Mobile Massage In Lincolnshire With Mandarin Therapies

Mobile Massage In Lincolnshire With Mandarin Therapies

Mobile Massage In Lincolnshire With Mandarin Therapies


Mobile massage in Lincolnshire with Mandarin Therapies provides bespoke massage and complementary therapies including Aromatherapy, MLD and Antenatal massage.  Bespoke treatments are in the comfort of your own home, hotel, care home or nursing home. As a result you are able to relax and stay relaxed. Wherever you are in Lincolnshire or beyond, let the salon come to you. Celebrating 34 years on Valentine’s Day in Lincolnshire.

Mandarin Therapies – Charities


MandarinMassageMonday TheBigHelpOut by Mandarin Therapies

Click or tap here to go straight to the hashtag


Every now and again this special offer pops up!  It’s your chance to enjoy a massage and pay what you can. Your donation will be sent to charity.

To be in with a chance of winning simply look at the hashtag #MandarinMassageMonday on Twitter or Facebook and follow the instructions. The draw takes place on a Monday (hence the title) and you’ll have a chance to enter the competition to be in with the chance of winning a luxurious massage from the comfort of your own home.

The Next Draw Will Be On 10 February 2025



MandarinMassageMonday by Mandarin Therapies on WhatsOnLincs, what's on Lincs, what's on in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect

Follow this link to the Mandarin Therapies Facebook page or this link to the Mandarin Therapies twitter page and MandarinLeisure on Bluesky.  Your donation will fund Christmas toys for under privileged children



Keep checking the hashtag and don’t forget to follow the instructions to be in with a chance of winning.  You’ll be notified on twitter or Facebook if you have won and we’ll arrange a date and time to suite you.

You can enter as an individual or as an organisation so charities can enjoy a double win! Good luck.

Mandarin Therapies Massage Gift Vouchers

Call 07966 174878 to book your voucher for a mobile massage.

Massage in Lincolnshire with Mandarin Therapies - gift vouchers by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger


Mandarin Therapies eVouchers are a lovely gift for someone special in your life by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

Christmas eVouchers can include personal messages and even be delivered directly to the recipient.

Massage In Lincolnshire With Mandarin Therapies Bespoke Treatments


What makes the Mandarin Therapies treatments bespoke? Each treatment consists of individually blended essential oils. There are no pre-blended ‘relaxation’ or ‘stress-buster’ bottles in the Mandarin Therapies collection. Instead, you are guaranteed a bespoke blend of essential oils which are mixed on the spot to cater for your individual needs.

A bespoke Mandarin Therapies treatment truly is something to look forward to.


#WhatsOnLincs Mobile massage In Lincolnshire with Mandarin Therapies. Home massage service by LincsConnect the LincsBlogger

To order your massage vouchers email or call 07966 174878. Click on the picture to go to the Mandarin Therapies website.  Click here to view the video

How Does A Mobile Massage Work?


With everything packed away into the back of the pickup it’s really possible to bring the salon to your home.  The massage couch is a bespoke design to make your treatment ‘salon perfect’ and a bag contains the towels, oils and cushions.  The whole thing takes minutes to set up and pack away so you get more time to enjoy your massage.

The biggest benefit of the mobile massage facility is that you don’t need to travel.  You don’t have to worry about finding a car park, travel delays or anything else.  You get to put all of your effort into being completely relaxed!

Stress Buster


Following months of lockdown during the Coronavirus epidemic stress levels certainly reached a peak for many people. For some those stress levels are still very real.  Many of us were confined to our home while others have been working at heightened levels of pressure, stress and anxiety.  As a result we really became aware of ‘normality’ and looked forward to it with anticipation and hope.

Where some people experience stress levels lowering, others may be finding that their stresses are really only just beginning.  Latterly we have heating and fuel concerns, inflation and the war in Ukraine as well as many other factors that are out of our control. We all adapt of course but that doesn’t stop us from feeling stressed.


Mandarin Therapies essential oils by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Some of the essential oils varied by Mandarin Therapies to blend for your bespoke massage

A bespoke blend of essential oils together with a tailored massage in the comfort of your own home with relaxing music and a comfortable couch. Perfection!

Mandarin Therapies is here to help. Call 07966 174878 to book your bespoke treatment today.

Mandarin Therapies Massage For Stress


It’s well documented that massage helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels.  The physical touch and deep relaxation experienced during a massage will last for a long time afterwards too.  Researching this subject is difficult so I recommend you take a look at this post by Prof James Lake which is really useful:  Massage Therapy for Anxiety and Stress

STRESS – Let Mandarin Therapies melt away your stresses and anxieties with a bespoke massage from the comfort of your own home. Tel 07966 174878 to book. eVouchers are also available so why not book a unique gift for someone you love and have the voucher delivered by email with your special message.

Emotional Benefits


Touch will help to improve your emotional state.  Humans are naturally ‘social’ so Covid-19 restrictions had a detrimental affect on the wellbeing of many people. Some may still be suffering so it’s important to re-establish those physical contact and nurturing experiences.

Massage sessions will certainly help to improve our wellbeing. The massage effect can be enhanced with the use of essential oils too.  Essential oils have been used with massage for thousands of years and the benefits are quite extraordinary. Each essential oil has its own unique properties but you can be forgiven if you thought they are ‘just’ about the smell. Over the years Mandarin Therapies has witnessed some remarkable outcomes with the Aromatherapy treatments.  Essential oils have been used to treat headaches, insomnia, PMS, fluid retention, back pain, anxiety, stress, depression, and many other problems including pre & post cosmetic surgery treatments.

Mandarin Therapies Massage In Lincolnshire – Home Treatments


Mandarin Therapies treatments range from 1 to 2 hours and are all conducted from the comfort of your own home.  They are most definitely extremely relaxing.  I have clients who leave the massage treatment and go straight to bed leaving me to pack up, put the cat out and lock up before I leave”!  The last treatment of the day is around 9.00pm so a 2 hours massage will be finishing at 11.00pm.  The late finish is perfect for those who, for whatever reason, have problems sleeping at night.  The salon experience really does come to your home – a professional couch, towels, pillows, oils, relaxing music and over 34 years of experience.

What more could you ask for?

#WhatsOnLincs Massage in Lincolnshire Mandarin Therapies mobile service. Let the salon come to you. By LincsConnect the LincsBlogger

A Mobile Salon could be on its way to you. Call 07966 174878 to book your appointment

Mandarin Therapies – 33rd Anniversary


*** From now until 14 February 2025 celebratory massage eVouchers are just £34.00 ***


Mandarin Therapies celebrating 34 years on WhatsOnLincs, what's on in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

***Normal price £60.00. This eVoucher will be valid for 6 months from date of purchase. An additional charge for travel may be added depending on the location of the recipient. Valid in the Lincolnshire and surrounding areas only.***



Mandarin Therapies – Advance Bookings


WhatsOnLincs Mandarin Therapies appointments are easy to book. Advance planning has been a lesson learned during the Coronavirus pandemic and there is no reason to change our new habits so book your treatment in advance to avoid disappointment.

Personalised gift vouchers are available for 1, 1 1/2 or 2 hour treatments from £60.00.  Now is the perfect time to purchase vouchers for a treat for yourself or for someone special in your life.  Mandarin Therapies vouchers really are the ideal gift for Christmas, Valentines, Easter, Mothers Day or as a special gift at any time of the year. It’s also worth noting that eVouchers are also available so you can have a personalised voucher delivered straight to our email inbox.


#WhatsOnLincs Massage in Lincolnshire Mandarin Therapies Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers can be personalised with your own message or you can order eVouchers to be delivered straight to your inbox

Age Or Disability Is Not A Barrier


The Mandarin Therapies & Mandarin Mothers treatments really are truly inclusive.  As a result of the mobile service, nursing and care home visits are included as well as end of life care.  Everyone deserves the gift of touch and the luxury of a bespoke massage.

#WhatsOnLincs Massage in Lincolnshire with Mandarin Therapies Home, care home, nursing home, hotel and antenatal bespoke treatments

Home visits, Care Home visits, Nursing Home visits…. Everyone deserves a massage

Massage In Lincolnshire With Mandarin Therapies – Book Now


Book your massage or order your vouchers today. Feel free to call 07966 174878 or email

Massage In Lincolnshire With Mandarin Therapies – Charity Events


Mandarin Therapies is always happy to support local charities wherever possible especially at this difficult time where many charities are being hit quite hard with reduced income.  You can help too when booking a pamper party.  Call Mandarin Therapies to book a party and 50% of the price of the massages will be donated to your chosen charity. You just need to book a pamper party of at least 6 people. As a result you and your friends will enjoy luxurious massages and your chosen charity will benefit from the donation.

Discounts of 20% are available for our emergency services and serving/veteran military personnel.  This offer has been available for 31 years and has no end date.

WhatsOnLincs Mandarin Therapies – it’s time to look forward to something nice while helping charities at the same time.

#WhatsOnLincs Mandarin Therapies 20% discount for Emergency services and military by Mandarin Therapies

#LincsConnectDiscount – 20% discount for all emergency services staff, military personnel and Veterans with a services discount card. You have put yourselves in harms way for us so this is a small ‘thank you’ from Mandarin Therapies

Click on the Discount link below to print copy for your crew room:


WhatsOnLincs Mandarin Therapies Massage…


Luxury Is A Mandarin Therapies Massage


Mandarin Therapies massage Lincoln, Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger LincsBlogger

Book yours today by email

Mandarin Therapies Massage In Lincolnshire For Everyone


“Over the years I’ve been lucky enough to meet some genuinely nice people who have kept a special place in my heart.  I used to visit one dear lady who, following a car accident, suffered with fluid retention in her legs. I visited her twice weekly to perform Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) massages to reduce the swelling and improve mobility.  We developed a routine where I would leave to wash my hands while she got undressed and climbed onto the couch.

The routine worked well until one day when I came back into the room I sensed something wasn’t right.  Hazel was on the couch as usual but her arms were by her sides instead of on the cradle. During the 30 seconds conversation that took place about her arm placement I realised that something was seriously wrong.  Hazel had suffered a stroke!  As a result of my quick thinking (I dialled 999) the paramedics and ambulance arrived within minutes and administered the necessary drugs.

Being with her at that moment, having the immediate attention that she needed and the follow up care that was provided by the Stroke Unit at Lincoln County Hospital made all the difference.  As a result Hazel made a full recovery and was soon back home doing her daily The Times crossword.  Her brain was as sharp as ever and her mobility was no worse than it was before she suffered the stroke.  There is no doubt in my mind that my quick phone call and the rapid response by the emergency services saved Hazel from suffering irreversible damage.

Hazel died of old age at 92.  I still miss you Hazel X”



Knowing what to do is crucial if we are to help someone who has had a stroke. As a result of FAST, Hazel was spared the devastating consequences that a stroke can cause.


#WhatsOnLincs After the coronavirus what've we got to look forward to? What to do in the event of a stroke

“Still Here, Still Safe, Still Open”click on the picture to view the Lincolnshire Stroke Unit video 

F, A, S, T.

  1. Face (first check for facial weakness. The face may have drooped on one side.  The person may not be able to smile.  Mouth or eye may have drooped)
  2. Arms (check for arm weakness.  The person may not be able to lift both arms)
  3. Speech (check for impaired or garbled speech)
  4. Time (dial 999)



WhatsOnLincs, WhatsOnLincolnshire, What's on Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger


If you’re lucky you may find Mandarin Therapies advertising on the WhatsOnLincs website under the ‘Special Offers’ section.  It’s always worth checking as you never know when you might grab a special promotional price.

Additional Blogs By LincsConnect:


Valentines in Lincolnshire by LincsConnect the Lincolnshire blogger, LincsBlogger

Valentines In Lincolnshire

Martin Mandarin Leisure

Mandarin Leisure Valentines Anniversary


Stay Safe


LincsConnect putting the social back into social media

Have We Become Numb

Have We Become Numb

Have We Become Numb? – Ring Any Bells?




I often channel hop when listening to my car radio between clients and recently I happened upon a programme on the BBC World Service. The general gist of the programme revolved around the psychology of giving to charity.  Obviously all charities rely on us for donations and fund raising events but the programme got me thinking;  Have we become numb to the pleading of charities?  I know that many of you will give regularly to your chosen charity, some of you may volunteer while others might be supporting the charities by shopping in the charity shops or taking part in the many events that are held each year.


Who Or What Is To Blame?


Have we become numb to the fundraising calls of the local charities?  Are we becoming numb to their pleading without even realising it?  Perhaps you may recall the horrendous pictures on our TV screens of the ‘flies in their eyes’ images of starving children in African countries who were too weak to even blink.  This is going to sound dreadful I know but perhaps those images have lost their impact now.

Charity adverts have evolved and may now include images of children in school wishing they could get a better education to have a better chance of fending for themselves in future years.  The programme considered both images and the psychological impact of each.  Both images raise funds for the charities but neither image is more effective than the other.  Rather, some people are pre-disposed to giving to one image over the other with the net result being ‘both images work’.


Have We Become Numb?


These are just examples of course as there are a huge number of charities working in different ways to raise funds in order to help people and animals.  How would it work though if there was just one charity in the world?  Would that charity cease to exist as a result of its own success?  Perhaps, but that’s just hypothetical of course because the reality is that there are thousands upon thousands of charities around the world.

In fact, these charities make so much ‘noise’ that perhaps we are losing touch with what they are trying to do.  By ‘noise’ I mean TV advertising, radio advertising, newspaper advertising and of course the huge bombardment that we get on social media.  That’s a “huge bombardment” of ‘everything’ and not just from the charities.  Are we in danger of suffering from information overload and therefore switching off from the issues that really matter to us?


Lincolnshire Charities


We have lots of different charities in our region but we should all be thankful that they exist.  We have the Lincoln YMCA @YMCALincs who look out for and care for many vulnerable people.  They truly deserve our attention as they help to get people off the streets, into accommodation and give them a new start in life.  If you haven’t heard of Leonie’s battle yet you need to give her a follow on twitter @chillibean2018 and follow her journey as she undergoes surgery and intensive physiotherapy to help her walk after having ben born Quad Cerebral Palsy.

Such a brave little girl and a dedicated Mum who is constantly fund raising in order to pay for her life changing surgery.  At the other end of the age scale you’ll find @AgeUKLindsey who are an independent charity offering advice and support for the over 50s.  I wonder if we all realise how lucky we are to have such a huge number of heroes in our County who spend valuable time looking after others?


What’s next?


Surely a blog of this sort in March 2020 can’t go out without mentioning Coronavirus (COVID-19).  This dreadful virus has touched everyone here.  A global pandemic which is having a huge local impact.  On a personal note I have cancelled group exercise classes and in my role at LincsConnect I’m seeing first hand how worried people are becoming.

This pandemic isn’t just affecting health (although that is a huge worry) but the disruption it is causing is having a massive negative impact on businesses both large and small.  I’ve seen a huge increase in businesses and charities posting to the #LincsConnect hashtag in order to get their messages around the County.  Some are offering support, some are informing us of changes while others are asking for help.  What can be done?


You’re Not Alone


Those of you who know me on twitter as @MANDARINLEISURE will no doubt remember that I post a positive and (hopefully) uplifting post each morning along with an excerpt from a song.  I wake each morning (that’s always a good start)! with a tune in my head.  It happens every day and I have no control over which song it will be.  That’s my ‘ear worm’ so, being a friendly sort of chap, I have to share it.  Well why should I have to suffer alone?  It’s become a daily ritual now and I know that people from around the world are looking out for it and joining in with the fun.  Here’s an example for you.  Let’s see if you can guess the song:



Thinking of all the charitable work that’s going on around the county perhaps ‘now’ is the time to be thinking about how we can help each other.  @LincsConnect has nearly 11,000 ‘local’ followers.  If each one of them visited the hashtag #LincsConnect a couple of times a day to see who they could support we would all benefit hugely.

It’s all very well posting your message (on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter) using the hashtag #LincsConnect to tell people what you are doing, what you need or how you can help but it won’t do you any good at all if no one is bothering to look at the hashtag to see what or who they can support.  I’m sorry if that sounds abrupt but the truth is, we are in deep trouble and we need to pull together to get through this problem safely.


I’m No Expert But…


I’m not an economist.  I’m not a high flying business executive.  I’m not an ace charity worker.  I am just ‘me’ but I can see how we can start to help each other.  I’m not talking about getting bread and milk for those who are in isolation.  That has already been broadcast across social media (I’ll post my version of the form for you to print and utilise) and is certainly going to help many people.  What I’m talking about is using and looking at the #LincsConnect hashtag to see who is in need.  Trust me, when you help others you’re more likely to have that help reciprocated when you need it most.



Perhaps if those companies who only post their own messages and never look to see how they can help others changed their habits during this period of uncertainty we could start to achieve more.  There is an old saying:  “What goes around, comes around”. NOW is the time to be supportive of others, to be charitable, to look to see what can be done for others because together we can be absolutely AWESOME!

Take a look at this video to see how you can help on Twitter: How To Search #LincsConnect  

For Those Of You Who Are Able


As promised, here is the form for you to print and utilise.  Please use it wisely.


What Next?


I’ve heard people asking “What will life be like after the virus”?  There will be no income and (according to some) no hope!  My answer to that is this:

Life after the virus will carry on.  There will be an income because we will carry on working.  I have hope and that hope is based on my belief in you.

Todays blog was a little different but I think it’s an important one.  What do you think?