  All you have to do is open the App and you’re immediately given 3 unique words that identify your exact location.

When opening the App you’re given the option to share the 3 words via social media or email or send it directly to one of your contacts so it’s a great way to pass on your location to friends if you are meeting them in town.  Typing the three words into the search bar your friends are able to navigate directly to you using the App so as well as being the all important navigation tool in emergencies it’s also a brilliant tool for finding your friends.

Louth Museum

Perhaps you could try out your new What3Words App with your friends.  If you’re on your travels why not pop in to Louth Museum?  It’s open to the public again and there is no need to book.  The museum is over two floors (stair lift available for those who may need it) and you’ll be respectfully requested to wait outside if the museum is full when you arrive.  Covid-19 regulations are in place of course so don’t forget your mask.  I’ve had a look at the website and discovered a virtual tour as well as Ruth’s Blog page.  I thought you might find this interesting; It’s a factual account of the Lincolnshire floods in Louth on 29 May 1920.  Imagine seeing a 2m wall of water heading into town…

Click on the picture to read the blog


Just imagine how useful What3Words would have been in this situation if it had been available then.  Technology has certainly moved on at a remarkable pace!

Stay Safe

That’s the blog done for now but if you have something that you would like me to include or would like to advertise please get in touch. Have a lovely Bank Holiday everyone.  Look after yourself and look out for your neighbours.

Love Lincolnshire Culture

Love Lincolnshire Culture

Love Lincolnshire Culture

Love Lincolnshire Culture – This list is by no means definitive but I hope it gives you a few good ideas for places to visit.

Love Lincolnshire Culture International Bomber Command Centre by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

                         International Bomber Command Centre in Lincoln

Love Lincolnshire Culture

Love Lincolnshire Culture – Did you know that 17 August 2020 saw the start of #LoveCultureWeek across the UK? It’s a time to celebrate and visit cultural venues and marvel at what is on offer.  This week is aimed at highlighting some of the venues but our cultural sights are open all year of course so let’s get out (safely) to enjoy what’s on offer.

References to Covid 19 may no longer apply so some of the venues have no doubt reverted back to normal visiting times. Restrictions will have been lifted and references to Covid have changed but the venues are still certainly worth visiting. Read on to discover some great locations in Lincolnshire:


It’s time to celebrate by visiting the fantastic County museums, galleries, heritage sites and libraries to see what they have to offer. Please feel free to add in the ones that I’ve missed in the comments below.

Lincolnshire Culture – Enjoy Summer Safely

I hope my list does it justice.  Apologies in advance to those that I’ve missed out but I’ll happily add a little mention for you if you contact me.  If you want to pay a visit to any of these locations please make sure you check to see if you need to book in advance.

Where To Start?

With a County as large as Lincolnshire its going to be impossible to cover every venue and location in one blog but perhaps a few choice mentions might give you some ideas and inspiration to make your own list.  After all, you don’t have to cram everything into just one week!

Love Lincolnshire Culture – Lincoln

Starting with our County capital you’ll no doubt have a large list of locations to visit ranging from:

Love Lincolnshire Culture The Collection museum by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

Click on the picture to go straight to the ticket office and don’t forget to follow @CollectionUsher on Twitter too


Love Lincolnshire Culture Lincoln Castle by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

Click on the picture to book your tickets. The grounds are open to the public so if the weather is right, why not pay a visit to have a walk around with friends and family? The Castle has its own Twitter account so why not give it a follow to make your own discoveries? @LincolnCastle


Love Lincolnshire Culture Lincoln Cathedral by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

Click on the picture to go straight to the Lincoln Cathedral events page to discover what’s going on. The Cathedral also has its own Twitter page too so give it a follow to discover what’s happening @LincsCathedral


Love Lincolnshire Culture International Bomber Command Centre by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

The picture doesn’t say it all – Click on the picture to go to the ticket office of this ‘Gold Award Winning’ venue in Lincoln. You won’t be disappointed. They’re on Twitter of course: @IntBCC so give them a follow


Love Lincolnshire Culture Doddington Hall by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

Doddington Hall and Gardens are open for visitors with many planned events so click on the picture to go straight to the events page on their website. Obviously bookings will have to be made and rules will need to be followed but we’re all used to that now! You can give the Hall a follow on twitter too of course @DoddingtonHall to stay up to date with their events calendar.

Plan Your Visit

Each of the venues above are on Twitter but if you prefer Facebook just click on the relevant picture to go to the website to follow from there..

Top 3, Top 10… Or Top 100?

No matter how big or small the list is, I’m bound to miss someone important!  Please keep in mind that this list is just to give you some ideas as I’m sure you’ll have plenty of additions for your own list.


Covid-19 Safe complementary therapies from the comfort of your own home or hotel room. Mandarin Therapies provides fully mobile bespoke complementary therapies. Click on the logo for more information

Love Lincolnshire Culture – Stamford

If you’re in the Stamford area there are some pretty spectacular places to visit.  Top of the agenda has to be the town centre with it’s beautiful buildings and delightful local shops.  There is more to see and do too though:

Love Lincolnshire Culture Burghley by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

Burghley House And Gardens are open from Wednesday to Sunday each week. Click on the picture for more details. The park is open every day though and entry is free. Give them a follow on Twitter @BurghleyHouse for regular updates


Love Lincolnshire Culture Stamford Arts Centre Centre by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

Stamford Arts Centre is physically closed at the moment but they do have events online via their new YouTube channel so why not pay them a visit? This centre has so much to offer so do follow them on Twitter @StamfordArts for updates then pay a visit when it’s safe to do so. Click on the picture to go to their website


Love Lincolnshire Culture Stamford Sights and Secrets Tours by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger Visit Lincoln

Stamford Sights & Secrets Tours is a must if you want to find out more about Stamford. The walking tours are on Wednesday and Saturday mornings from 11.00am. Simply click on the picture to go to the ticket site and don’t forget to follow them on Twitter @StamfordTours for updates

Love Lincolnshire Culture – More To Come…

Lincolnshire is such a big County that it’ll be impossible to list everyone here.  With that in mind, I’ll post another blog or two with some more ideas from Grantham, Spalding, Skegness and Grimsby. Do let me know if you would like to be included.

Previous Blogs

You may also like to read the ‘Aviation Trail’ by Visit Lincoln

Aviation Trail by Visit Lincoln

Aviation Trail by Visit Lincoln




Until next time, stay safe everyone,


Burton Road And Bailgate Walking Tour

Burton Road And Bailgate Walking Tour

Burton Road And Bailgate Walking Tour – Museum Of Lincolnshire Life


Burton Road and Bailgate - A walking tour by LincsConnect. Museum of Lincolnshire Life

Around Me In Lincolnshire – Burton Road & Bailgate – Museum Of Lincolnshire Life – Front entrance. This picture was taken in 2017 so the Lincoln Knight won’t be outside the gates anymore but there will be a new trail soon for the ‘Lincoln Imp’ so it’s worth checking out and putting in your diary.


Burton Road and Bailgate walking tour. There really is far too much to know about the museum to put in one blog so click on the picture above for a link to the website or click here to go straight to the same website Museum of Lincolnshire Life

If you’re interested in discovering more blogs by LincsConnect go to The museum covers Lincolnshire culture and life through the ages from 1750 right up to the present day.  The exhibits (over 250,000 of them) even include a world war one tank.  For those of you who weren’t aware, the tank with its caterpillar tracks was actually developed in Lincolnshire.  Lincolnshire has a very strong engineering history and many of its historic pieces are displayed here.  I have no doubt that some of the pieces may well still be in operation around the world today. As you can see, the red brick building has a rather grand looking entrance.  It is actually an old Victorian barracks and was home to the Royal North Lincoln Militia.

The Walk


If you’re interested in the idea of a Burton Road and Bailgate walking tour the museum is a good place to start. As far as I can tell this is a suitable route for wheelchairs but be aware that Mill Road is a bit narrow so you may need to take to the road in parts. It’s a one way road and if you follow my route you’ll be facing oncoming traffic.


Make Time


Make plenty of time for your visit to this museum as it really is fascinating.  When you’re ready to leave, turn right out of the entrance and right again at the crossroads.  You’ll now have the museum and its car park on your right.  Walk down Upper Long Leys Road and stop at the right turn to Mill Road.

Wartime History In Lincoln


Burton Road and Bailgate - A walking tour by LincsConnect. Wartime tank trap

The picture is deceiving. When you get up close you’ll realise that the wall isn’t just built around a corner, it is actually ‘that’ thick!


Before turning onto Mill Road take a look at the wall on your right and notice how thick it is.  It’s not until you take a proper look that you realise that this wall is actually solid!

I’m reliably informed that there was another wall on the other side of the road and a chain would have been strung between the two.  Believe it or not, this was part of our WW II home defence; had Britain been invaded by Germany this chain will have acted as a tank trap.  The chain will have been pulled tight to stop the tanks thus enabling the home guard to execute an ambush. Continue onto Mill Road…


Burton Road and Bailgate walking tour by LincsConnect. Ellis Mill Windmill

Ellis Mill Built in 1798

Burton Road And Bailgate Walking Tour – Ellis Mill


For those of you in the Lincoln area this’ll be an unmistakeable landmark.  It’s easily visible from the Grandstand and West Common area of Lincoln as it stands proud on the Cliff Top to the left of Lincoln Cathedral.  I wonder how many of you have actually visited it though.

The normal opening times are Saturday afternoons from 2.00pm until dusk during the months of October to March and Saturdays & Sundays 2.00pm – 5.00pm from April to September. The entry fee is ‘free’.  If you don’t manage to get there at the right time to look inside it’s still worth a visit for a photo opportunity.  The picture above was taken from the footpath using my iPhone so in case you were wondering, ‘yes you can get that close!’

Built in 1798 the mill has seen a few owners as you can imagine! It’s currently owned and run by Lincoln County Council and is maintained by some dedicated volunteers.  It survived a fire (just) in 1974, was restored and re-opened in 1981 and is still producing flour today.

Unsurprisingly you’ll find the mill on Mill Road, Lincoln.  Parking is difficult in the area as the streets are narrow so I suggest walking from the Museum of Lincolnshire Life. Entry is free (check before you go to make sure it isn’t closed for maintenance) but the visit won’t take you long so I suggest you make it part of a general sight seeing trip. Next free entry will be 17 Sep 22. Follow @VisitLincoln on twitter for updates


Mill Road To Burton Road


Continue walking along Mill road and note the different ages of the buildings and their architecture.  The road is quiet but very narrow so be careful if you’re forced to walk on the road.  You will however, be facing the oncoming traffic on the one way system.  When you reach the end of Mill Road turn right and cross when it’s safe.

Mill Row


Burton Road and Bailgate - A walking tour by LincsConnect. Mill Row

A sneaky picture of me taking a picture of the chimneys on Mill Row


If you look at the old outhouses along Mill Row you’ll notice that they all have chimneys.  They may well have been where the household washing was done.  I can imagine it must’ve been quite smokey in that area on wash day!  Continue along Burton Road to the award winning Burton Road Chippy on your left.  If you have time and are feeling peckish I can highly recommend a visit.


Burton Road and Bailgate - A walking tour by LincsConnect. Burton Road Chippy

Award Winning Burton Road Chippy.  Click on the picture to go to the website.

Since originally writing this blog the restaurant has had to close due to the economic downturn during the pandemic.  However, make a note of the sign because the business has re-opened a little further up the road as a takeaway Fish & Chip shop. The fish is traced as is the local potatoes so you can be sure of freshness and quality.  How they keep turning out such a high quality is beyond me but I guess that’s why they are award wining!

Burton Road And Bailgate Walking Tour – Burton Road


You can be mistaken for thinking you’re in a village when you walk down Burton Road.  With its local shops and thriving community it really does take on that village feeling.  Do stop to browse and buy in the local shops then carry on towards the Museum of Lincolnshire Life.

Keep walking past the museum and carry on to the mini roundabout then turn left onto Westgate.  Historically this is where the gallows were housed.  You’ll notice the pub on the opposite side of the road called ‘The Strugglers’ – apparently named after the people who were hanged but didn’t die instantly.  We do have quite a gruesome past in the UK!

Carry on walking (the Castle will be on your right) until you reach The Castle Hotel then turn immediately left onto the cobbled street (Westgate Bight) at the side of the hotel.

Just a short walk on the cobbles will take you to a notice at the entrance to a small passageway.  The notice informs you about the history of the Roman wall directly behind you.  If my memory serves me well, this section of wall is the highest standing section of Roman wall in the city.  I could be wrong though as I’m going from memory (which is notoriously bad) but the site is worth a visit nonetheless.


Burton Road And Bailgate Walking Tour – Bailgate


I hope you’re enjoying the Burton Road and Bailgate walking tour so far. You’ll now be entering the Bailgate area so allow some time to explore.

Double back on yourself from the cobbles then turn left onto Westgate again.  You’ll be entering the Bailgate area which has a whole history all of it’s own.  Turning right in the Bailgate will take you towards the Castle and Cathedral.  Once you’ve had a look around this area make your way back through the Bailgate walking past Westgate (where you came in) and carry on to the Newport Arch.


Burton Road and Bailgate - A walking tour by LincsConnect. Newport Arch

Newport Arch – Part of the Lincoln Roman wall


Carry on through the Newport Arch then turn right onto Church Lane.  After just a few paces cross the road at the island then stop and look back.  You’ll see the Police Station and City Fire Engine building.


Burton Road and Bailgate - A walking tour by LincsConnect. City Police Station & City Fire Engine building

City Police Station & Fire City Fire Engine building.

City Police Station


The City Police station and City Fire Engine building was under construction in 1881 according to the census.  However, it may have been a police sergeants house. The first police sergeant in charge of the station was Robert Richardson. More information is difficult to find but It’s likely that the building was closed as a police station/sergeants house in 1967 but continued as a stores building until around November 1981. Apparently this is where new recruits would have picked up their uniform. It would have ceased to be used as a store when the

City Fire Engine


The building pre-dates petrol driven appliances hence its small size. Horse drawn appliances would have been used at the time so it’s unlikely that there are some stables near or around the back of the station. It’s likely that the police officers also doubled up as the local fire service too.


BBC Radio Lincolnshire


Burton Road and Bailgate - A walking tour by LincsConnect. BBC Radio Lincolnshire

Formerly the Radion Cinema, then a supermarket before becoming BBC Radio Lincolnshire


Cross back over the road and head back towards Newport Arch.  Keep walking and follow the road round towards the right on the road called ‘Newport’. after just a few paces you’ll see BBC Radio Lincolnshire on your right.  This building has had a long history with previous guises being both a supermarket and a cinema.  To many locals it’s still known as the Radion Cinema. It was built in 1939 as a 850 seat cinema but closed in 1960 and was re-commissioned as a supermarket.  It again changed use in 1980 when it became the home of BBC Radio Lincolnshire.


Radion Cinema at BBC Radio Lincolnshire

In the roof space above the BBC Radio Lincolnshire is the air conditioning fittings but you can still clearly see the remain s of the old Radion Cinema screen and decorative wall patterns (Credit BBC Radio Lincolnshire for the photo)


Above the radio station and offices parts of the original Radion Cinema screen still remain intact.

Turn left onto Cecil Street and stay on the left side of the road.  Part of the way down you’ll notice that the old terraced houses give way to a newer red brick building with a large arch into the car park. Immediately in front of you (inside the car park) you’ll see a remaining section of the roman wall that links the Newport Arch to the largest section of Roman wall that you will have seen earlier.

Carry on to the end of Cecil Street then turn left onto Rasen Lane.  At the end of Rasen Lane you’ll find yourself back at the Museum of Lincolnshire Life.  Congratulations, you’ve just done a mini walking tour of the Burton Road & Bailgate areas of Lincoln.

Staying In Lincoln?




If you’re staying in Lincoln and fancy treating yourself why not book a bespoke Aromatherapy Massage?  Mandarin Therapies has been trading since 1991 and provides a fully mobile service in the comfort of your own hotel room.

Fully insured and professional with couch, towels, pillows and a large range of essential oils.  Why not let the salon come to you?  The last appointments start around 9.30pm with daytime appointments available too.


Burton Road and Bailgate - A walking tour by LincsConnect. Mandarin Therapies massage

Mandarin Therapies – Serving Lincolnshire and beyond since 1991. Click on the logo to go to the website or Tel 07966 174878 to book. 



Burton Road and Bailgate - A walking tour by LincsConnect. Mandarin Therapies massage

Mandarin Therapies – Providing a bespoke mobile complementary therapies service including Aromatherapy, Swedish, MLD, Antenatal and Postnatal massages plus many more. Last appointment starts at 9.30pm

Additional Blogs For You:


Are We Tolerant Enough In Lincolnshire?

Are we tolerant enough in Lincolnshire? Help stamp out domestic abuse







Click or tap on the picture above to go to a previous blog. More blogs can be found on the website

Stay Safe